I am not attempting to force you to be polite, nor will I do the same to Isaac Hunt. I don't care if you call him an idiot, etc. I don't care if you insult him. It is not my purpose to enforce politeness. I do however have a problem when you claim that he is inferior simply because he belongs to a specific group of people. That is hate speech, and is not merely against forum policy but is illegal.
'niggardly' and 'nigger' are not etymologically related.
This is false. "Niggard" and "nigger" are obviously etymologically related as anyone can tell by glancing at the words. They also have cross-references to one another in various thesaurus. Here is a list of synonyms from an edition of Roget's under the general category of DISRESPECT which is what I was returning:
"929. Disrespect.
N. disrespect, disesteem, disestimation[obs3]; disparagement &c. (dispraise) 932, (detraction) 934.
irreverence; slight, neglect, spretae injuria formae [Lat][Vergil], superciliousness &c. (contempt) 930.
vilipendency|, vilification, contumely, affront, dishonor, insult, indignity, outrage, discourtesy &c. 895; practical joking; scurrility, scoffing, sibilance, hissing, sibilation; irrision[obs3]; derision; mockery; irony &c. (ridicule) 856; sarcasm.
hiss, hoot, boo, gibe, flout, jeer, scoff, gleek|, taunt, sneer, quip, fling, wipe, slap in the face.
V. hold in disrespect &c. (despise) 930; misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back hope &c. 858. upon, laugh in one's sleeve; be disrespectful &c. adj., be discourteous &c. 895; treat with disrespect &c.n.; set down, put down, browbeat.
dishonor, desecrate; insult, affront, outrage.
speak slightingly of; disparage &c. (dispraise) 932; vilipend[obs3], vilify, call names; throw dirt, fling dirt; drag through the mud, point at, indulge in personalities; make mouths, make faces; bite the thumb; take by the beard; pluck by the beard; toss in a blanket, tar and feather.
have in derision; hold in derision; deride, scoff, barrack, sneer, laugh at, snigger, ridicule, gibe, mock, jeer, hiss, hoot, taunt, twit, niggle[obs3], gleek|!, gird, flout, fleer[obs3]; roast, turn into ridicule; burlesque &c. 856; laugh to scorn &c. (contempt) 930; smoke; fool; make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of[obs3]; play a practical joke; lead one a dance, run the rig upon, have a fling at, scout; mob.
Adj. disrespectful; aweless, irreverent; disparaging &c. 934; insulting &c.v.; supercilious, contemptuous, patronizing &c. (scornful) 930; rude, derisive, sarcastic; scurrile, scurrilous; contumelious.
unrespected[obs3], unworshiped[obs3], unenvied[obs3], unsaluted"
By the way, I do not believe my statement is racist as I am calling him a nigger as that is characteristic of the speech he uses. I know it is not racist. I do not have to defend my statement. If it was racist, then I would simply remove it, but it stands. YOU are an idiot and a moron who goes bananas over a word.
What do you mean by a "group of people?" If you are referring to intolerably rude persons, then yes I am calling him a nigger because he does belong to that group of people.
Or do you mean a racial group of people by any chance? That is not what I was referring to. The older dictionaries (and I have in mind the original Webster's Dictionary by Noah Webster) do NOT define niggard as a black person as you were possibly thinking. Webster defined it as I said. Newer dictionaries which include the nuance of Africans under the term are racist as it is racist to define black persons as niggers or niggards because they are no such thing. So if you define African people in any way with this word, then you are the one that is racist. Notice that I did not call you a nigger as I did Issac Hunt. I am however calling you an idiot because (as 6strings can tell you) this entire scenario occurred long before you were ever on the forum when I called another insulting person a nigger (though admittedly less offensive than Issac) and a proverbial hornets nest let loose. 6strings (who remembers the previous controversy when we exchanged threats) has avoided this converstion so far, but you have become caught up in it. Idiot.