The problem with some, if not many, "Round Earthers" is that they have been indoctrinated, brainwashed and/or deluded into belieiving that the earth is some spherical, or globe shaped planet, however very slightly "oblate" or "pear shaped "it might be. Most of their belief is based on the fallacy of some fantasy called "the curvature of the earth." Of course, the earth is flat and there is one of this "curvature" at all !
They base their belief on lies which they call "facts and/or evidence" , a few examples of which are the following.:
The horizon, which is said to be the imaginary point were land or sea appears to meet the sky, :
The distance to this so-called "horizon" may be estimated by a simple magical formula.
A person standing at sea level, and looking out to sea is said to "see" the horizon at some 2 or 3 miles in the distance.
A person standing in a crow's nest, 90 or 100 feet above sea level, is said to be able to see some 10 or 12 miles in the distance.
Persons who are lookouts in the United States Navy , for just one example, have been taught that this is true.
But so they say.
But of course this is just a lie and part of the conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth is flat.
They have also been so affected that even though that they believe that when they see only the top masts of a ship approaching them from a distance at first instead of seeing the whole ship for the whole time this is a result of this "curvature."
There are also those who work on subjects as the maximum range of some shipboard navy radars (The SG-1b Navy Radar System, for example)and those who work on the maximum spacing between repeater stations on a radar microwave system (used by the Federal Aviation Administration in The United States Of America for example ) base their lies on this "curvature" fallacy.
Just one more (of many more "Round Earth Lies") are from a group of amateur radio operators who claim to have performed a thing called "Moon Bounce."
They have claimed to have transmitted signals aimed at the moon !. LOL
They claimed to have received these signals back on earth after "bouncing them off the moon !
They claim that they have estimated the distance to the moon from the earth as some 238, 150 miles.
Of course the distance is 3000 miles.
There are many other reason why these are just lies.
It would take an antenna the size of a football field to do this.
And of course, these people whose main activity is talking to truckers.
And just amateurs !
Just a few "Round Earth Lies"-versus-"Flat Earth Truths."