Thanks for the info Canada Bear I will go to Lynton and will see if I can witness this curvature you speak of.
I believe the quick formula for curvature is miles squared multiplied by eight then divided by twelve to bring back to feet I will see if this works out for the distances involved.
Science does require Faith for example Einsteins theory of relativity has never been verified
This is incorrect.
as NOBODY has travelled at the speed of light but some people believe it because they have faith that Einsteins theory was correct and he was telling the truth and other scientists have done experiments that support Einsteins hypothesis which could be described as convinient as it would be in their financial interest to further exalt one of the science religions gods.
There is no requirement for someone to travel the speed of light to verify GR. It's been confirmed in a variety of ways over the past century.
@Alpha2 omega the blue marble image is CGI so my claim is hardly baseless.
Even if that statement were true, so what? We've known through a variety of independent means that the earth is spherical long before the blue marble image existed.
How other than witnessing curvature can the earth be proven a globe ?
If you can see the curvature, what else do you need? Just for the sake of completeness, the positions and apparent motion of the stars, planets, sun, and moon are most easily explained using the spherical model of the earth. No other explanation comes close.
As from what I've seen so far most of it also works on the geocentric model.
The structure of the solar system and the shape of the earth are different topics.
I think what makes a lot of people sceptical about the globe theory is that we have apparently been in space thousands of times but there are very few pictures / images that stand up in photoshop.[citation needed]
For example if I was an astronaut I would simply put my mobile phone to the window and record the rocket taking off and docking at the space station in one unbroken real video;
this has not been done yet even though mobiles have had cameras on for over ten years.
Do you know how long that would be? Why would an astronaut have his mobile phone with him in space? Do you think phones are the only devices that record video? Do you think astronauts have nothing better to do on the outbound flight?
They could also make another Hubble type telescope launch it into deep space and set it up so it shows the earth and other planets orbiting the sun
The Hubble takes pictures of planets just fine. They have better places to spend money, and you'd just dismiss everything as fake, anyway.
or the cheaper option would be to turn hubble round.This has not been done yet. ( can you see the pattern?)
The Hubble isn't designed to take pictures of earth so the results would be useless, and its time is too valuable to "mess around" doing stuff that's of no use.
I'm not saying the earth is flat because that is something I have yet to verify for myself but I struggle to understand why CGI has to be used when we have allegedly been in space thousands of times so it is not unreasonable for the millions of people to be sceptical about the globe theory.
The easy (and correct) answer is that CGI
doesn't have to be used. Just because you want to believe, for whatever reason, that images of the earth from space are faked doesn't mean they are faked.
Unfortunately, it will take a little effort and a modicum of rational thought for you to personally verify that the earth is a large sphere. The effort and brainpower are probably not beyond your ability, but might indeed exceed your attention span.