It became so famous that we can not ignore it anymore. the fact liberates it that it is not under the monopoly of any country or a global bank. Although it is a virtual vehicle, it is stronger than many other currencies. it was thought to have been used by "illegal formations" for a long time. so ordinary people are far from it. Now this is very common. ordinary people now think of it as an investment tool. yes it is a bit risky. on the other hand it is also meaningful as a move against the dominant forces. in this respect, it represents "contrary views".
I do not want to suggest any of you to start using bitcoin. This is not a suggest. however, we can switch to a virtual currency as a move against the dominant powers in the earth. or we can create a virtual money ourselves.
It is really easier than all of the other transfers. One click, and transfer. No kickback while payouts, no credit card, just a USB.
lets talk about this.
I recommend we use or create a type of a virtuel money represant to the Flat Earth Society. For example: "Fecoin".