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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #60 on: December 06, 2017, 03:04:06 PM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • 244
  • You are so much greater than you think you are
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #61 on: December 06, 2017, 03:06:33 PM »
How is your cult financed?
Who controls the money and pays the bills?

We work towards being as self-sufficient as we can, there is not much to pay. We all pay for the few necessities, the burden shared among us. Initially Joe and Chloe shouldered much of it, now it tends to be the newer members with more saved from their life before that pay the few bills. We all give according to out ability.
I am not going to continue this discussion if you persist in calling us a cult. We are not, and such forced negativity is something to be avoided.

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #62 on: December 06, 2017, 03:22:43 PM »
So, your cult relies on new money to support it's growth?



  • 3696
  • Life is just a tale
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2017, 04:23:56 PM »

I admit as his wife you could argue I have a certain 'perk' but that's because of who I am, not the stage I've reached.

Are all cult members Joe's wives?


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #64 on: December 06, 2017, 04:49:42 PM »
The cult of Joe.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2017, 12:45:58 PM »
I checked out the 1 through 17 "the sacred steps way" on the website.  They seem to be kind of arbitrary. Is there a level 1 person somewhere that determines all the levels for everyone else?  And who approved the level one person?  This is a very slippery slope.  Christ could not have met the level 1 requirements.  The biblical account of Christ does not represent him as a sissy boy self-enlightened individual.  He addressed wrong doing in the world, He overturned tables, He called out lies and liars, He was tempted and yet did not sin, He was among prostitutes, tax collectors and government officials. He was willing to get His hands dirty.  You need to reread James 2:14-26.  Christ put his faith into action by helping those in need. I'm not trying to bash on you.  But, if you want to use Christ as one of your examples of Godhood.  You need to get to know the individual!  And for the others in the group here.  Don't beat me up because I know my Bible. There is a good reason it is the best selling book ever published.  Even an Atheist can appreciate the Book.             



  • 3696
  • Life is just a tale
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #66 on: December 07, 2017, 01:42:33 PM »
Even an Atheist can appreciate the Book.             
There are a few remarkable quotes in the NT. Ijob is well done from a poetical standpoint and I somehow like the prophets, because they fought for social justice. The rest is mostly crap. 



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #67 on: December 07, 2017, 01:52:29 PM »
I'm about 85% ready to join your cult.
A couple of questions remain . . .

Describe a typical cult dinner.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #68 on: December 07, 2017, 02:07:46 PM »
Good point.  You probably like the prophets because they where always fighting the establishment!  People universally hate to be called out when they are wrong.  Especially when everyone around you says it's ok. It's even worst when the person being called out knows they are doing wrong. Even the staunchest Atheist needs to read the Bible.  You don't have to be a Christian to appreciate literature.  I despise willful ignorance.     

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #69 on: December 07, 2017, 02:10:23 PM »
I'm about 85% ready to join your cult.
A couple of questions remain . . .

Describe a typical cult dinner.
If it's vegetarian I'm definitely not joining.  I likes my meats!



  • 3696
  • Life is just a tale
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #70 on: December 07, 2017, 02:18:11 PM »
Even the staunchest Atheist needs to read the Bible.   
Why? There are so many better books.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #71 on: December 07, 2017, 02:24:36 PM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #72 on: December 07, 2017, 02:35:52 PM »
Why limit yourself to so few books?  Part of the Internets downfall is most of what you get is snippets.       



  • The Elder Ones
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  • Standard Idiot
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #73 on: December 07, 2017, 03:04:15 PM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


Re: Greetings!
« Reply #74 on: December 08, 2017, 10:04:53 AM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


That's for gay people. I'm not gay.
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.



  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 11803
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #75 on: December 08, 2017, 10:24:43 AM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


That's for gay people. I'm not gay.
Lol, yeah right.
God is real.                                



  • Content Nazi
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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #76 on: December 08, 2017, 12:20:24 PM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


That's for gay people. I'm not gay.
Do you think that gay people wouldn't like to see your body piercings?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #77 on: December 09, 2017, 07:23:11 AM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


That's for gay people. I'm not gay.
Do you think that gay people wouldn't like to see your body piercings?

No, but I think going on Grindr to show them off is not the best avenue, because its primary aim is gay dating. It'd be like booking a plane flight when you fancy a bag of peanuts, because you get complimentary nuts on the plane.
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #78 on: December 09, 2017, 08:31:34 AM »
I completely confused. Is it caused by my weak knowledge on English or the event is already confusing. Can anyone answer?
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #79 on: December 09, 2017, 08:47:54 AM »
Hector again, not trying to but in, but I remember hearing about quantum physics and the fact that the act of observing an experiment on a fundamental level can change the outcome.
I'm guessing you got that little tidbit of information from a youtube video, rather than a paper in the Journal of Particle Physics?

Don't ask me how I know that, I'm just a very spiritual guy (ask anyone round here) and can sense things.
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.



  • Gutter Sniper
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  • 6540
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #80 on: December 09, 2017, 08:56:08 AM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


That's for gay people. I'm not gay.
Do you think that gay people wouldn't like to see your body piercings?

No, but I think going on Grindr to show them off is not the best avenue, because its primary aim is gay dating. It'd be like booking a plane flight when you fancy a bag of peanuts, because you get complimentary nuts on the plane.

You could probably get a complimentary sac of nuts and show off your piercings on grindr. Hitting two birds with one stone would surely make it worth it. I say do it!
“Heaven is being governed by Devil nowadays..” - Wise

Re: Greetings!
« Reply #81 on: December 09, 2017, 05:19:40 PM »
Have any other cult members attained the same level of 'progress' as Joe?

Is it possible to surpass Joe's 'progress' and become the 'teacher'?

Please stop calling us a cult. We are not, cult is a word used by people that do not understand that the like-minded will group together when they are mocked elsewhere. It is a negative term with no place in a discussion.
If someone became Joe's equal they would teach alongside him yes, and developing us to and past his level is his goal. Much of what Joe teaches us was taught to him in turn by a fully ascended soul. No one has yet reached that point, but he has studied for many years more than us.


I'll stop calling you a cult when you answer my question about if I can be naked if I join you.

Why is that a question you need an answer to?


How else am I going to show off my body piercings?


That's for gay people. I'm not gay.
Lol, yeah right.

Hoppy, when are you going to realise that because I'm not a homophobic Trump-loving asshole like yourself, I don't view assertions of homosexuality as insulting?
Oh actually, I know the answer. Never. Because you're just too stupid to understand.
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.



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  • You are so much greater than you think you are
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #82 on: December 10, 2017, 10:44:33 AM »
Apologies for the prolonged absence, we had some network problems. I'm glad to see we have not been forgotten about. Please, do feel free to ask all your questions, I will answer when I can.

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • 244
  • You are so much greater than you think you are
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #83 on: December 10, 2017, 10:46:51 AM »

I admit as his wife you could argue I have a certain 'perk' but that's because of who I am, not the stage I've reached.

Are all cult members Joe's wives?

We are not a cult. Those that continue to call us as such will not be discussed with, they make it clear they are only interested in promoting negativity. I will have no part of that, the way of the Sacred Steps is made to improve peoples' experiences of the world.

The situation is more nuanced than you make it out to be. No, the vast majority of the commune are not married to me. Chloe is my wife in this life, and the one I spend the most time with, but my soul and Lindsey's were met and bound in a past life. Now we have reacquired our memories of that life, we cannot forget it.

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • Gutter Sniper
  • Flat Earth Almost Believer
  • 6540
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #84 on: December 10, 2017, 10:49:49 AM »

I admit as his wife you could argue I have a certain 'perk' but that's because of who I am, not the stage I've reached.

Are all cult members Joe's wives?

We are not a cult. Those that continue to call us as such will not be discussed with, they make it clear they are only interested in promoting negativity. I will have no part of that, the way of the Sacred Steps is made to improve peoples' experiences of the world.

The situation is more nuanced than you make it out to be. No, the vast majority of the commune are not married to me. Chloe is my wife in this life, and the one I spend the most time with, but my soul and Lindsey's were met and bound in a past life. Now we have reacquired our memories of that life, we cannot forget it.


Do you and Lindsey still have sex sometimes? How does Chloe feel about that?
“Heaven is being governed by Devil nowadays..” - Wise



  • 244
  • You are so much greater than you think you are
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #85 on: December 10, 2017, 10:50:23 AM »
I checked out the 1 through 17 "the sacred steps way" on the website.  They seem to be kind of arbitrary. Is there a level 1 person somewhere that determines all the levels for everyone else?  And who approved the level one person?  This is a very slippery slope.  Christ could not have met the level 1 requirements.  The biblical account of Christ does not represent him as a sissy boy self-enlightened individual.  He addressed wrong doing in the world, He overturned tables, He called out lies and liars, He was tempted and yet did not sin, He was among prostitutes, tax collectors and government officials. He was willing to get His hands dirty.  You need to reread James 2:14-26.  Christ put his faith into action by helping those in need. I'm not trying to bash on you.  But, if you want to use Christ as one of your examples of Godhood.  You need to get to know the individual!  And for the others in the group here.  Don't beat me up because I know my Bible. There is a good reason it is the best selling book ever published.  Even an Atheist can appreciate the Book.           
Addressing the wrong in the world is precisely what the Sacred Steps aim to do. Not one of the steps indicates that the soul becomes passive, save perhaps the least.
Christ, however, did not begin at the first stage. From the accounts I believe he was born at the twelfth, and progressed higher as he lived his life. None of us begin at the top, we all have much to learn.

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • 244
  • You are so much greater than you think you are
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #86 on: December 10, 2017, 10:51:43 AM »
I'm about 85% ready to join your cult.
A couple of questions remain . . .

Describe a typical cult dinner.
If it's vegetarian I'm definitely not joining.  I likes my meats!

There are no dietary limitations inherently, though many of our members choose to abstain from foodstuffs obtained in an inhumane fashion, whether it was humans or animals abused.

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • 244
  • You are so much greater than you think you are
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #87 on: December 10, 2017, 10:52:32 AM »

I admit as his wife you could argue I have a certain 'perk' but that's because of who I am, not the stage I've reached.

Are all cult members Joe's wives?

We are not a cult. Those that continue to call us as such will not be discussed with, they make it clear they are only interested in promoting negativity. I will have no part of that, the way of the Sacred Steps is made to improve peoples' experiences of the world.

The situation is more nuanced than you make it out to be. No, the vast majority of the commune are not married to me. Chloe is my wife in this life, and the one I spend the most time with, but my soul and Lindsey's were met and bound in a past life. Now we have reacquired our memories of that life, we cannot forget it.


Do you and Lindsey still have sex sometimes? How does Chloe feel about that?

I am not discussing my sex life.
I will say that should Chloe find a husband from a previous life I will extend to her the same tolerance she has given to Lindsey and myself.

Learn to see things as they truly are.
PM me if you ever need or want to talk.
The Sacred Steps



  • 3696
  • Life is just a tale
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #88 on: December 10, 2017, 11:00:59 AM »

I admit as his wife you could argue I have a certain 'perk' but that's because of who I am, not the stage I've reached.

Are all cult members Joe's wives?

We are not a cult. Those that continue to call us as such will not be discussed with, they make it clear they are only interested in promoting negativity. I will have no part of that, the way of the Sacred Steps is made to improve peoples' experiences of the world.

The situation is more nuanced than you make it out to be. No, the vast majority of the commune are not married to me. Chloe is my wife in this life, and the one I spend the most time with, but my soul and Lindsey's were met and bound in a past life. Now we have reacquired our memories of that life, we cannot forget it.


Do you and Lindsey still have sex sometimes? How does Chloe feel about that?

I am not discussing my sex life.
I will say that should Chloe find a husband from a previous life I will extend to her the same tolerance she has given to Lindsey and myself.


Hey Joe, thanks to my advanced spiritual state of mind it is clear to me that the only times in your life you had sex was with a vacuum cleaner. Did you call her Lindsey or Chloe?



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Greetings!
« Reply #89 on: December 10, 2017, 11:04:19 AM »
There it is.

It always comes down to controlling who's fucking who.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget