1. Earth is not a perfect sphere and Moon influences Earth's gravity as well.
2. Why "gravity" ? How is it constant ? What does it prove ? Constant and perfect things in science have reveleaded themselves to be FALSE after re-examination. There's nothing perfect, not even in science. If your "gravity" is constant, always the same, perfect!, it means that it's more likely to be false.
3. I explained why there's gravity and how it manifests in our world. Nothing else than gravity can explain phenomens like why does the apple dropped on this guy's head. Also, You guys with your FE theory assume that the Earth is flat because you have incomplete proofs and possibilities, not even probabilities about its flatness.
4. Go to Uni and you'll catch up the fundamentals : high school physics aren't enough in order to discuss about complicated science
2. The speed of light is constant, always the same, perfect. Does this mean it is false?
3. The apple falls due to acceleration. As gravity=acceleration.
2. The speed of light changes depending in what context it is. It is slower in water but at its maximum speed in space. And if you do an experiment, you can't come up with perfect results, orelse your results will be refused by the scientific community. That's the way it is, because nothing's perfect enough to give perfect enough results.
3. The acceleration is the most clear manifestation of gravity. Gravity attracts objects at different rate, depending on the force of the attracting object (mass, maybe volume, speed, energy, etc.). This rate is the acceleration, on Earth, is approx 9.81 m/sē. Also, you could get very good results to this, but even atoms influences your results, so it's impossible to get the "perfect" result. This partially explains the variation that the guy had, having 9.79m/sē (the position on the Earth where he did his experiment also influences his results). The most revealing example of this is the most cold temperature : 0 K (-273 degrees celcius). Nobody reached it because we have to align the atoms in order to reach it! There's always one of them that won't be cooperative. So even in temperature, nothing's perfect.
4. Reading science isn't enough... I can read a book of medicine or surgery... but I'll never be able to cure someone as a real doctor would do. Finally, I did two years of physics and one of chemestry. My girlfriend often teaches me what she's learning at CEGEP in chemestry. So, don't come up with uncertain ideas and personnal attacks when you don't even know what you're talking about.