The Holocaust didn't happen.

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« Reply #90 on: December 31, 2006, 09:22:41 PM »
Then I am an ethnic Protestant.
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« Reply #91 on: January 01, 2007, 06:05:46 AM »
I think in terms of religious belief or cultural traditions, Einstein didn't follow Judaism at all.  However I think the term "Jew" usually refers to ethnicity rather than practice.  I know two Jewish people who sometimes follow the practices, but don't actually believe in God at all.


Red Skull

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« Reply #92 on: January 01, 2007, 06:52:29 AM »
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Then I am an ethnic Protestant.

There is no such thing. How old are you?

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« Reply #93 on: January 01, 2007, 11:03:17 AM »
Who are you to say there is no such thing?
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« Reply #94 on: January 01, 2007, 11:44:45 AM »
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Who are you to say there is no such thing?

Do you even know what ethnicity is? And you didn't answer my previous question.

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« Reply #95 on: January 01, 2007, 12:56:55 PM »

Quote from: "Einstein"
One has a feeling that one has a kind of home in this timeless community of human beings that strive for truth. … I have always believed that Jesus meant by the Kingdom of God the small group scattered all through time of intellectually and ethically valuable people.



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« Reply #96 on: January 01, 2007, 05:29:39 PM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Who are you to say there is no such thing?

Do you even know what ethnicity is? And you didn't answer my previous question.

Do you? Ethnicity is not some black line dividing groups. It is a fluid concept.
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« Reply #97 on: January 01, 2007, 06:00:30 PM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Then I am an ethnic Protestant.

There is no such thing. How old are you?

Sure, tell that to the Irish.



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« Reply #98 on: January 01, 2007, 06:08:00 PM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Who are you to say there is no such thing?

Do you even know what ethnicity is? And you didn't answer my previous question.

My age is irrelevant.  You're not going to start discriminating that way either.
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« Reply #99 on: January 01, 2007, 11:44:17 PM »
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"

My age is irrelevant.  You're not going to start discriminating that way either.

I'm just curious, that's all.

Jews have been an ethnicity for more than 5 000 years, because they have always been an isolated bunch, hence their distinct (preserved?) Armenoid features and genetics. Their genetic make up is different from that of other ethnic groups. Take the prevalence of Tay-Sachs disease among Jewish people for instance. Now that can't be because of their religion now can it? Is there a common disease in the "Protestant Ethnicity" as well, thedigitalnomad?

Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים, Yehudim; Yiddish: ייִדן, Yidn) are followers of Judaism or, more generally, members of the Jewish people (also known as the Jewish nation, or the Children of Israel), an ethno-religious group descended from the ancient Israelites and from converts who joined their religion.

Thus I draw the conclusion that there are religious Jews and ethnic Jews. The National Socialists weren't stupid enough that they would kill six million (I still find that number outrageous and hilarious) people from a mere religious group. They had racial (ethnic) purity in mind as well.

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« Reply #100 on: January 02, 2007, 12:10:41 AM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"

My age is irrelevant.  You're not going to start discriminating that way either.

I'm just curious, that's all.

Jews have been an ethnicity for more than 5 000 years, because they have always been an isolated bunch, hence their distinct (preserved?) Armenoid features and genetics. Their genetic make up is different from that of other ethnic groups. Take the prevalence of Tay-Sachs disease among Jewish people for instance. Now that can't be because of their religion now can it? Is there a common disease in the "Protestant Ethnicity" as well, thedigitalnomad?

Yeah, it's called Christianity.  :P

Quote from: "Red Skull"
Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים, Yehudim; Yiddish: ייִדן, Yidn) are followers of Judaism or, more generally, members of the Jewish people (also known as the Jewish nation, or the Children of Israel), an ethno-religious group descended from the ancient Israelites and from converts who joined their religion.

Thus I draw the conclusion that there are religious Jews and ethnic Jews. The National Socialists weren't stupid enough that they would kill six million (I still find that number outrageous and hilarious) people from a mere religious group. They had racial (ethnic) purity in mind as well.

I still don't understand the motivation for your comment that Albert Einstein belonged in Israel.
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« Reply #101 on: January 02, 2007, 01:03:19 AM »
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"

Yeah, it's called Christianity. :P

LOL! You got me there. :lol:

Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
I still don't understand the motivation for your comment that Albert Einstein belonged in Israel.

He was more Jewish then he was German, not ethnically, but culturally. Israel is where his heart was at. I have yet to see a quote where Albert Einstein speaks highly of Germany.

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« Reply #102 on: January 02, 2007, 01:21:01 AM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
I still don't understand the motivation for your comment that Albert Einstein belonged in Israel.

He was more Jewish then he was German, not ethnically, but culturally. Israel is where his heart was at. I have yet to see a quote where Albert Einstein speaks highly of Germany.

I can agree with not belonging in Germany, but I still don't see how he would belong in Israel.  I have yet to see a quote where he speaks highly of Israel.

I personally think nationalism needs to die a very quick, but painful death.  These fictional borders that separate us all are a bunch of bullshit.
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Red Skull

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« Reply #103 on: January 02, 2007, 01:42:29 AM »
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
I still don't understand the motivation for your comment that Albert Einstein belonged in Israel.

He was more Jewish then he was German, not ethnically, but culturally. Israel is where his heart was at. I have yet to see a quote where Albert Einstein speaks highly of Germany.

I can agree with not belonging in Germany, but I still don't see how he would belong in Israel.  I have yet to see a quote where he speaks highly of Israel.

I personally think nationalism needs to die a very quick, but painful death.  These fictional borders that separate us all are a bunch of bullshit.

Some people and cultures need to be separated in my opinion. For preservation, and other reasons.

Albert Einstein was a Zionist, but not a nationalist in the fullest sense. More like a 'mild nationalist'.

Read this:

Every Zionist belongs in Israel. It would be stupid if I were to further the advancement of the Serbian nation and people when I'm currently living in Sweden, using Sweden's money and resources. If I'm living in Sweden I should be working for Sweden, not for Serbia. Doing that is parasitic.

I think it's safe to say that the Zionist and Holocaust lobby groups outside of Israel are parasites.

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« Reply #104 on: January 05, 2007, 05:17:47 PM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
Every Zionist belongs in Israel.

Does this mean that you believe that the state of Israel should exist?

A wise king disperseth evil men;  a fool gathers them.
- Proverb of King Solomon

As jews are people like us (unlike those who choose to practice sodomy), I have personally always believed that sodomy is infinitely worse than adherence to the jewish religion or even something as deplorable as zionist politics, and that persons guilty of sodomy should be placed in pits and literally burned to ashes, and that persons who defend them should be punished by receiving a specified number of painful blows with wooden sticks.  
Never the less, people who declare that the racist Protocols of the Zionist leaders are a forgery are defending racism no less than those who defend George Bush.  Perhaps you may find the following sites informative:

One of the beauties of the works by jewish writer Lenni Brenner (and others as well) is that they expose in great detail the history of zionist cooperation with Nazi Germany before and throughout the entirety of World War II:

By the way, protestantism is not Christian.



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« Reply #105 on: January 05, 2007, 05:56:10 PM »
Quote from: "Dionysius"
By the way, protestantism is not Christian.

Ignoring the rest of your post (which I have to say...  Wow.  And not in such a good way), "protestantism" and Christianity depends on your definition of what it is to be a Christian.  My definition is simple: A Christian is anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of mankind.  Protestants are certainly included in this group.
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Red Skull

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« Reply #106 on: January 05, 2007, 05:56:26 PM »
I oppose the State of Israel and its existence. I'm too tired to say anything else at the moment.

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« Reply #107 on: January 05, 2007, 07:08:10 PM »
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
A Christian is anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of mankind.  Protestants are certainly included in this group.

Protestants certainly are included in the group of "anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of mankind," but most people in that group are not Christian.
You and I define "Christian" utterly differently.  This fact is of the gravest significance, and great misunderstanding would be created in people who thought we were speaking of the same thing by mere use of the same word.  The defining difference is probably due to profoundly different beliefs about these things.  I acknowledge both your freedom and mine to believe as we will, but I can never the less imagine what you might think of the comments in the post above.(You would probably considre my definition of Christian as incomparably narrow to which I would reply guilty as charged, but the Orthodox Christian Church (of the Julian Calendar) is demonstrably the only one acknowledged by God and unchanged from its inception - unlike innumerable imitators such as ishmaelites, papists, uniates, protestants, and oecumenists.  Groups of people who BELIEVE DOGMATICALLY DIFFERENT (and even fight each other) cannot both be Christians.

The Holocaust didn't happen.
« Reply #108 on: January 05, 2007, 07:23:32 PM »
Quote from: "Red Skull"
I oppose the State of Israel and its existence.

You are not alone in your opposition to the state of Israel and its existence:

The list of religious jewish organizaions above is not exhaustive.  Also many non-religious secular jews oppose and have opposed the existence of the state of Israel and zionism.

The Holocaust didn't happen.
« Reply #109 on: January 05, 2007, 07:33:34 PM »
Quote from: "Dionysius"
persons guilty of sodomy should be placed in pits and literally burned to ashes, and that persons who defend them should be punished by receiving a specified number of painful blows with wooden sticks.

You asked your girlfriend for anal sex and it backfired didnt it?

The Holocaust didn't happen.
« Reply #110 on: January 05, 2007, 08:56:00 PM »
Issac Hunt,

You are a nigger as your comment was very niggardly, rude, and disrespectful.



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« Reply #111 on: January 05, 2007, 09:22:43 PM »
This is the last time I am deleting your post. Repeat it and you will guarantee a permanent ban. I am not biased. I have no personal issues with you and no reason to favor Isaac Hunt. Yes, Isaac's comment was rude. Yes, you have the right to be angry. But the moderators are not here to force everyone to be polite. Racist comments, however, fall under the class of things we will not tolerate.
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« Reply #112 on: January 05, 2007, 09:29:03 PM »
Quote from: "dysfunction"
I am not biased.  I have no ... reason to favor Issac Hunt.

Quote from: "dysfunction"
the moderators are not here to force everyone to be polite.

Obviously.  You take sides by silencing a victim and ignoring the attacker.
You are definitely attempting to force me to be polite while favoring Issac Hunt by ignoring the initial provocative comment he made.
I have given you the opportunity to completely defuse the situation, and you are refusing it.

Either be fair or get out of the situation because your course of action is adding fuel to the fire.



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« Reply #113 on: January 05, 2007, 09:36:46 PM »
I am not attempting to force you to be polite, nor will I do the same to Isaac Hunt. I don't care if you call him an idiot, etc. I don't care if you insult him. It is not my purpose to enforce politeness. I do however have a problem when you claim that he is inferior simply because he belongs to a specific group of people. That is hate speech, and is not merely against forum policy but is illegal.

Oh, and by the way: 'niggardly' and 'nigger' are not etymologically related. What do you think you will accomplish by making such a pathetic attempt to excuse your statement?
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« Reply #114 on: January 05, 2007, 09:43:30 PM »
Anyway, continuing where DigitalNomad's discussion with Red Skull left off before being interrupted by the two boneheads,
I would like to add that capitalism is a disease common to both protestantism and judaism.  According to 'The Jews and Modern Capitalism' by Werner Sombart, capitalism is more a characteristic of judaism which has penetrated many civilizations.  The economic activity of the Arabs grew and declined according to the number of Jews in Arab lands.  When Jews moved to Britain, the British Empire came into being, and protestantism was capitalist because powerful Jewish elements within it caused protestantism to have such a  character.

The Holocaust didn't happen.
« Reply #115 on: January 05, 2007, 10:00:04 PM »
Quote from: "dysfunction"
I am not attempting to force you to be polite, nor will I do the same to Isaac Hunt. I don't care if you call him an idiot, etc. I don't care if you insult him. It is not my purpose to enforce politeness. I do however have a problem when you claim that he is inferior simply because he belongs to a specific group of people. That is hate speech, and is not merely against forum policy but is illegal.

'niggardly' and 'nigger' are not etymologically related.

This is false.  "Niggard" and "nigger" are obviously etymologically related as anyone can tell by glancing at the words.  They also have cross-references to one another in various thesaurus.  Here is a list of synonyms from an edition of Roget's under the general category of DISRESPECT which is what I was returning:

"929. Disrespect.
N. disrespect, disesteem, disestimation[obs3]; disparagement &c. (dispraise) 932, (detraction) 934.
irreverence; slight, neglect, spretae injuria formae [Lat][Vergil], superciliousness &c. (contempt) 930.
vilipendency|, vilification, contumely, affront, dishonor, insult, indignity, outrage, discourtesy &c. 895; practical joking; scurrility, scoffing, sibilance, hissing, sibilation; irrision[obs3]; derision; mockery; irony &c. (ridicule) 856; sarcasm.
hiss, hoot, boo, gibe, flout, jeer, scoff, gleek|, taunt, sneer, quip, fling, wipe, slap in the face.
V. hold in disrespect &c. (despise) 930; misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back hope &c. 858. upon, laugh in one's sleeve; be disrespectful &c. adj., be discourteous &c. 895; treat with disrespect &c.n.; set down, put down, browbeat.
dishonor, desecrate; insult, affront, outrage.
speak slightingly of; disparage &c. (dispraise) 932; vilipend[obs3], vilify, call names; throw dirt, fling dirt; drag through the mud, point at, indulge in personalities; make mouths, make faces; bite the thumb; take by the beard; pluck by the beard; toss in a blanket, tar and feather.
have in derision; hold in derision; deride, scoff, barrack, sneer, laugh at, snigger, ridicule, gibe, mock, jeer, hiss, hoot, taunt, twit, niggle[obs3], gleek|!, gird, flout, fleer[obs3]; roast, turn into ridicule; burlesque &c. 856; laugh to scorn &c. (contempt) 930; smoke; fool; make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of[obs3]; play a practical joke; lead one a dance, run the rig upon, have a fling at, scout; mob.
Adj. disrespectful; aweless, irreverent; disparaging &c. 934; insulting &c.v.; supercilious, contemptuous, patronizing &c. (scornful) 930; rude, derisive, sarcastic; scurrile, scurrilous; contumelious.
unrespected[obs3], unworshiped[obs3], unenvied[obs3], unsaluted"

By the way, I do not believe my statement is racist as I am calling him a nigger as that is characteristic of the speech he uses.  I know it is not racist.  I do not have to defend my statement.  If it was racist, then I would simply remove it, but it stands.  YOU are an idiot and a moron who goes bananas over a word.  

What do you mean by a "group of people?"  If you are referring to intolerably rude persons, then yes I am calling him a nigger because he does belong to that group of people.  
Or do you mean a racial group of people by any chance?  That is not what I was referring to.  The older dictionaries (and I have in mind the original Webster's Dictionary by Noah Webster) do NOT define niggard as a black person as you were possibly thinking.  Webster defined it as I said.  Newer dictionaries which include the nuance of Africans under the term are racist as it is racist to define black persons as niggers or niggards because they are no such thing.  So if you define African people in any way with this word, then you are the one that is racist.

  Notice that I did not call you a nigger as I did Issac Hunt.  I am however calling you an idiot because (as 6strings can tell you) this entire scenario occurred long before you were ever on the forum when I called another insulting person a nigger (though admittedly less offensive than Issac) and a proverbial hornets nest let loose.  6strings (who remembers the previous controversy when we exchanged threats) has avoided this converstion so far, but you have become caught up in it.  Idiot.



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« Reply #116 on: January 05, 2007, 10:14:46 PM »
'Niggard' and 'nigger' are not related. 'Niggard' has its roots in the ancient Norse 'nigla'. It means stingy. You were obviously not saying that he was stingy, and attempting to claim so is pathetically disingenuous. 'Nigger' comes from the Latin word 'niger', meaning black. The two words are not related AT ALL. You know this perfectly well and are merely making pathetic excuses.
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« Reply #117 on: January 05, 2007, 10:31:33 PM »
Quote from: "dysfunction"
'Niggard' and 'nigger' are not related. 'Niggard' has its roots in the ancient Norse 'nigla'. It means stingy. You were obviously not saying that he was stingy, and attempting to claim so is pathetically disingenuous. 'Nigger' comes from the Latin word 'niger', meaning black. The two words are not related AT ALL. You know this perfectly well and are merely making pathetic excuses.

Why don't you take your version of the history of nigger to Africa and spread it around? They will tell you to take and blow it out your snout.  As you say, I meant not that he was stingy.  When I called Issac Hunt a nigger (as I will gladly repeat barring his comments' deletion if you so desire), I meant that he fits some of the words in the list above gleaned from Roget's Thesaurus signifying that he was rude and disrespectful.  

Why do you have a legalistic obsession with semantics?  I have told you what I MEANT.  And I think your entire racial policy is assinine if it permits other things which are vulgarities.  Anyway, this is old and accomplishing nothing except proving your bias.  I don't need excuses for anything.  You are a nigger as well in the way that you are acting.  You are an immoderate ass.  Why don't you keep that one up so you can show everybody for your "evidence?"  And bye now because I am finished this discussion inasmuch as it has deviated from the topic at hand, loser.



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« Reply #118 on: January 05, 2007, 11:03:49 PM »
Yikes.  What a tightass.
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« Reply #119 on: January 06, 2007, 12:48:00 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysius"

This is false.  "Niggard" and "nigger" are obviously etymologically related as anyone can tell by glancing at the words.

Quote from: "Wiki"
Niggardly is a word synonymous with stingy and miserly, and a niggard (noun) is a miser. They are both derived from the Old Norse verb nigla, meaning "to fuss about small matters". (The English word "niggle" retains the original Norse meaning.)

The word is not related to the word nigger, though someone unfamiliar with the word "niggardly" might take offense due to the phonetic similarity between the words. (The word "nigger" is from the earlier "neger," which is from French nègre, from Latin niger, meaning black.)

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