How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?
The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.
Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.
You FE-ers like to make your own observations, right?...right!...
If you look up outside in daytime, you will see the sun up in the sky, right?...right!...
we know the moon orbits the earth CCW (if you look down on Earth from the North pole), right?...right!...
so, you will see the moon passing before the sun from right to left during solar eclipse on Northern Hemisphere, right?...right!...
moon on the right side of sun will cast a shadow on westside of Earth, right?...right!...
moon on the left side of sun will cast a shadow on eastside of Earth, right?...right!...
so, shadow of moon will travel from west to east on earth, right?...right!...
ok then.