Thank you for that post Dionysus.
I wasn't going to respond, but I really can't hold my tongue against it.
My reaction:
Check out the chart on pretty good, bar 2 things.
1. The capital'isms' that they put out there are not rational capitalism. A rational capitalist knows that wages are not: 'just another expense to be cut or minimized as much as possible. A rational capitalist knows that wages are a value, to be equally traded to others in exchange for a product of equal value, such as labor, (which they ascribe to the capitalist as: 'a necessary liability or expense of doing business') Labor is the inherent ability of a man to produce something by a set process. It is a viable product to be traded. But only if you want to trade it. If you don't want to work, nobody will make you. Taking that a step further, if you don't want to work for a particular wage, you don't have to work.
2. Their view of Distributism is idealogical at best and a down-right lie at worst. They say that wages are: 'of great value, because they relate directly to human dignity,' yet check out this link from the same site: me quote you the important parts:
'No man shall be allowed to own real estate in excess of a fixed number of acres (e.g. 160 rurally; 5, otherwise) or capital value. Any man found to possess real estate or capital improvements value in excess of this limit shall have the excess sold, the proceeds going into the aforesaid central fund.'
'A maximum figure shall be set for the amount of money owned by any single man. This figure may be increased, depending on the number of children he has.'
Let me ask you this. If wages are related directly to human dignity, then why do they take them away? Because they care about your dignity? The system is bullshit, it is communism, without a government. It is slavery, where the master is anybody who wants to skate by in life, and the slave is the man who wishes to produce.
Not only this, but property in a distributist system is redistributed. So. I work my entire life and estrablish a business. I create let's say, a company that produces car alternators, car alternators that work better than any alternator ever invented.
Under a distributist system this company is too large to be managed by one man, and is thus turned over to an 'alternator guild' this guild is comprised of anyone wishing to sell alternators. From the lowest to the highest. Now, when my alternators are removed from shelves and shops because nobody else in the guild can sell theirs, who benefits? Does the populace benefit? Absolutely not, they are paying the same price for a shitty alternator.
Just another note:
'Sledge your television and any other intrinsically evil devices that invade your imagination and stunt your ambition. Replace it with what it replaced: the liturgical calendar (feasts and fasts), parlor games, chamber or folk music, sacred art production, etc.'
What happens when they decide that 'chamber or folk music' and 'sacred art' stunt your imagination and ambition? When the entire focus of life is religion, there is no time for creation. Isn't creation what we are supposed to do? Isn't creating a better world a natural human response to life?
'Marry and have a large family, if possible, interesting them in the beauties of a future Christian culture that you never knew, except through books, and may yourself never know.'
Hope for a dream world that will never be? I will never return to my Christian 'roots' as I disagree with their sacrificial morality. As long as I am alive, I will not let this country return to the suspiscion and murder associated with the witch burnings of the middle ages. Man cannot live in fear, for if he does, he is no longer a man, but a beast, with no hope for any future. would like to address points 2 and 3, in which the site asserts the infallibility of Christian Leaders, and asks us to return to a theologic monarchy. However, the main tenet of Christianity is that all men are sinners, and thus fallible.
Point 5 is a direct lie. A man working for a corporation has a choice NOT to work for that corporation. No man is a slave except to himself.
Point 8 does not logically follow. Virtue has no basis on the slave. He is a slave whether he is just or not. He is a slave whether he is gentle or not. Virtue has to be in the master of the slaves, and in any owner of slaves there can be no virtue.
And where do they get the distribution of wealth as being just? It is god only to those who have not created wealth. To those who work, it is a disadvantage, and insult, a mugging. But it is never just to take from a man.
From 'A New Christendom' Technology shall be encouraged, but viewed routinely with suspicion. No new technology shall be permitted that has not been closely examined to affirm that the overall real potential benefits to society greatly outweigh any perceived risks.
By whom? There is no overall government in a distributism... unless you mean the pope / monarch. What makes this monarch an expert on a. technology, and b. human beings?
Usury shall be criminalized. Being viewed as a Violence against Nature and Neighbor, Dante placed usurers in the 7th ring of hell, deeper even than murderers. This is because traditionally, an attack upon a man's ability to sustain himself and his family is seen as equal to an attack upon his life.
They have their facts mixed up. Making a 'capital investment' is not a loan, it is a CAPITAL INVESTMENT. Loaning is always usury, as long as interest is collected. But why shouldn't it be? A bank needs to make money, otherwise, there would be no bankers, as they couldn't survive without a profit to benefit themselves and their families. Then there wouldn't be any bank employees. I should like to point out that banks also pay interest when you loan THEM money, in the form of savings accounts. Usury is not EVIL. Nobody can FORCE you to take a loan that exceeds your income, nobody can FORCE you to lose a large part of your income to a mortgage. That is, nobody except you.
Corporations shall be abolished. Men will no longer be able to find protection for their criminal acts under the shield of the 'corporate entity'. All men will be directly responsible for their acts, good and bad. Greed shall be curbed by disallowing 'chains' or multiple business locations; every man (even those of limited ability) will have a chance to be an owner of their own business.
Even the incompetent? Why should I let them take my business?
Property tax shall be abolished. "If you pay property tax," says Belloc, "then you do not really own the land; you merely lease it from the government." Traditionally, the local government may laim a tithe share of the produce of the land, but only in the form of the produce, not cash. If your land has no produce, or the produce is only subsistent for you, no government may levy you. Higher government has no claim to your land, but can only levy local government.
Wow, a bit of sense, but I think that Government should not have ANY claim to ANYTHING, and that any money given to it should be willfully given as a charity.
A man's home property and business property shall be immune from any seizure by any party, including debt and taxes.
Except from those who wish to redistribute it? Except for from the Distributist? Meaning that if you go into a contract with me, I have no collateral, as I cannot claim your house for payment? So, you can do whatever you want with a contract? Do you not see where this will lead?
Advertising shall be prohibited. Products will compete exclusively by word-of-mouth and personal reputation, preventing a consumerist, materialist mentality to the culture and marketplace.
Which helps small business how? Just a note* be careful of any group who says they want to prohibit something. Usually this thing is what will break their system. And in this case it is, that thing is the human want. Humans want the best, and they want it justly. There is nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself or society.
Lawsuits shall be limited in duration to one day, awards limited to a portion of a man's discretionary resources. The failed party in a lawsuit shall pay all court costs. Lawyers may work by fixed fee only, not percentage.
Eh? Murder cases are tried in one day? Who is the jury? It takes time to get juror's assembled. It takes time to present evidence. And then, when all is said and done, the only punishment possible is payment? So, I could PAY to have someone killed LEGALLY? Brilliant system here.
All utilities, especially roads, shall be re-designed with the principal end of serving and safeguarding families and children. Roads shall be designed principally for pedestrians and non-engine driven vehicles. With the exception of limited access highways, automotive vehicle access shall be restricted, and shall yield to other traffic needs, rather than the vice versa. Roads shall be redesigned to remove residences from direct contact with public roads.
What if I need to get somewhere quickly? Do we abandon the technology of the car because children aren't taught by their parents not to stay out of the street? That is retarded.
Funny. Next is a page of quotes. I think that adding in some Marx or Lenin would be perfect.
There is one quote that stands out 'To a Capitalist, everything that is not Capitalism is Socialism' and I think that is true.
I'm sorry if I got a little scathing, but this sort of thing is really scary for me. I have a job. I have a future. I have assets. I do not want anyone taking them from me, and you should know that if such a situation were to arrise, I would fight to the death to defend my right to own what I have created.