Yeah i know they're the majority! But wtf?!? Why you call yourself a Serb if you never been to Serbia?!? if you like the shithole so much, why dont you go back then? As far as I know ur just a wannabe Serbian, Bosnian Orthodox. Face it!
Noz, zica, Srebrenica, Vukovar, bice repriza! ( Al u Beogradu )
YOU turned on your fellow Yugoslavs! You turned on your neighbours! And you think its somebody else's fault you are considered baby-eaters?! Get a clue you mofo's.
This can only be settled if Serbia admitted what they've done to their neighbours, if they showed the locotion of every massgrave, if you apologize and face the Bosniaks and Croats. THEN THIS WILL END.
You frakkers didnt even know how to use the guns you had, if you did, you prolly wouldnt have the problem of bosniaks and croats hating you.
You thought: Oh those bosnians are very peaceful and they'll probably surrender when we attack them. Well you thought wrong. You got what u deserved. And no matter how many Serbs died, it will never be enough to revenge the deaths of the innocent you slaughtered.
Now go ahead. Denie it. Be an asshole.
The only good Serbs are those who considered themselves as BOSNIANS and defended Bosnia, shed their blood for their countrymen. The rest is just wannabe.
Let the whole world see your shame you fcukers.
Ovaj Srebrenican ce vas jebati.