With my high IQ 200 I had to decide what to do 1964. <snip>
There it is. Yet another lie. You stated that at the time you were badly brain damaged. So how could you have an IQ of 200 and be "very badly brain damaged". Let us see how you explain this in your own words.
<snip> Of course I got brain damaged, when I was small - navy, sea mines, taught to kill people - but I cured myself. http://heiwaco.com/vk12.htm .
You cured yourself of brain damage?
Yes! And I explain how at http://heiwaco.com/vk12.htm .
It took plenty time because I was very badly brain damaged up until, say 1988. Then it took another 15 years to heel myself.
I think I am fairly well cured today. But it took a lot of time.
So, you not only claimed you were "very badly brain damaged" from when you were small but in ≈2003 you cured yourself.
Then you claimed you were tested in 1964 and had an IQ of 200.
I remember being IQ tested 1964 for military duty! My IQ was then 200, which must have surprised the authorities. How on earth could I be so smart? Easy, the tests were evaluated by young, female psychology students hired by the military for the job. The girls were supposed to be secret about it, but ... I got to know all the answers beforehand. Guess how!
My 1964 200 IQ score was achieved by little external assistance of a cute, navy psychologist who liked me. She didn't want me digging holes in the ground before becoming canon mince meat. The military authorities were impressed. I was 1/10 000 000 scoring it. Happened only once in 50 years.
Let’s recap your own words shall we:
Of course I got brain damaged, when I was small
It took plenty time because I was very badly brain damaged up until, say 1988. Then it took another 15 years to heel myself
So, from a time when you were small you were "very badly brain damaged" and took until the you late 50s to “cure” yourself.
Easy, the tests were evaluated by young, female psychology students hired by the military for the job. The girls were supposed to be secret about it, but ... I got to know all the answers beforehand.
My 1964 200 IQ score was achieved by little external assistance of a cute, navy psychologist who liked me.
So, you admitted to cheating on an IQ test but yet you are still lying that you actually have a 200 IQ.
Stop lying.
BTW, is statistically impossible to have a 200 IQ. If you’re going to lie you really should make it more believable.
Thanks for above, mikrobrain. You are so stupid.
Yes, when I was small I was terrified all the time. Stockholm/Sweden would be vaporized by an atomic bomb dropped on me by the enemy. It is a fact. So I decided to become a warrior, to prevent it.
I had the opportunity 1964. Military service! All young men were tested. I knew exactly what type of warrior to be and ... by chance ... I met this beautiful woman four years older than me at a jazz/dance club. We really adored each other. My older brother J was chocked! How can you date such an old ... woman? She studied psychology at university and worked part time for the Swedish Armed forces to select the recruits. So a cozy night she tested my IQ using their tests. 143! Not bad. I memorized all the errors I had done, so a couple of month later, I scored 100%. 200! Impossible? No, not when you know the answers.
After that I did a 20/20 career in the Swedish Royal Navy and then left the country for England and Japan. And there I am today. Living luxuriously in the south of France.
Today 15 March 2018 it rains and the tennis is cancelled, so I can, after a fantastic lunch, educate you with this post.
What are you going to have for lunch today?