The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes

  • 240 Replies


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  • Stop Indoctrinating me!
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2017, 09:11:59 AM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.

Bioluminescent Sunshramps taking a break.

Any normal person would understand this.
I will always be Here To Laugh At You.



  • 142
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2017, 12:44:26 PM »
Maybe the whitish yellow sun and the black sun had a baby which is the moon and thats why the moon is gray? Would it be a stereotype if that explains why the black sun leaves the mamma sun and the baby moon to fend for themselves and only shows up once in a while when it wants a booty call? Whoa mind blown  :o

This sounds at least as plausible as any of the other "flat earth" explanations for solar eclipses I've heard, and much more than most of them.

It still has some problems, though. Probably the most obvious: if you think about how many eclipses there have been, why is there still only one moon?

Birth control

Was that allowed so long ago? I suppose the black sun and white sun can do whatever they want.

Or possibly magnum condoms

After the first moon was born the black sun started "solar flaring" on the face of the mamma sun. He didnt want to pay more moon support.  ;D
Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
- John Adams

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2017, 02:24:17 PM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.

I suggest you read the link provided on  the first post.

The Black Sun eclipses the Sun this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.

As I have said before your Heliocentric  model is as old and decrepit as Rab.

And like Rab your Heliocentric model will soon be dead.


The video below illustrates me vs all of you Heliocentrics.

I'm Darth Vader and you Heliocentrics are the cattle like soldiers .


Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 02:29:16 PM by »



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2017, 02:27:01 PM »
You have given false testimony against me twice now in this thread alone ( commandment 9 )
I do not believe that I have,
so please just show where have I given "have given false testimony against" you "twice now in this thread"
I challenge you to back up all your accusations!

Quote from:
just to reinforce your true religion which is Heliocenticism.
No! The Heliocentric Globe is not a "religion"! It is simply the correct description of the shape and motion of the earth.
In any case, the Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth is not one of religious doctrine, but one of simple observable facts.

Frankly, Mr I am totally sick of your silly childish antics and scurrilous accusations.
You are dishonest.
No, I am not. I have been giving answers as correctly as I know. If you know I am incorrect explain why!

Quote from:
It obvious to the readers and yourself where you have been so as I have already highlighted this and provided a  link to the thread you quoted.
The only relevant I can find is to your post Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe « Reply #377 on: August 15, 2017, 07:32:16 AM » which does contain:
The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.
including your incorrect spelling of "Eclispe"!
In case you doubt that you made that statement, it is also in: Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe « Reply #360 on: August 13, 2017, 11:19:40 PM »

Quote from:
I'm not judging you ; as you live a delusion I thought it best you know how it is.
You most certainly are judging me in calling me dishonest, etc, and with having "given false testimony against" you "twice now in this thread".
And I live in no delusion about the earth's shape - I know it is a Globe and have plenty of evidence that it rotates and orbits the sun.

Quote from:
Believe it or not I'm not concerned with how you feel. Does a Lion care for the opinion of sheep ?
I don't ask you to be "concerned with how" I "feel" and you're no "Lion" - your more a jackal or hyena!
All I ask of you is to debate a case on evidence and facts and not on religion and false accusation

Quote from:
I suppose your Heliocentric model Sun having a radius 432470 miles wide is a coincidence  9 11  ::).
I honestly have no Idea what connection there could be between the current estimate of the sun's radius and 9/11.
I work in kilometres anyway and give little thought to miles, not to silly numerology and superstition rubbish.

So, now get down and present you case
based on proper evidence and not ancient Indian mythology of eclipses being caused by a serpent swallowing the moon!
And just remember that you made these statements: In this thread you claim:
The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes

It is impossible for the Moon to be responsible for Solar Eclispes.
But in a previous thread you said:
The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.

The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.
No ifs, no buts, you made the quite unambiguous statement that "The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth."
Some consistency, please!

So now, Mr, will you finally get down to debating evidence and facts and not ignoring all counter arguments.
And I stress again, religion does not come into it!
The earth is the shape is - it is not a matter of belief or faith and neither is it a matter of numerology or superstition!

And please learn how to spell eclipse!



  • 142
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2017, 02:41:47 PM »

The Black Sun eclipses the Sun this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.

False it is not impossible infact its very possible and here is a short video to explain how.
Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
- John Adams

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #65 on: August 16, 2017, 03:00:15 PM »
You have given false testimony against me twice now in this thread alone ( commandment 9 )
I do not believe that I have,
so please just show where have I given "have given false testimony against" you "twice now in this thread"
I challenge you to back up all your accusations!

Quote from:
just to reinforce your true religion which is Heliocenticism.
No! The Heliocentric Globe is not a "religion"! It is simply the correct description of the shape and motion of the earth.
In any case, the Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth is not one of religious doctrine, but one of simple observable facts.

Frankly, Mr I am totally sick of your silly childish antics and scurrilous accusations.
You are dishonest.
No, I am not. I have been giving answers as correctly as I know. If you know I am incorrect explain why!

Quote from:
It obvious to the readers and yourself where you have been so as I have already highlighted this and provided a  link to the thread you quoted.
The only relevant I can find is to your post Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe « Reply #377 on: August 15, 2017, 07:32:16 AM » which does contain:
The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.
including your incorrect spelling of "Eclispe"!
In case you doubt that you made that statement, it is also in: Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe « Reply #360 on: August 13, 2017, 11:19:40 PM »

Quote from:
I'm not judging you ; as you live a delusion I thought it best you know how it is.
You most certainly are judging me in calling me dishonest, etc, and with having "given false testimony against" you "twice now in this thread".
And I live in no delusion about the earth's shape - I know it is a Globe and have plenty of evidence that it rotates and orbits the sun.

Quote from:
Believe it or not I'm not concerned with how you feel. Does a Lion care for the opinion of sheep ?
I don't ask you to be "concerned with how" I "feel" and you're no "Lion" - your more a jackal or hyena!
All I ask of you is to debate a case on evidence and facts and not on religion and false accusation

Quote from:
I suppose your Heliocentric model Sun having a radius 432470 miles wide is a coincidence  9 11  ::).
I honestly have no Idea what connection there could be between the current estimate of the sun's radius and 9/11.
I work in kilometres anyway and give little thought to miles, not to silly numerology and superstition rubbish.

So, now get down and present you case
based on proper evidence and not ancient Indian mythology of eclipses being caused by a serpent swallowing the moon!
And just remember that you made these statements: In this thread you claim:
The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes

It is impossible for the Moon to be responsible for Solar Eclispes.
But in a previous thread you said:
The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.

The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.
No ifs, no buts, you made the quite unambiguous statement that "The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth."
Some consistency, please!

So now, Mr, will you finally get down to debating evidence and facts and not ignoring all counter arguments.
And I stress again, religion does not come into it!
The earth is the shape is - it is not a matter of belief or faith and neither is it a matter of numerology or superstition!

And please learn how to spell eclipse!

Your still doing it Rab your quoting me out of context which is dishonest.

You well know that the quote you provided was taken from a post where I was describing your Heliocentric model.

There is nothing to debate the Eclipse on the 21.08.17 will prove your Heliocentric model to be false as the totality moves west to east .

This is because the eclipse is caused by the black sun as described in the link:

You are no Christian.

You endorse an abomination.

You are dishonest and give false testimony.

You will be dead soon just like your Heliocentric model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 03:02:14 PM by »



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #66 on: August 16, 2017, 03:04:52 PM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.
I suggest you read the link provided on  the first post.
Try again! There is no link to read in your first post! Here is is:
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The August 21st, 2017 Total Eclipse and the Flat Earth - Part I, ThePottersClay

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?
The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

There is a video that is totally incorrect for reasons that have been explained to you numerous times.
If you disagree, then you answer our arguments, instead of continually referring to an incorrect video.

Quote from:
The Black Sun eclipses the Sun
Incorrect, even you conceded that
The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.
An object shadow will follow the object when the light source is directly behind it.

Quote from:
this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.
Fact: The moon moves from west-to-east.
Fact: The shadow follows the moon and so also moves from west-to-east.
Fact: The surface of the earth moves from west-to-east, but slower than the shadow moves.

So, since the shadow moves from west-to-east faster than the surface of the earth moves from west-to-east,
the shadow moves from west-to-east relative surface of the earth.
I do not care whether you understand this or not, but it is true!

Quote from:
As I have said before your Heliocentric model is as old and decrepit as Rab.
Incorrect! The Heliocentric Globe is much much older than the  :D decrepit old RABinOZ  :D.
The Heliocentric Globe model has always been correct, though it was not generally accepted until 300 or 400 years ago.

But this :D decrepit old RABinOZ :D can teach a little whippersnapper[1] like yourself a lot about how things really work!

Now, you start providing your own arguments, instead of relying on incorrect videos lifted from the trash-heap in YouTube!
There are good, soundly based YouTube videos and the bad incorrect YouTube videos - you have a knack of being attracted to the trash!

[1] whippersnapper
          a young and inexperienced person considered to be presumptuous or overconfident.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #67 on: August 16, 2017, 03:07:49 PM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.
I suggest you read the link provided on  the first post.
Try again! There is no link to read in your first post! Here is is:
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The August 21st, 2017 Total Eclipse and the Flat Earth - Part I, ThePottersClay

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?
The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

There is a video that is totally incorrect for reasons that have been explained to you numerous times.
If you disagree, then you answer our arguments, instead of continually referring to an incorrect video.

Quote from:
The Black Sun eclipses the Sun
Incorrect, even you conceded that
The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.
An object shadow will follow the object when the light source is directly behind it.

Quote from:
this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.
Fact: The moon moves from west-to-east.
Fact: The shadow follows the moon and so also moves from west-to-east.
Fact: The surface of the earth moves from west-to-east, but slower than the shadow moves.

So, since the shadow moves from west-to-east faster than the surface of the earth moves from west-to-east,
the shadow moves from west-to-east relative surface of the earth.
I do not care whether you understand this or not, but it is true!

Quote from:
As I have said before your Heliocentric model is as old and decrepit as Rab.
Incorrect! The Heliocentric Globe is much much older than the  :D decrepit old RABinOZ  :D.
The Heliocentric Globe model has always been correct, though it was not generally accepted until 300 or 400 years ago.

But this :D decrepit old RABinOZ :D can teach a little whippersnapper[1] like yourself a lot about how things really work!

Now, you start providing your own arguments, instead of relying on incorrect videos lifted from the trash-heap in YouTube!
There are good, soundly based YouTube videos and the bad incorrect YouTube videos - you have a knack of being attracted to the trash!

[1] whippersnapper
          a young and inexperienced person considered to be presumptuous or overconfident.

I think it must be time to take your pills old man.

You have quoted the wrong thread.

I have explained numerous times how and why you have took my qoute out of context;  you are yet again fooling no one.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 03:13:46 PM by »

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #68 on: August 16, 2017, 03:30:33 PM »
RIF your link doesn't explain it it simply states the black sun causes it.  How big is this black sun?  What is its path?  How far from the sun is it?  Why can't we see it?



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #69 on: August 16, 2017, 03:32:01 PM »
Your still doing it Rab your quoting me out of context which is dishonest.
There was nothing to indicate that those were not your words. The quote even included your incorrect spelling of "eclipse"!

Quote from:
You well know that the quote you provided was taken from a post where I was describing your Heliocentric model.
What is wrong with that? In that thread you never mentioned any other model that I could see.

And what other explanation of the solar eclipse is there? Your laughable Indian mythological serpent swallowing the moon!
Even the Flat Earth Society Wiki states
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun.

Quote from:
There is nothing to debate the Eclipse on the 21.08.17 will prove your Heliocentric model to be false as the totality moves west to east
Oh, yes there is!

I and others have very carefully and in great detail why the shadow will move from west-to-east.
The eclipse of Aug 21 will follow very closely the predictions by the astronomers and published by NASA and others.

Those predictions are based precisely on the correctness of the Heliocentric Globe. Saros cycles cannot give that sort of detail as certain (now headless) Chinese Astrologers learned.

Your not being able to understand that is on your own head, don't take your ignorance out on us!

Plenty of other flat earth videos seem to accept that the moon causes the eclipse:
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2017 Solar Eclipse West to East? Explained in Flat Earth, Lift the Veil Too
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Flat Earth - Eclipse explained, OGW
And even the ultimate NASA critic jeranism accepts that the the Heliocentric Globe explanation works for the Globe:
The Globe Model Works. Solar Eclipse Has Been Modeled - Video Soon, jeranism



  • 142
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #70 on: August 16, 2017, 03:53:32 PM »

You will be dead soon just like your Heliocentric model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

It always cracks me up when flattards say things like this about the globe/heliocentric model or things like NASAs days are numbered. The number must be very large because they have been saying this for years now. How long does infinity last before this is suppose to happen?
Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
- John Adams



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43183
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #71 on: August 16, 2017, 03:58:01 PM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.

I suggest you read the link provided on  the first post.

The Black Sun eclipses the Sun this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.
Why is it that the Black Sun only ever comes out during a new moon?

BTW, you've already admitted that the moon orbits the earth from west to east, so I really don't understand why you have such a hard time understanding why the moon's shadow would also move from west to east.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #72 on: August 16, 2017, 06:45:12 PM »
As this has become the more active thread I Ree State.
I still have not recognize a response to my explanation here it is again please address it directly.
let us take another look at it.
The apparent motion of all solar objects, sun, moon, planets, and stars; Is due to the rotation of earth. There are other motions to be considered.
all the planets orbit around the sun, Earth being one of them.
 The moon orbiting the Earth in a counterclockwise motion.
The Earth rotation in a counterclockwise rotation.
The counter clockwise rotation of Earth Is why we have the appearance of the sun and moon rising in the east. When you compare the motion of the Sun and Moon, you will see that the moon moves from west to east, you ask how was this? Pick a time, anytime, Mark the Moon location, in 24 hours, once again mark the Moon location, repeat the process; and you will note the moon moves from west to east on a daily basis.
 with a waning moon,  it will be seen during the day,  coming close to a  new moon,  the solar eclipse, happens at the new moon.  with the moon moving from west to east, for that short time the shadow crosses the earth, as the moon moves to the east.  the rotation of the earth,  only changes the time and location of where the shadow is cast.  This is the results of all the numbers,  that have been stated before and elsewhere,  if I were to try to put the numbers in they just would  cloud the issue.
In 4 days  this eclipse  will be over, and its motion will be as predicted, proving that the earth is a globe.  and I am sure that you will be able to find  a live broadcast,  on TV or cable or  Internet.

Here is the real kicker the stars
“This eclipse will give you a fine opportunity to gauge the brightness of the sky, because during totality observers will be able to briefly see the stars and constellations that are visible at night during the opposite season – that is, late February. 
Indeed, stretched across the western and southwestern sky will be the bright stars of the winter season: Orion and his retinue, Canis Major and Minor, Gemini, Auriga, and Taurus. Each of these constellations contains at least one star of magnitude 1 or greater. However, August can be rather hazy, especially over the southeast U.S. If this is the case, the sky background may be quite bright even at mid-totality, and Venus may be the only visible object.”
It is too bad that your location doesn't allow you to see it.
After my cataract surgery I won't be able to see much either.
The the universe has no obligation to makes sense to you.
The earth is a globe.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #73 on: August 17, 2017, 12:12:14 AM »

You will be dead soon just like your Heliocentric model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

It always cracks me up when flattards say things like this about the globe/heliocentric model or things like NASAs days are numbered. The number must be very large because they have been saying this for years now. How long does infinity last before this is suppose to happen?

NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.

The American president Trump will cut NASA'S funding if they don't start doing something for their 52 million dollars a day.

You talk nonsense the vast majority of people who know the true shape of the Earth have only been interested in the subject for a few years.

Once you've seen flat there is no going back.

Thousands if not millions more people get to know the true shape of the earth every month.

You Heliocentrics are living a delusion if you think people are still falling for your BS.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #74 on: August 17, 2017, 12:18:53 AM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.

I suggest you read the link provided on  the first post.

The Black Sun eclipses the Sun this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.
Why is it that the Black Sun only ever comes out during a new moon?

BTW, you've already admitted that the moon orbits the earth from west to east, so I really don't understand why you have such a hard time understanding why the moon's shadow would also move from west to east.

Again this shows how desperate you Heliocentrics are having to lie to discredit me.

I have not admitted the Moon orbits the Earth .

I have described your Heliocentric model in detail when I was debunking your imaginary Globe.

The Moon circles the flat plane of the Earth in a clockwise motion it does not orbit your imaginary Globe.

Your Heliocentric model doesn't work regarding the Eclipse.

Any normal person can understand that as the moon's total orbital path is 27 to 29 days and 1.5 million miles it would have to travel at least a 190000 miles to cross the USA west to east because it is 200000 miles away on your Heliocentric model and in reality the USA is nearly 3000 miles wide so we could say that is roughly 12.5% of the alleged circumfrence of your imaginary Globe which to keep it simple represents roughly 12.5% of the Moons orbital path.

In reality any normal person will know it is impossible for the Moons shadow to travel west to east as they see the Moon rise in the East and set in the West EVERYDAY.

It is also impossible as shown in the first video I posted at the start of the thread because the earth's angular velocity on your model is 27 times greater than the Moon's actual velocity.

You have failed to take into account that the Solar Eclipse is visable in the Sky and it is the Earth's alleged angular Velocity as you and your colleague's have agreed that determines what we see in the sky.

A video that describes the orbit of the Moon on your Heliocentric model.

Light travels in straight lines .

The Eclispe is caused by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.

The Sun has to be directly behind the Moon and the Earth has to be directly in front of the Moon.

An object shadow will follow the object when the light source is directly behind it.

You are now claiming the Moon moves in the opposite direction to what is observed this would be the only possible way that the Moon's shadow can move west to East when the light source which is the Sun is directly behind it.

You are fooling no one with your heliocentric nonsense.

It is impossible for the path of the solar eclipse to move in completely the opposite direction to the moon.

The moon rises in the East and sets in th west.

The Solar Eclipse starts in the west and finishes if the East.

The Earth's angular velocity which Is one rotation every 24 hrs is 27 times faster than the Moon's velocity.

This is why the moon allegedly rises in the east and sets in the west.

If the Moon's velocity was greater than the angular velocity of the earth the Moon would rise in the West and set in the East it would also have to orbit the earth more than once every 24 hours to achieve this.

Here is a description of a solar eclipse on your model.

It clearly says the eclipse is caused when the moon passes in front of the sun.

The moon takes 27 days to orbit the earth.

On your model the Sun is stationary regarding it's position to the earth and the moon


I choose this link so you Stupid and gullable Heliocentric's can try to understand how and why the upcoming Solar Eclipse is impossible on your model.

It is impossible for an objects shadow to move in the opposite direction to the said object when the light source is stationary.

The only way this would be possible on your model would be if the Sun was moving millions of miles in relation to the earth and did not maintain it's alleged position in the centre of the solar system.

So I will tell you again it is impossible for the Moon to cast a shadow on the Earth that is 24 times smaller than itself.

So I will tell you again it is impossible for the Solar Eclipse to move across the Earth west to East which is the opposite direction to the moon on your Heliocentric model.

Your Heliocentric model does not match reality as such your Heliocentric model is false.

Part one

Part two

The readers will make their own minds up .

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 12:22:41 AM by »



  • 2366
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #75 on: August 17, 2017, 12:35:25 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
Completely agreed.
But the NASA fan boys have the same blinders on that people had on claiming Trump could never win the election a few years ago when Trump also participated.
The Russians hardly believe NASA, they never did. Watch some real scientists and former cosmologists on Russian video's and articles demolishing the munlundings.

Those fanboys really are that blind " every scientist around the globe knows the earth is a globe and NASA went to the moon"
Most Muslim countries are to oil dependent, otherwise they would openly state NASA didn't go to no moon.
Some leading religious leaders have come out and more will follow.

Fact is that the majority on earth does not believe NASA went the moon, but just like the election of Trump and the Brexit it is denied in all possible ways untill it is happening.
The moment we all hear NASA went to no moon will cause a few heart attacks,...... also some old men over here should be really worried about their health.



  • 575
  • Open your eyes...
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #76 on: August 17, 2017, 01:10:48 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
Completely agreed.
But the NASA fan boys have the same blinders on that people had on claiming Trump could never win the election a few years ago when Trump also participated.
The Russians hardly believe NASA, they never did. Watch some real scientists and former cosmologists on Russian video's and articles demolishing the munlundings.

Those fanboys really are that blind " every scientist around the globe knows the earth is a globe and NASA went to the moon"
Most Muslim countries are to oil dependent, otherwise they would openly state NASA didn't go to no moon.
Some leading religious leaders have come out and more will follow.

Fact is that the majority on earth does not believe NASA went the moon, but just like the election of Trump and the Brexit it is denied in all possible ways untill it is happening.
The moment we all hear NASA went to no moon will cause a few heart attacks,...... also some old men over here should be really worried about their health.

This is about solar eclipse, you idiot.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #77 on: August 17, 2017, 02:16:33 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
Seriously, you really going to use a survey of 1,003 British people done by online mobile retailer e2save as evidence.  An unscientific marketing survey that doesn’t even have a statistically representative sample size. 

A survey that also found:
12 percent said they believe in witches and wizards
10 percent said they believe in the Loch Ness Monster
10 percent said they believe Illuminati are out to take over the world
10 percent said they believe in the Yeti
8 percent said they believe in Bigfoot
8 percent said they believe in fairies.

Talk about junk science.  And, you want us to believe you provide credible information.

Oh, and 5 percent said they believe dragons are real.

Since it costs 2.72¢ to produce a penny, putting in your 2¢ if really worth 5.44¢.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #78 on: August 17, 2017, 02:51:24 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
Seriously, you really going to use a survey of 1,003 British people done by online mobile retailer e2save as evidence.  An unscientific marketing survey that doesn’t even have a statistically representative sample size. 

A survey that also found:
12 percent said they believe in witches and wizards
10 percent said they believe in the Loch Ness Monster
10 percent said they believe Illuminati are out to take over the world
10 percent said they believe in the Yeti
8 percent said they believe in Bigfoot
8 percent said they believe in fairies.

Talk about junk science.  And, you want us to believe you provide credible information.

Oh, and 5 percent said they believe dragons are real.


What is this survey you speak of ?

I know nothing of this survey you speak of.

I'm British and live in Great Britain I was speaking from personal experience.

I could of quoted the Daily Mail online survey regarding Flat Earth belief where 37% of people in Britain believe the earth to be flat and this was done over two years ago I would say it is over 50% now.

As Dutchy has said already you Heliocentric snowflakes will not accept the truth such as Brexit or the rise of Trump until it actually happens.

I think it better you stay in your bubble and just keep telling each other that people believe your lies.

I will leave you with these words from scripture.

You should pay particular attention to the fact that God All Mighty doesn't lie.

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #79 on: August 17, 2017, 02:59:46 AM »
Your Heliocentric model doesn't work regarding the Eclipse.
Totally incorrect, all that doesn't work is your incorrect explanation of the Heliocentric Globe.
.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
What you must compare is the surface velocity of the earth where the eclipse will pass with the velocity of the moon's shadow.
And tangential (or surface velocity of the earth) = angular velocity (in radians/second) times the radius of the earth at that latitude!

The radius of the earth at 40° latitude = cos(40°) x 6.366 x 106 = 4.876 x 106 m.
The angular velocity of the earth = (2 x π)/86400 = 7.272 x 10-5 radians/sec.
So the earth's surface velocity (in the middle of USA) is  4.876 x 106 x 7.272 x 10-5  = 356 m/s.

The radius of the moon's orbit averages 3.850 x 1008 m.
So angular velocity of the moon afound its orbit is (earths angular velocity/29.5306) = 2.463 x 10-6 radians/sec.
And the orbital velocity of the moon is  3.850 x 1008 x 2.463 x 10-6  = 948 m/s.

So even though the moon's angular velocity is much less than the angular velocity of the earth,
the moon's orbital velocity is somewhat more than the surface velocity of the earth - and this is the crucial point.

The moon's shadow travels very slightly faster (about 0.25%) than the moon's orbital velocity.
So the shadow moves from west to east, relative to the earth's surface.

Quote from:
Any normal person can understand that as the moon's total orbital path is 27 to 29 days and 1.5 million miles it would have to travel at least a 190000 miles to cross the USA west to east because it is 200000 miles away on your Heliocentric model and in reality the USA is nearly 3000 miles wide so we could say that is roughly 12.5% of the alleged circumfrence of your imaginary Globe which to keep it simple represents roughly 12.5% of the Moons orbital path.
This is where you are totally wrong! Since the sun is so far away from the moon (about 150,000,000 km)
the shadow of the moon on the earth moves at almost the same linear velocity as the linear velocity of the moon.
See in this diagram:
if the moon moves up, the shadow moves up by almost (about 0.25% more) the same distance, not angle!

This linear tangential velocity of the moon is about 948 m/s (from above) or 3410 km/hr
and the surface velocity of the earth (in the middle of USA) is about 356 m/s (from above) or 1282km/hr.
So the shadow moves from west-to-east at about 3410 km/hr but the earth is also moving west-to-east at about 1282km/hr.

Hence, the nett velocity of the shadow relative to a position in its path is about 2130 km/hr from west-to-east!
The width of USA along the path of the eclipse is just over 4000 km.
So the west-to-east shadow movement is exactly what would be expected for the eclipse of Aug 21.

Quote from:
<<<< many times repeated debunked information deleted >>>>
So sorry, Mr, but you still do not understand how the solar eclipse fits perfectly with the Heliocentric Globe.

Maybe you should give up trying to explain the Heliocentric Globe to people that understand if far better than you do.

See if you can do it better explaining it on your flat earth.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #80 on: August 17, 2017, 06:37:15 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Word has it that a congresscritter from Oklahoma will be named NASA administrator. If he's as anti-science as others in his delegation, you may soon be right. Sad.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan



  • 142
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #81 on: August 17, 2017, 09:21:20 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
Seriously, you really going to use a survey of 1,003 British people done by online mobile retailer e2save as evidence.  An unscientific marketing survey that doesn’t even have a statistically representative sample size. 

A survey that also found:
12 percent said they believe in witches and wizards
10 percent said they believe in the Loch Ness Monster
10 percent said they believe Illuminati are out to take over the world
10 percent said they believe in the Yeti
8 percent said they believe in Bigfoot
8 percent said they believe in fairies.

Talk about junk science.  And, you want us to believe you provide credible information.

Oh, and 5 percent said they believe dragons are real.


The funny thing is there is more evidence of bigfoot and an insane amount of evidence for UFOs being true than the evidence of a flat earth.  ;D
Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
- John Adams



  • 14
  • Yo wassup?
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #82 on: August 17, 2017, 09:57:11 AM »
Black sun seems a bit racist to me....


It is part of the balence we have a White Sun and a Black Sun.

So, affirmative action has spread to celestial objects now? What is this?
Black Suns matter you racist white mutha fucka. You wouldnt be talking nis shit down na hood white boy cracker mutha fucka.
If you ain't black you ain't shit.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #83 on: August 17, 2017, 10:01:14 AM »
And still no explaination of how the eclipse actually works on a flat earth.

I suggest you read the link provided on  the first post.

The Black Sun eclipses the Sun this is why the shadow moves west to east which is impossible on your Heliocentric model.

As I have said before your Heliocentric  model is as old and decrepit as Rab.

And like Rab your Heliocentric model will soon be dead.


The video below illustrates me vs all of you Heliocentrics.

I'm Darth Vader and you Heliocentrics are the cattle like soldiers .


Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

What I don't understand, this is by far not the first eclipse that has ever been predicted and studied.  If this is going to bring down the REers, why hasn't it already been done? 


The Real Celine Dion

  • 4423
  • Use as directed
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #84 on: August 17, 2017, 10:20:16 AM »
NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
Seriously, you really going to use a survey of 1,003 British people done by online mobile retailer e2save as evidence.  An unscientific marketing survey that doesn’t even have a statistically representative sample size. 

A survey that also found:
12 percent said they believe in witches and wizards
10 percent said they believe in the Loch Ness Monster
10 percent said they believe Illuminati are out to take over the world
10 percent said they believe in the Yeti
8 percent said they believe in Bigfoot
8 percent said they believe in fairies.

Talk about junk science.  And, you want us to believe you provide credible information.

Oh, and 5 percent said they believe dragons are real.


What is this survey you speak of ?

I know nothing of this survey you speak of.

I'm British and live in Great Britain I was speaking from personal experience.

I could of quoted the Daily Mail online survey regarding Flat Earth belief where 37% of people in Britain believe the earth to be flat and this was done over two years ago I would say it is over 50% now.

As Dutchy has said already you Heliocentric snowflakes will not accept the truth such as Brexit or the rise of Trump until it actually happens.

I think it better you stay in your bubble and just keep telling each other that people believe your lies.

I will leave you with these words from scripture.

You should pay particular attention to the fact that God All Mighty doesn't lie.

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

Darth Vader finds your lack of faith disturbing.
You just got Weskered, bitches!



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43183
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2017, 12:44:52 PM »

You will be dead soon just like your Heliocentric model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

It always cracks me up when flattards say things like this about the globe/heliocentric model or things like NASAs days are numbered. The number must be very large because they have been saying this for years now. How long does infinity last before this is suppose to happen?

NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
How many of those YouTube videos are just rehashing the same tired old crap that was debunked years ago?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2017, 02:50:17 PM »

You will be dead soon just like your Heliocentric model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is Finished.

It always cracks me up when flattards say things like this about the globe/heliocentric model or things like NASAs days are numbered. The number must be very large because they have been saying this for years now. How long does infinity last before this is suppose to happen?

NASA is finished already.

Most people in Britain don't believe them.

I would say looking at the amount of youtube videos that America is not far behind.
How many of those YouTube videos are just rehashing the same tired old crap that was debunked years ago?

None of the videos I have seen have been debunked which is why millions of people have lost faith in your Strange religion.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #87 on: August 17, 2017, 08:13:57 PM »
None of the videos I have seen have been debunked which is why millions of people have lost faith in your Strange religion.
Don't talk more total rubbish.
You simply don't enough understanding of simple geometry and optics to recognise that your videos are pure bunkum!
Go back to kindergarten and start again.

Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #88 on: August 18, 2017, 11:48:05 AM »
None of the videos I have seen have been debunked which is why millions of people have lost faith in your Strange religion.
Don't talk more total rubbish.
You simply don't enough understanding of simple geometry and optics to recognise that your videos are pure bunkum!
Go back to kindergarten and start again.

I understand everything.

You Heliocentrics will say anything to defend your Strange religion.

Let's look at the facts :

You have never seen the Globe.

You never will see the Globe.

The moon is visable during the day.

The moon will not be visable during the solar eclipse.

This is because the Sun is eclipsed by the Black Sun.

Some friendly advice Rab.

You would be better spending the last few years of your life with your family and friends ( if you have any ) rather than spending all your time on the Internet arguing about something you have never seen.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43183
Re: The Black Sun is the cause of Eclispes
« Reply #89 on: August 18, 2017, 12:59:09 PM »
The moon is visable during the day.

The moon will not be visable during the solar eclipse.
I thought you said that the moon will be visible in a different part of the sky.

This is because the Sun is eclipsed by the Black Sun.
What does the black sun have to do with the visibility of the moon? ???

Is the black sun going to eclipse the moon too?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.