It is, though.
Bitcoin isn't even as bloated as it can be, people don't really use it for currency (because it's a terrible currency), and it still has value. I mean, that alone sort of invalidates everything you just said.
Are you retarted? The ONLY reason it has any value is because people use it to buy things, or exchange it for real money. It has 0 intrinsic value because you can't do anything with it. It's just numbers. Its value is set by how much money everyone in the world has spent on it. If people have collectively dumped 1 billion dollars on it and the next month they collectively withdraw 500 million its value drops in half. If they withdraw the rest it doesn't worth anything at all.
It is better than fiat. It's trustless
I agree, people should not depend on it. It's not trustworthy.
and digital.
How does that make it better?
I mean, even as a currency right now BTC could be called better than something like a wire transfer.
I'm not really trying to defend BTC, just crypto in general.
Yes, maybe some form of cryptocurrency will become widely accepted in some countries, at some point in the future. Maybe. So?
Again, who?
People are not liking what happened to bitcoin. What are you (allegedly) using to profit? Not many alternatives are actually increasing in value.
Bitcoin is not part of my portfolio.
Right, that's how market's work. Like I said, it's ultimately up to the people.
It's not really a question, trustless transactions will be a necessary and integral part of the automated world.
You should probably actually look into how it works before you down it a whole bunch.
It's better than a wire transfer because the fees are similar, it's faster, and you don't need to trust a bank to middle your money.
What do you mean what happened to Bitcoin? Look past the past month chart and it's always just gone straight up. It crashes regularly and always return to a new all time high. Like I said, it will fail, but something will take its place. Crypto is not going away. That's like implying that the dot com bubble would result in no internet after the burst.