I never said we should ban cars. What I said was this...
"Countries with lots of cars have more pedestrian deaths too."
Yes, and your logic very clearly implies that, in order to reduce potential incidents (e.g., pedestrian deaths), we should reduce the amount of cars.
Well that's obvious. How is it controversial to state that less things that cause death will cause less death? I'm not sure what you are arguing against here.
If your primary goal is to reduce deaths by cars, removing cars is the obvious solution. How could this not be the case?
But that doesn't really address the root issues of reckless driving, like improper testing, rampant alcoholism, etc.
It actually would address the effects of all those issues, no cars means no more reckless driving, no more improper testing, no more deaths by drunk driving. No more accidental deaths. No more suicide by car.
Removing cars is the best way to reduce deaths by cars. Not that I am not sayign we should get rid of cars, I am saying that getting rid of cars would reduce car-related deaths. This isn't debatable.
Much like firearms -- reducing the amount of firearms in circulation does little to actually address the root issues of gun violence, like mental health issues.
Removing guns certainly would address the issue of gun violence. How does one be violent with a gun if they don't have one?
Read what I'm saying. I am not claiming that removing guns is the only solution or the best solution or that we should start trying to confenscate them with home raids and take your guns from your cold dead hands. I'm simply saying that lots of guns leads to lots of gun deaths. Reducing the number of guns certainly is a part of the solution, and mental health issues and violence is another part.
Less guns means less death by guns. What is hard to understand here?