Simply a 2D plane placed on earth's surface (or line). A sphere:

This is purely spatial, there is no temporal component. That also means that that plane is flat, and as Earth's surface doesn't lie on the plane, it isn't flat.
In a curved space-time region, we have the vectors defining the plane as changing since space-time is not homogeneous at this point, so, the tangent vector will always be touching the equator at a consistent direction since the surface of Earth is a geodesic in this space-time region.
Again, this is completely false and entirely circular.
Stop assuming that Earth's surface is flat. That is what you need to prove. Until you do, you can't use it as part of your definition of flat.
I showed previously that there are many ways to try and define a plane in non-euclidean 3D space-time, with the results being different for each one.
Which of the planes I provided do you think are flat, and why?
Sorry, I didn't see that.
I did it here: then did another option which I don't agree with here:, you saw the first one and responded to a part of the post here: Earth being non-euclidean doesn't equal a plane, but it's surface has a straight path with a consistent vector always touching it's surface
No it doesn't.
Not as it's surface. You have a theoretical orbital trajectory which would remain on Earth's surface, but goes much faster than Earth's surface and isn't Earth's surface.
However, I was pretty sure only one plane type exists, which can be distorted in a universe with a space or space-time region that is uneven.
In Euclidean spaces, yes. In non-Euclidean spaces it gets much more complicated.
But the Earth's surface is temporal as well, it couldn't have the form it has without the space-time component as whole, having masses accelerate into each other to form this planetary mass we call Earth. And that's the thing, we can have vectors in space-time, as defining the straight line through this space region as connected to time, and the Earth's surface is spatially flat.
Stop repeating the same lie as if you saying it enough will make it true.
If you want to use the temporal component, you can't then go and ignore it.
Yes, Earth's surface does have a temporal component to its trajectory. It is moving through space with a certain speed.
But this speed is far too slow to be an orbital trajectory and thus it remaining the same distance from the centre of Earth means it isn't flat.
You can't just have one line through space time which is straight, then strip away the time component and pretend any line that goes through space like that is straight.
You need to keep both, the space and time components.
Like seriously, I don't get how you people don't understand that if I take a flat plane and place it in a universe with non-homogeneous spaces and small curved regions, that the plane will start to have apparent dips and dents but remain straight, because the regions are not the same everywhere, same applies here.
I do get that. I just understand that a plane in non-Euclidean spaces are a lot more complex and that Earth's surface is not a plane.
What I don't get is how you expect anyone to take you seriously when you keep appealing to the temporal component to establish that straight lines can curve, only to then ignore the temporal component.
These apparent dips and dents will change depending upon the vector of the lines making the plane, which includes the temporal component.
You can't just ignore it.
I was more looking for explanation of why this is so, giving me a picture and saying it should look a certain way on that picture but really looks a different way isn't gonna tell me much. I do notice how they are not the same, but how do you explain this picture and why would this apply to reality?
I thought it was already enough of an explanation, but to spell it out more:
A geodesic through space-time has apparent curvature dependent upon speed (and direction).
Considering a point on a tangential vector, that is moving perpendicularly to the line connecting it to the centre of Earth, there is one particular speed which results in a circular orbit, that is one particular speed where it remains the same distance from Earth. This vector at this point has some spatial component and some temporal component.
If you have it move at a different velocity, the ratio between these 2 components change. If it moves faster then it will be moving through less time for a given movement in space, and thus the apparent curvature is less pronounced, resulting in it moving further away from Earth. As the speed increases it goes from a circular orbit, to an elliptical orbit, growing more and more elliptical until it eventually reaches a parabolic trajectory and then goes to hyperbolic trajectories. Extending beyond the physically possible to further analyse this plane in space time (we are keeping the normal constant and merely rotating the vector) you eventually reach a line that is straight with no temporal component at all.
Going the other way, reducing speed, we go to elliptical orbits where it gets closer to the centre of Earth.
These are all straight lines through space-time.
There isn't just one.
As such, you can't just look at the spatial part, you need to look at the temporal component as well.
For the equator, with a radius of 6378.1 km, assuming g to be 9.8 m/s, the circular orbit would correspond to a speed of roughly 7900 m/s.
So you can have a straight line remain the same distance from Earth's surface, to follow the same spatial coordinates as Earth's surface. But only if it was going at 7900 m/s.
Earth's surface is only travelling at roughly 464 m/s. This is significantly below the speed required to maintain a circular orbit. Thus Earth's surface (if it was going to follow a straight line) would fall towards the centre of Earth.
The surface I showed you was composed of many of these elliptical orbits, each one for a specific point on the equator.
So if earth's surface was going to follow a straight line through space-time, it would need to contract in space as it moved through time.
Instead, it follows the grey cylinder.
As this is further away (and grows further and further) from the straight line path, this means Earth's surface is curving outwards and is not flat.
I am not sure of your reasoning with pressure inside the earth accelerating it outwards, I certainly am not making that claim, objects falling accelerate due to warped space-time, but I presume you are trying to make a point with this, and that is?
If Earth's surface was just affected by gravity (or curved space-time) it would fall, just like if you jumped off a chair you fall.
That would be because there is no force acting on you to counter gravity (and thus you remain on an "inertial" path through space-time.
But typically that isn't what happens. Instead the ground beneath you is pushing you up, and the ground beneath it is pushing it up.
This is pressure. Pressure results in a force, and the Earth's surface provides a force accelerating you upwards, resulting in you deviating from a straight line through space time.
Likewise the pressure inside Earth acts on the surface of Earth resulting in it being accelerated upwards to not follow a geodesic in space-time. As such, Earth's surface is not flat.
I am also not proclaiming the Earth's surface is like a moving projectile path of it's own nature through space but more like an object which has a surface equaling a straight line through space as a geodesic (and 'space' includes space-time since they are connected).
And you have the same problem.
You want to invoke the time component to make it curve, but then strip the time component. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!
Earth's surface does not have any straight lines through space-time. Nor does it have any line which equals a straight line through space-time.
Instead, there are lines where the spatial parts match while the temporal components are completely different.
In order to equal a straight line through space-time, you need to have both the spatial and temporal components match.
If you don't, they are not equal.
And this is one of the other things, what do you mean by Earth's surface moving like a trajectory? Didn't discuss that before.
As you pointed out, all objects move through time. This means the surface (or points on the surface) have some trajectory through space time. If you don't want to discuss it as trajectories you lose the temporal component and can no longer appeal to time resulting in apparent curvature through space.
Depending on the region they are in, if you launch a satellite above earth and it travels certain spatial co-ordinates, and you launch another satellite, then they cannot match without both being straight lines in space-time. If one satellite were to gain speed, it's spatial coordinate path would change.
They cannot match without both following the exact same path, which means they need to have the same space-time coordinates.
However, you can have them offset by a simple rotation.
But yes, if one changes speed, its spatial coordinates change and it follows a different straight line.
And guess what? the speed of Earth's surface does not match that for an orbit and thus it doesn't match a straight line.
We define a curved geometric line with 3D space (while connected to 4D time), a curve in time may translate to different spatial paths, but the same spatial paths will be equivalent in curvature or flatness.
I just showed how that is pure bullshit.
Again, you cannot strip the time part from it.
The motion through time is what dictates the curvature through space.
There is only one specific path through space-time which results in a spatial path that is straight. Other paths through space-time that follow that spatial path will be curved in space-time.
As you said before, the speed needs to match.
Because it's in an inertial frame of reference, and considering that this happens with 'circular orbits', with it being equidistant to the surface across the traversal.
Who cares? They are not the only inertial orbits, you also have elliptical orbits, which are not equidistant to the surface (in space), and removing the orbit part you also have parabolic and hyperbolic trajectories.
These are inertial paths.
Also, circular orbits do not maintain a constant velocity. They maintain a constant speed. There is a difference.
The direction of their motion changes.
No, it is in an inertial frame of reference, so it has a constant velocity in a straight line.
That then raises the question of what constitutes a constant velocity through space-time.
According to GR, all free-falling frames are inertial. That includes ones where the reference frame changes velocity relative to other reference frames.
And regardless, as soon as there is curvature of the path, the velocity changes.
This can't happen on a round earth (since orbit must have acceleration by change in direction to traverse a sphere), but works on a flat earth since a straight line can traverse it's surface. A circular orbit has this property in GR.
No it doesn't. All orbits in GR are the same, the velocity changes from external references frames, but the local reference frame in orbit is inertial. A circular orbit is not special in GR.