If I'm a complete Idiot for not believing in your Heliocentric fairytale then so be it.
Finally "Using my brain is futile" has uttered something sensible.
Your strange flattard religion is false.
Says someone who believes :
1 A scale model moon in several stages with camera rail was 'needed' during Apollo to 'test' certain aspects of uhhhh the mission, instaed of a dead give away of a film set up !
2 A terrain on Devon Island is used to mimic and test the mars environment ( which they could hardly know beforehand) and it seems that after the rover had landed on mars , mars was indeed an exact copy of Devon Island + red filter.
But this is science you know, they figuered it out and Devon Island is not one if the studio set ups to fake a mars mission
3 underwater facilities are used to test outerspace with skubadivers with camera's.
Hey !! this way they could also record some fake space footage of an astronaut with some tool tightening some very important screw for hours.
But no, it is for a sort of testing zero gravity ....in water
But then of course explained with fancy scientific jargon to intimmidate ordinary people !
Enough, you globers are so gullible, you even wouldn't notice it when you were lead to the slaughterhouse..... Poor, Poor sheep.