See now that stuff is cool! I am a bit of a conspiracy nut. And love the works of graham Hancock. It is not humans first go at some very strong technology. Maybe even different tech? So I am not aposed to out side the box thinking. But this flat earth stuff has to stop.
Hey flat earth believers, are you mad at that statement? Cool then prove me wrong! Do what I ask of you! Beg of you! Prove me wrong! Show me Antarctica as a wall around the great Pacific Ocean, from Hawaii or from Singapore or from Alaska. As long as you don’t pick east Australia, bottom of Africa, or Argentina because then you’d just show us actual Antarctica. And be like “See!!” Um yeah that’s just Antarctica, kinda the biggest continent on the planet...
I can keep asking and begging for this footage, heck if I win the lottery I would send an exposition with the top leading flat earth people, and a few celebrities, with just a bunch of people that think flat earth people are silly. And we would set out on a airborne flight to discover the true nature of the plant. Man, i’d even invite Bill Nye and Shaq in two separate u2 spy planes flying at 72,000 feet all videod up with head cams and you tube live feed.
But then I would just be “in” on it right?