Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe

  • 1484 Replies
Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« on: July 26, 2017, 02:51:59 PM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2017, 02:58:02 PM »
How about a synopsis before I click on something you saw on the interweb.



  • 2151
  • Stop Indoctrinating me!
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2017, 03:34:56 PM »
How about a synopsis before I click on something you saw on the interweb.

It's certainly some whack-job flatwad fucktard kunspeerisah video....

I have yet to se ANY logical flat earth explanation for a solar eclpse... At least not one that doesn't blow big holes in some other flattie model.
I will always be Here To Laugh At You.



  • 2366
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2017, 04:18:44 PM »
See the earth and moon as one big cosmic caroussel in the ''globe reality''.
Althaugh the outer carriages on a normal caroussel go much faster than the centre of the caroussel, they maintain their relative position towards one another.
If you would record the speed, the outer carriages go much faster than the inner centre.

What NASA and globers want you to believe is that althaugh both the moon and earth move in the same direction, the moon goes much faster.
Moon orbital speed  = 3.683 km per hour
Earth's rotational speed = 1670 km per hour near the equator

By claiming that the moon goes much faster than earth's rotation and the casted shadow is therefor going east to west is a pseudo explaination  for the moving eclipse from Oregon to South Carolina 

The caroussel analogy clearly explains the problem.
Althaugh the carriages on the outside go faster they never are able to overtake the slower centre.
The maintain their relative position towards one another.
The moon supposedly travels faster than earth, but the fact of the matter is the moon is relatively much slower.
The earth takes 24 hours to make one revolution whereas the moon takes more than 27 days to go around earth.

With that in mind and a cosmic caroussel where the moon is the much faster outer carriage and the earth the slower centre.
Relatively the centre is even faster than the outside because it spins around it axes  faster than that the moon goes around earth.

How do we visualise this ?
Enter a huge caroussel and take a position in the centre.
Now make a full will notice that you actually seem to have overtaken the outside carriages ??
But when you would measure the actuall speed, the outside carriages would go faster than my measerable slow revolution in the centre.
Let alone 27 revolutions in the centre compared to ONE revolution of the outside !

This eclipse cannot occur from East to West in North America, no matter what the actuall speed of the moon is.
The earth's rotation is to fast for the moon the play catch up and the eclips could only occur the other way around !No matter what shadow was cast.

Good find !!!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 04:56:57 PM by dutchy »



  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 11803
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2017, 05:06:28 PM »
It is indeed a good find, it is taking the REtards more than 2 hours to find some kind of poo to throw on this. Tick tock, tick tock.
God is real.                                

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2017, 06:44:56 PM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.

Since it costs 2.72¢ to produce a penny, putting in your 2¢ if really worth 5.44¢.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2017, 06:45:24 PM »
Two flat brainers at work. Hoppy, still never been in s proper debate.

Why does the solar eclipse only happen during the new moon phase?

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2017, 06:52:39 PM »
How about a synopsis before I click on something you saw on the interweb.

It's certainly some whack-job flatwad fucktard kunspeerisah video....

Don't quote me if you are just going to be a mouthy piece of shit ass hole.



  • 2151
  • Stop Indoctrinating me!
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2017, 07:08:55 PM »
How about a synopsis before I click on something you saw on the interweb.

It's certainly some whack-job flatwad fucktard kunspeerisah video....

Don't quote me if you are just going to be a mouthy piece of shit ass hole.

Well, I clicked and watched it...

I was right!
I will always be Here To Laugh At You.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2017, 07:20:40 PM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.


Care to explain the size of the moon's shadow on the earth?  How is that possible.



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2017, 08:07:55 PM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.


Care to explain the size of the moon's shadow on the earth?  How is that possible.

Sigh! ...   Draw or find a diagram of the Earth/Moon/Sun to scale and you'll understand.

If you want to explore the entire solar system at true scale..

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2017, 08:17:44 PM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.


Care to explain the size of the moon's shadow on the earth?  How is that possible.

Sigh! ...   Draw or find a diagram of the Earth/Moon/Sun to scale and you'll understand.

If you want to explore the entire solar system at true scale..

Oh please.  How bout we look at some 'Official Time Lapse Photos' of the 2016 eclipse.  I do not see how that animation can be reconciled with these photos.


Not to mention that animation does not even make sense.  Are people who believe this stuff on drugs?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 08:20:40 PM by Silicon »



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2017, 08:23:54 PM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.


Care to explain the size of the moon's shadow on the earth?  How is that possible.

Sigh! ...   Draw or find a diagram of the Earth/Moon/Sun to scale and you'll understand.

If you want to explore the entire solar system at true scale..

Oh please.  How bout we look at some 'Official Time Lapse Photos' of the 2016 eclipse.  I do not see how that animation can be reconciled with these photos.


Not to mention that animation does not even make sense.  Are people who believe this stuff on drugs?

They look fine to me,  what do you think doesn't make sense?
Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2017, 10:24:27 PM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.


Care to explain the size of the moon's shadow on the earth?  How is that possible.

Sigh! ...   Draw or find a diagram of the Earth/Moon/Sun to scale and you'll understand.

If you want to explore the entire solar system at true scale..

Oh please.  How bout we look at some 'Official Time Lapse Photos' of the 2016 eclipse.  I do not see how that animation can be reconciled with these photos.


Not to mention that animation does not even make sense.  Are people who believe this stuff on drugs?

They look fine to me,  what do you think doesn't make sense?

The penumbra is massive in the animation, it's not in the photos.  In globe theory, the penumbra would have to be still larger. But we see an even smaller shadow in reality of course because the earth is not a globe.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2017, 10:48:05 PM »

They look fine to me,  what do you think doesn't make sense?

The penumbra is massive in the animation, it's not in the photos.  In globe theory, the penumbra would have to be still larger. But we see an even smaller shadow in reality of course because the earth is not a globe.

Mt Silicon please draw a diagram to correct scale of the sun-moon-earth system.
Or better still an animation to correct scale.

Then we'll talk!

By the way, the dark area is not the umbra, the umbra is just a spot in the middle.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 11:02:24 PM by rabinoz »



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2017, 11:31:46 PM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

But he''s quite incorrect, as are all the videos you dredge up from out of the trash-can.

The shadow moves from west to east because the moon is travelling faster than the surface of the earth.
Quote from:  Joe Rao
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last?
The umbral shadow is projected out into space by the moon and is shaped like a long, tapering cone. That shadow cone is about 235,000 miles (378,000 kilometers) long. But the moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

So, in order for the umbra to touch the Earth, it must be closer than the average Earth-moon distance. But even when the moon is at the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, the umbra is but a dark "dot" measuring no more than 170 miles (274 km) across. And many times, the shadow width is considerably smaller than that. During the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, for example, the shadow will average only about 68 miles (109 km) wide.

The other thing to take under consideration is the speed of the shadow. During its orbit around Earth from west to east, the moon moves at an average speed of 2,288 mph (3,683 km/h). Because the natural satellite is traveling in an elliptical orbit, the moon's speed is not constant; the object moves faster when it's closer to Earth.

The moon's shadow moves at the same speed as the moon itself. So one might think that during a solar eclipse, the speed of the moon's umbra on the Earth would average close to 2,300 mph (3,700 km/h).

From:, How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last? Depends Where You Are



  • 913
  • The Earth is not round, nor flat. It is a Donut...
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2017, 11:32:48 PM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.
You FE-ers like to make your own observations, right?...right!...
If you look up outside in daytime, you will see the sun up in the sky, right?...right!...
we know the moon orbits the earth CCW (if you look down on Earth from the North pole), right?...right!...
so, you will see the moon passing before the sun from right to left during solar eclipse on Northern Hemisphere, right?...right!...
moon on the right side of sun will cast a shadow on westside of Earth, right?...right!...
moon on the left side of sun will cast a shadow on eastside of Earth, right?...right!...
so, shadow of moon will travel from west to east on earth, right?...right!...

ok then.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 11:36:46 PM by napoleon »
Never argue with an idiot...
First they will drag you down to their own level,
and then they beat you by experience...



  • 575
  • Open your eyes...
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2017, 11:52:02 PM »
Since SHM calculations had been used to predict this very eclipse I don't know why this fail thread should be worth any response other than: Try harder next time, flattard.  ::)
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2017, 12:13:42 AM »
"Seek and ye shall find" flattards.

"Attempting to use my brain is futile" proves the earth is a globe again.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 12:25:36 AM by Zammo »
If I'm a complete Idiot for not believing in your Heliocentric fairytale then so be it.



  • 2366
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2017, 12:40:20 AM »
"Seek and ye shall find" flattards.

"Attempting to use my brain is futile" proves the earth is a globe again.
You mean this false representation of reality from NASA ?
In this animation the outer carriage (moon) overtakes the inner circle earth  ( see the way the shadow travels from east to west )
Even when the earth rotated 27 times slower and the relative position between the moon and earth would be in perfect sync like a caroussel the casted shadow would have been freezed in the same spot without moving !!!

In your heliocentric model the centre earth overtakes the moon by a huge margin of 27 times.
So what magical shadow is able to show the opposite, as if the moon overtakes the centre ?



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2017, 12:41:10 AM »
When you take into account the velocity of the earths rotation, the velocity of the moon's orbit and the velocity of the earth-moon around the sun...the eclipse goes west to east.  Almost always.


Care to explain the size of the moon's shadow on the earth?  How is that possible.

Sigh! ...   Draw or find a diagram of the Earth/Moon/Sun to scale and you'll understand.

If you want to explore the entire solar system at true scale..

Oh please.  How bout we look at some 'Official Time Lapse Photos' of the 2016 eclipse.  I do not see how that animation can be reconciled with these photos.


Not to mention that animation does not even make sense.  Are people who believe this stuff on drugs?

They look fine to me,  what do you think doesn't make sense?

The penumbra is massive in the animation, it's not in the photos.  In globe theory, the penumbra would have to be still larger. But we see an even smaller shadow in reality of course because the earth is not a globe.

I think you are just confused,   try thinking of the region of total eclipse as the area you have to stand to get near perfect alignment of moon and sun,   you don't have to move all that far before they aren't in perfect alignment anymore,  hence the area of totality is only relatively small.   100km?

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2017, 12:42:45 AM »
"Seek and ye shall find" flattards.

"Attempting to use my brain is futile" proves the earth is a globe again.
You mean this false representation of reality from NASA ?
In this animation the outer carriage (moon) overtakes the inner circle earth  ( see the way the shadow travels from east to west )
Even when the earth rotated 27 times slower and the relative position between the moon and earth would be in perfect sync like a caroussel the casted shadow would have been freezed in the same spot without moving !!!

In your heliocentric model the centre earth overtakes the moon by a huge margin of 27 times.
So what magical shadow is able to show the opposite, as if the moon overtakes the centre ?

Are you serious?  Or was that just trolling.... 
Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2017, 12:44:04 AM »
"Seek and ye shall find" flattards.

"Attempting to use my brain is futile" proves the earth is a globe again.
You mean this false representation of reality from NASA ?
In this animation the outer carriage (moon) overtakes the inner circle earth  ( see the way the shadow travels from east to west )
Even when the earth rotated 27 times slower and the relative position between the moon and earth would be in perfect sync like a caroussel the casted shadow would have been freezed in the same spot without moving !!!

In your heliocentric model the centre earth overtakes the moon by a huge margin of 27 times.
So what magical shadow is able to show the opposite, as if the moon overtakes the centre ?

Are you serious?  Or was that just trolling....

He must be trolling. He can't actually be that stupid.
If I'm a complete Idiot for not believing in your Heliocentric fairytale then so be it.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2017, 01:54:13 AM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

But he''s quite incorrect, as are all the videos you dredge up from out of the trash-can.

The shadow moves from west to east because the moon is travelling faster than the surface of the earth.
Quote from:  Joe Rao
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last?
The umbral shadow is projected out into space by the moon and is shaped like a long, tapering cone. That shadow cone is about 235,000 miles (378,000 kilometers) long. But the moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

So, in order for the umbra to touch the Earth, it must be closer than the average Earth-moon distance. But even when the moon is at the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, the umbra is but a dark "dot" measuring no more than 170 miles (274 km) across. And many times, the shadow width is considerably smaller than that. During the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, for example, the shadow will average only about 68 miles (109 km) wide.

The other thing to take under consideration is the speed of the shadow. During its orbit around Earth from west to east, the moon moves at an average speed of 2,288 mph (3,683 km/h). Because the natural satellite is traveling in an elliptical orbit, the moon's speed is not constant; the object moves faster when it's closer to Earth.

The moon's shadow moves at the same speed as the moon itself. So one might think that during a solar eclipse, the speed of the moon's umbra on the Earth would average close to 2,300 mph (3,700 km/h).

From:, How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last? Depends Where You Are

No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2017, 02:09:03 AM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

But he''s quite incorrect, as are all the videos you dredge up from out of the trash-can.

The shadow moves from west to east because the moon is travelling faster than the surface of the earth.
Quote from:  Joe Rao
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last?
The umbral shadow is projected out into space by the moon and is shaped like a long, tapering cone. That shadow cone is about 235,000 miles (378,000 kilometers) long. But the moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

So, in order for the umbra to touch the Earth, it must be closer than the average Earth-moon distance. But even when the moon is at the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, the umbra is but a dark "dot" measuring no more than 170 miles (274 km) across. And many times, the shadow width is considerably smaller than that. During the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, for example, the shadow will average only about 68 miles (109 km) wide.

The other thing to take under consideration is the speed of the shadow. During its orbit around Earth from west to east, the moon moves at an average speed of 2,288 mph (3,683 km/h). Because the natural satellite is traveling in an elliptical orbit, the moon's speed is not constant; the object moves faster when it's closer to Earth.

The moon's shadow moves at the same speed as the moon itself. So one might think that during a solar eclipse, the speed of the moon's umbra on the Earth would average close to 2,300 mph (3,700 km/h).

From:, How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last? Depends Where You Are

No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

It's quite simple. The link in my first post has a video model that a child could understand. Your inability to grasp the velocity of the moon's orbit exceeding the earth's rotation is of no consequence to the fact the moon's umbra moves from West to East. It makes perfect sense to those of us with functioning brains. Watch the video over and over and try and turn your brain on. (I'll help you a little, as you seem to be struggling. The moon is a long way from the earth in our model - the correct model😉)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 02:21:22 AM by Zammo »
If I'm a complete Idiot for not believing in your Heliocentric fairytale then so be it.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2017, 02:37:30 AM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

But he''s quite incorrect, as are all the videos you dredge up from out of the trash-can.

The shadow moves from west to east because the moon is travelling faster than the surface of the earth.
Quote from:  Joe Rao
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last?
The umbral shadow is projected out into space by the moon and is shaped like a long, tapering cone. That shadow cone is about 235,000 miles (378,000 kilometers) long. But the moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

So, in order for the umbra to touch the Earth, it must be closer than the average Earth-moon distance. But even when the moon is at the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, the umbra is but a dark "dot" measuring no more than 170 miles (274 km) across. And many times, the shadow width is considerably smaller than that. During the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, for example, the shadow will average only about 68 miles (109 km) wide.

The other thing to take under consideration is the speed of the shadow. During its orbit around Earth from west to east, the moon moves at an average speed of 2,288 mph (3,683 km/h). Because the natural satellite is traveling in an elliptical orbit, the moon's speed is not constant; the object moves faster when it's closer to Earth.

The moon's shadow moves at the same speed as the moon itself. So one might think that during a solar eclipse, the speed of the moon's umbra on the Earth would average close to 2,300 mph (3,700 km/h).

From:, How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last? Depends Where You Are

No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

It's quite simple. The link in my first post has a video model that a child could understand. Your inability to grasp the velocity of the moon's orbit exceeding the earth's rotation is of no consequence to the fact the moon's umbra moves from West to East. It makes perfect sense to those of us with functioning brains. Watch the video over and over and try and turn your brain on. (I'll help you a little, as you seem to be struggling. The moon is a long way from the earth in our model - the correct model😉)

That is Heliocentric nonsense.

It is impossible for the moon's orbit velocity to exceed that of the Earth's rotatation.

The rotation of the Earth is 27 times faster than the Moon's orbit on your model.

Quote explaining the Moon's alleged orbit.

Are you claiming that the Moon orbits the Earth in less than 12 hours on your model ?

Quote explaining The Earth's alleged rotatation.

The Earth  allegedly rotates    anticlockwise.

How is it possible for the Total Eclipse to start in the west and finish in the East as it will in reality on the 21.08.17   

This Solar Eclipse Debunks your Heliocentric Globe Fairytale.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 02:41:26 AM by »



  • 913
  • The Earth is not round, nor flat. It is a Donut...
Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2017, 02:46:14 AM »
Quote from: link=topic=71435.msg1935363#msg1935363
No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.
Seen from Earth, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, because of the rotation of the Earth is Counter Clockwise and 24 hours
The moons rotation is also counter clockwise but roughly 27 days.
So, seen from Earth, the moon also rises from the east and sets in the west.

nothing special there. Nevertheless if you look at the sun during solar eclipse you will see that the moon will aproach and pass the sun from west to east. thefore, its shadow will also travel from west to east.

it really is not that difficult.

Never argue with an idiot...
First they will drag you down to their own level,
and then they beat you by experience...

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2017, 02:46:32 AM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

But he''s quite incorrect, as are all the videos you dredge up from out of the trash-can.

The shadow moves from west to east because the moon is travelling faster than the surface of the earth.
Quote from:  Joe Rao
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last?
The umbral shadow is projected out into space by the moon and is shaped like a long, tapering cone. That shadow cone is about 235,000 miles (378,000 kilometers) long. But the moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

So, in order for the umbra to touch the Earth, it must be closer than the average Earth-moon distance. But even when the moon is at the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, the umbra is but a dark "dot" measuring no more than 170 miles (274 km) across. And many times, the shadow width is considerably smaller than that. During the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, for example, the shadow will average only about 68 miles (109 km) wide.

The other thing to take under consideration is the speed of the shadow. During its orbit around Earth from west to east, the moon moves at an average speed of 2,288 mph (3,683 km/h). Because the natural satellite is traveling in an elliptical orbit, the moon's speed is not constant; the object moves faster when it's closer to Earth.

The moon's shadow moves at the same speed as the moon itself. So one might think that during a solar eclipse, the speed of the moon's umbra on the Earth would average close to 2,300 mph (3,700 km/h).

From:, How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last? Depends Where You Are

No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

It's quite simple. The link in my first post has a video model that a child could understand. Your inability to grasp the velocity of the moon's orbit exceeding the earth's rotation is of no consequence to the fact the moon's umbra moves from West to East. It makes perfect sense to those of us with functioning brains. Watch the video over and over and try and turn your brain on. (I'll help you a little, as you seem to be struggling. The moon is a long way from the earth in our model - the correct model😉)

That is Heliocentric nonsense.

It is impossible for the moon's orbit velocity to exceed that of the Earth's rotatation.

The rotation of the Earth is 27 times faster than the Moon's orbit on your model.

Quote explaining the Moon's alleged orbit.

Quote explaining The Earth's alleged rotatation.

The Earth  allegedly rotates    anticlockwise.

How is it possible for the Total Eclipse to start in the west and finish in the East as it will in reality on the 21.08.17   

This Solar Eclipse Debunks your Heliocentric Globe Fairytale.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

My God you're stupid. You can't even read your own links.

From your first link on the moon's orbit:

"With a mean orbital velocity of 1.022 km/s (2,290 mph)"

From your second link on the earth's rotational speed:

" Multiplying the value in rad/s by Earth's equatorial radius of 6,378,137 m (WGS84 ellipsoid) (factors of 2π radians needed by both cancel) yields an equatorial speed of 465.1 m (1,526 ft) per second, or 1,674.4 km (1,040.4 mi) per hour."

So the moon's orbital velocity exceeds the earth's maximum rotational speed (at the equator). As I said. As your links agree with. You're confusing angular velocity with the only relevant thing in terms of the moon's umbra on the earth during eclipse - the relative absolute velocities of the moon's orbit vs the earth's rotation. The moon's orbital velocity far exceeds the earth's rotational velocity, and therefore the moon's umbra moves from West to East AS EXPECTED.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 03:01:51 AM by Zammo »
If I'm a complete Idiot for not believing in your Heliocentric fairytale then so be it.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2017, 03:06:19 AM »
Quote from: link=topic=71435.msg1935363#msg1935363
No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.
Seen from Earth, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, because of the rotation of the Earth is Counter Clockwise and 24 hours
The moons rotation is also counter clockwise but roughly 27 days.
So, seen from Earth, the moon also rises from the east and sets in the west.

nothing special there. Nevertheless if you look at the sun during solar eclipse you will see that the moon will aproach and pass the sun from west to east. thefore, its shadow will also travel from west to east.

it really is not that difficult.

Stop talking nonsense.

For that to be possible on your model  the Moon's orbit velocity would have to be greater than the velocity of the  Earths rotation.

As explained and proved above with the quotes provided , the moon's orbit velocity is some 27 times slower than the velocity of the rotation of the earth, so it would be impossible for the Total Eclipse to be visable from west to east on your model as it will be in reality on the 21.08.17.

This because your Heliocentric Globe is a fairytale.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

Re: Eclipse 21.08.17 will debunk the Globe
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2017, 03:12:25 AM »

How will this Eclipse be possible on your Heliocentric model ?

The producer in this video gives a detailed description of how and why the upcoming solar Eclipse is impossibe on the Heliocentric Globe Model.

But he''s quite incorrect, as are all the videos you dredge up from out of the trash-can.

The shadow moves from west to east because the moon is travelling faster than the surface of the earth.
Quote from:  Joe Rao
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last?
The umbral shadow is projected out into space by the moon and is shaped like a long, tapering cone. That shadow cone is about 235,000 miles (378,000 kilometers) long. But the moon's average distance from Earth is about 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

So, in order for the umbra to touch the Earth, it must be closer than the average Earth-moon distance. But even when the moon is at the closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, the umbra is but a dark "dot" measuring no more than 170 miles (274 km) across. And many times, the shadow width is considerably smaller than that. During the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, for example, the shadow will average only about 68 miles (109 km) wide.

The other thing to take under consideration is the speed of the shadow. During its orbit around Earth from west to east, the moon moves at an average speed of 2,288 mph (3,683 km/h). Because the natural satellite is traveling in an elliptical orbit, the moon's speed is not constant; the object moves faster when it's closer to Earth.

The moon's shadow moves at the same speed as the moon itself. So one might think that during a solar eclipse, the speed of the moon's umbra on the Earth would average close to 2,300 mph (3,700 km/h).

From:, How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last? Depends Where You Are

No you are INCORRECT.

The Moon on your model takes 27 days to orbit the earth .

The Earth takes 24 hours per revolution.

I ask you again .

How is the Solar Eclipse on the 21.08.17 possible on your model.?

Is the Earth going to start spinning the other way  ;D

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

It's quite simple. The link in my first post has a video model that a child could understand. Your inability to grasp the velocity of the moon's orbit exceeding the earth's rotation is of no consequence to the fact the moon's umbra moves from West to East. It makes perfect sense to those of us with functioning brains. Watch the video over and over and try and turn your brain on. (I'll help you a little, as you seem to be struggling. The moon is a long way from the earth in our model - the correct model😉)

That is Heliocentric nonsense.

It is impossible for the moon's orbit velocity to exceed that of the Earth's rotatation.

The rotation of the Earth is 27 times faster than the Moon's orbit on your model.

Quote explaining the Moon's alleged orbit.

Quote explaining The Earth's alleged rotatation.

The Earth  allegedly rotates    anticlockwise.

How is it possible for the Total Eclipse to start in the west and finish in the East as it will in reality on the 21.08.17   

This Solar Eclipse Debunks your Heliocentric Globe Fairytale.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

My God you're stupid. You can't even read your own links.

From your first link on the moon's orbit:

"With a mean orbital velocity of 1.022 km/s (2,290 mph)"

From your second link on the earth's rotational speed:

" Multiplying the value in rad/s by Earth's equatorial radius of 6,378,137 m (WGS84 ellipsoid) (factors of 2π radians needed by both cancel) yields an equatorial speed of 465.1 m (1,526 ft) per second, or 1,674.4 km (1,040.4 mi) per hour."

So the moon's orbital velocity exceeds the earth's maximum rotational speed (at the equator). As I said. As your links agree with. You're confusing angular velocity with the only relevant thing in terms of the moon's umbra on the earth during eclipse - the relative absolute velocities of the moon's orbit vs the earth's rotation. The moon's orbital velocity far exceeds the earth's rotational velocity, and therefore the moon's umbra moves from West to East AS EXPECTED.

Stop talking nonsense.

The links provided quite clearly says the Moon takes 27 days to orbit the Earth on your model.

Are you claiming the Moon orbits the Earth more than twice a day ?

The Earth does a full revolution in 24 hours so as I said it is IMPOSSIBLE for the Moon's orbit velocity to be greater than that of the rotation of the Earth.

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False. .
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 03:14:55 AM by »