Hello TFET communty
The below videos prove boat sinking over horizon not shrinking . what's your answer?
or below video at 7:58 to 8:05
In each of these videos, a haze can be seen rising from the water (indeed you can see a clear "height"). It is this haze, which diffracts light around, which causes them to appear to sink. The further the boat travels, the more haze you have to see through, until eventually it appears to sink, and naturally the haze from evaporating water is thickest closer to the water's surface so the bottom will disappear first, thus giving the illusion of the boat sinking.
In reality, haze has very little to do with the sinking ship effect. It is simply due to the curvature of the earth.
Those who doubt would do well to talk to someone in the navy or someone involved in nautical matters for an explanation if they do not accept the explanations given on these posts..
I see no haze in those videos.
There is a distinct dividing line where the sea and sky appear to meet - the horizon. The distance to the horizon can be easily estimated by a simple formula.
One of these is : The distance "d" (in miles) is equal to the product of 1.22 (a constant) times the square root of the height of the observer "h" (in feet).
Navy lookouts are trained to estimate distances in that manner. A 6 feet tall person standing at sea level can see about 3 miles to the hotizon. A person in the crow's nest on a ship, 100 feet above sea level, can see about 12.2 miles.
Those who have ever been to sea consider the flat earth idea of the sinking ship one of the most absurd and inane things they have ever read. Incidentally, if you are on a ship at sea, it looks as if you are standing in the middle of a flat circle. But the sea is actually sloping away from you in all directions as in the orange slice demonstration.
In the 2nd video, one was taken from a tower in Houston. The other was from or above Reunion Tower in Dallas , 560 feet above ground level. The caption said 700 feet.