Is there any explanation for Antarctica's 24/h sunlight? I'm not here to play devil's advocate now try an ridicule I genuinely want to know. I am looking into this for writing purposes and having an explanation for all this would make my life much easier. Any explanation at all would be helpful.
I don't believe Antarctica's have 24 hours sunlight day. There is some videos but high possiblity they are fake.
There is plenty of videos and a very high possiblity you know nothing about anything in the Southern Hemisphere.
You mean those regions on earth without an own culture but vague Europian roots , because we send our prisoners, freaks, thieves, outlaws and weirdo's as far as possible ?
I think most of us chose to know as little as possible about the Southern Hemisphere ...
... and obviously as little about the Earth itself as possible.
After those first convicts there were so many settlers going to Australia, South America (and North America) willingly.
Dogma and other sh*t was still too strong in Europe to have any progress.
Some people are still trying to dismiss the advancements of modern civilisation.
Therefore, to build something you had to move to free countries.
So they did.
Try to tell people who were in Antarctica during midnight sun that they couldn't see it or be there.
Try to tell people who circumnavigated or flew over Antarctica that they didn't.
Try to tell people who were on the Moon that they weren't.
Try to tell people who sent them that they sent someone else somewhere else.
Instead, you are trying to convince naive kids to stop learning and keep going nowhere as the whole world did during Christian Dark Age.
You can always have such life for yourself.
There is still enough wilderness out there for you.
You can ignore GPS and all satellite technologies all you want, stay disconnected from power and water grid and pretend that small part of the Earth around you is flat.
But to drag the whole society backwards with you is impossible.