"The weight of an object is acheived through the affect of RE gravity upon it's mass." As RE gravity does not exist in the FE world, you have no attraction between two bodies based upon their mass, all you have is a bunch of weightless objects being pushed through space with equal force which would result in equal weight.
An object doesn't have weight unless there's support force. When there is a support force, the objects weight will be the force required to accelerate the object at 1g.
For example, let's say you wanted to pick up a large stone. In the RE model, gravity is pulling on the stone with the force required to accelerate the object at 9.8m/s^2 (its weight). To accelerate the stone in the opposite direction (pick it up), you need to apply a force greater than than its weight.
In the FE model, the stone is being acclerated at 9.8m/s^2. To "pick up" the stone, you need to apply enough force to accelerate it faster than this.
In either model, to pick up the stone all you do is accelerate the object at a rate greater thn 9.8m/s^2. The force required to do this is the same in both models, and depends on the objects mass.