Another person who thinks flatearthers fail to understand the basics of astronomy.
I would generalize it:
Flat earthers fail to understand everything.
The list of proof of a stationary earth ,absent curvature,absent coriolis effect as proposed not so long ago ,NASA and other spaceagencies lying their asses off, absurd cosmology solely based on hypothetical nonsense and snake oil jargon to maintain the status quo between those who receive money for nothing and those eagerly paying up to billions for some bad cartoons or underwater film/ Devon Island film in return.... is staggering !!!
Those deeply indoctrinated from early childhood defend their indoctrination as adults most of the time.
We see it with any form of severe indocrination that those children will not give up their brainwashed programming easily.
Strange ,...... brainwashed suïcide murderers have the idea something really golden awaits for them. While the church of scientism gives nothing in return. Not only wants your 'church' more money , they destroyed your human identity in the process.
Your church has turned you in a meaningless spag in a vast universe, without divine origans, without a purpose, without future, without meaning, other than to consume your insignificant time on earth.
Consume, consume,consume and let your evil leaders 'explore' the heavens on your behave.
But when you have ruined earth completely, we will go to some other cosmic destiny, but you ain't part of the club , because only really knowledgeable people like fat Neil and Synthesiser man from GB can join the escape trip.
Luckily for you we cannot leave this place and thus your cultleaders cannot leave too.
Please don't defend your cruel masters and join the freedom of us who left the church of scientism for good !