Your challenge is a strawman and no better than Heiwa's.
How so? People have objected specifically to my definition, that is the definition I use, where's the straw man? it seems pretty clear-cut to me.
Your 'challenge' is some bullshit I couldn't care less about.
As before:
Tell you what, a special challenge for you. Provide:
1. Either a response to the challenge, or a concession that the definition holds.
And 2. A specific subject (such as gravity) that you want to see the evidence for.
And I'll provide it. (After all, it is a bit much to ask for evidence for every conceivable area of a model in one post in a thread that's about none of them). And please, actually respond this time. Your answers numbered 1 and 2 ideally. Otherwise it'll just be pretty clear you're just wasting time.
All you have to do if you want the evidence. I wonder why you're refusing to do so.
Here's the thing JRowe, your model does not fit all observations, and it makes a great many assumptions.
For instance, sun rise and set does not fit your model. Perspective does not explain it on a flat earth. The physical make up of the sun does not fit your model at all. Over heated metal does not act like what we observe on the sun.
And make a lot of assumptions. You assume NASA faked everything. You assume all the people who went to space are lying. You assume every nation that has a space program is lying. You assume a lot.
That's a different topic. One I'm happy to get into, mostly dealing with what are assumptions and what are conclusions, though I'm happy to get into some of the other objections you have. if you do want to discuss it, please start a thread.
However, here, I'm just concerned with the definition. Many users have claimed it is flawed, but never justify it. I am trying to see if any will do so.
Yes, because your challenge is a strawman, which you set up to pretend you were correct.
Leaving aside your petulant insistence that I am somehow wrong about my own model, you are more than welcome to use the definition as laid out here in the model overview. There is no straw man. Stop evading.
You mean where it appeals to other matter nearby causing the friction instead of the aether, so in reality it is just the same friction most people would know about?
Matter nearby, moving with reference to the other matter while ultimately remaining stationary with respect to space, yep. It's almost as if you're just skimming and trying to find an interpretation you disagree with, than trying to actually understand.
I have. You ignored them and bitched and moaned that I wasn't addressing the challenge.
All I've seen are misrepresentations of my definition of evidence.
The definition I give here supports the DE model. Whether you agree with that assessment or not is another topic, and one I'll happily debate with any REer capable of honest discussion, which you clearly are not. if you agree with the definition presented here, use it, I do. End of. None of your whinging changes the fact it fills the role of whatever straw man you've concocted from the overview. We should be done, though I doubt you'll ever be honest enough to admit that given you go off on rants to everything I said whether or not you were part of the discussion.
There is a section where you discuss what evidence is. But no where in that section do you actually provide evidence of your model.
Because amazingly I expect people to be able to make a simple logical connection between 'observations explained by a model' to 'these are the observations expected by this model.' Funny that.
He is the one presenting ridiculous, untestable unverifiable make believe. Maybe he should be the one to demonstrate its truthfulness.
I. Am. People like you whine that my demonstrations and evidence are not enough, why are you refusing to justify that claim?
It's verifiable, it's testable. I give potential tests, if you'd clicked the link you'd see that. i see you're just interested in stock straw men.
Bullshit indeed. Looks like the sun and moon rotating around and between two pancakes, crossing the interior instantaneously because "aether" but people are able to magically cross the equator between pancakes because "aether" without noticing the enormous celestial bodies entering between the pancakes because "aether" and the sun and moon are just heated metal spotlights because "aether" and all the evidence is on my website and there are no assumptions it's all logical because FUCK OFF read my website because "aether".
Is that DET in a nutshell? Just admit you are a Poe JRowe. It's far less embarrassing.
You know, it's almost as if a sketch meant to demonstrate one particular aspect when accompanied by several pages of text doesn't work alone. Huh. Funny.