That's what this site is for. Email would probably be less effective.
True, the idea is to create a similar resource, as this site. This is the difference, if i had my own group of people sharing emails back and forth, who thought likewise as me. And you had your own group of people who thought likewise to you, doing your own thing. Than not only would we have a place to share our opinions to 'new-to-the-topic' readers such as this site, we would also have our own resources to share our opinions with others who can take what we say and expand from it (as opposed to this site where people take what you say, and present the counter argument).
Also this site does have a problem with people who come here just to 'troll' so to speak. Take for example, you th3rm0m3t3r0, in your comment here, telling me that emails aren't effective, i see you also put a 'Danasoft sign' so as to give me the impression that you have acquired my personal information. This is something i personally find frustrating when trying to publish a post. If anyone else out there finds such responses they get on this website, as annoying as me. Next time you put a post on this site, also copy and paste it to my email, and i promise to read it with an open mind and respond to it with with respect for your research (to the best of my ability's i will try to do this) even if i may not agree
The 'Danasoft sign' was just an example th3rm0m3t3r0, i dont mean to call you out or accuse you of anything.