Please pull one (1) negative sentence out of that message
The whole thing is a scam, sorry you are too naive to see it.
Your gullibility is breathtaking, you have a childlike naivety that makes you such an easy recruit.
Please pull one (1) negative sentence out of that message.
Lies cost more than you will ever know.
I try to keep my childlike wonder and curiosity. It's a daily struggle.
Honest and intelligent users please take note this is the message Rayzor is saying is just like isis propoganda.
Think about why he hates this message so much and why he's gone as low as possible to discredit this message below.
I wonder what would make someone hate a message like this so much? Can any of you guys tell me?
I don't hate the message, everyone with a sense of humanity would agree with the message, that's how propaganda works, you brain dead fucking moron.
What you have to ask is, what's the motivation? What do they want people to do?
My personal view is that it's fake, and someone is playing games to see how easy it is to manipulate people.
Anyone can make the videos. I happen to respect anonDK. You could make an anyonymous video and we would consider the information in it. But you already know that. The idea and structure of anonymous makes infiltration and subversion impossible. We are better than you could ever dream of being.
To realanons you may as well be wearing large neon signs that say "psy-op".
Now can anyone do this?
Please pull
one (1) negative sentence out of that message. Please cite
one (1) source that agrees with your interpretation of V for Vendetta. Or post
one (1) example of the script or video from the movie to back up your interpretation.