You can dismiss image that you don't like.
You can "discredit" lot of images that you don't like.
But it will take time.
Himawari group of Japanese meteorological satellites make new image every 10 minutes.
You can try to "discredit" each of them separately, or all of them together with satellites.
But it won't stop the satellites from doing their job, or blow them off the sky.
To smash them the way luddites smashed machines in the early 19th century, you would have to go to Space.
Fortunately, even if you could, you wouldn't, because you deny the Space. :-)
Anyone can visit
this link, and see for themselves.
You can't stop people.
There can be set view in infrared or visible band, color or monochrome, and more.
You can set the animation (series of those images) which will show transition between day and night, and movement of cluds in "real time" (timelapse).
I've set period of 12 hours, image every 30 minutes, and fast animation (one image per 0.2 seconds), and I liked it.
I arranged below one image from there, once without (left) and once with (right) coastlines and lines of latitudes and longitudes.
Both times with header.
In upper part you can see East Asia and in lower part Australia.