Again, you can't compare water with any belief. Because water literally isn't a belief.
I am comparing belief in water with belief in Jesus, just like you want to compare belief in Jesus, with belief in FE and belief in NASA.
FE and NASA are not beliefs.
FE is a baseless, refuted claim about the shape of Earth.
If earth was flat, then FE would be a real physical thing, just like water, not a belief.
The only way for you to claim that comparing FE is fine but comparing water is not is if you admit FE is a pile of garbage with no connection to reality.
It also requires you to claim that Jesus is an entirely fictional character.
They are quite different things. google statistics are used as a scientific statistics method like I do
Your method is not scientific at all.
Your method is taking data about one thing (i.e. search results) and pretending they are data about something completely different (i.e. an indication of the number of people who believe in it).
There is nothing scientific about it.
You may as well just be generating random numbers, using some stats on that and pretending that somehow equates to belief.
Misapplication of statistics isn't scientific. It is garbage.
If you want to show that it is a proper scientific approach, you need to look at a wide variety of different topics and show that search results equates to number of believers.
But you didn't.
You just pretended it does and then went with Jesus as your baseline.
You didn't even bothering comparing the three religions.
Using your numbers:
Jesus - 1.74 B
Mr squiggles, the man from the moon - 923 M
Hindu (why the sudden change? Why not Vishnu or Shiva?, but you chose this, so oh well) - 262 M
Now the number of "believers" (Note, these numbers may be inaccurate, especially due to some countries declaring all their people to belong to a religion even if they do not believe at all, and having the death penalty if they object)
Christianity - 2.04 B
Islam - 1.8 B
Hinduism - 1.2 B
Now lets see what the ratios are, i.e. number of believers per search result:
Christianity - 1.17
Islam - 1.95
Hinduism - 4.58
I think I know why you chose Hindu, Vishnu and Shiva produce far fewer results.
But what does this show?
Even across this range of religious beliefs, your method doesn't work.
So why assume it should work with other topics as well?
And before you decide to say that you picked Jesus because it is the lowest, that is only true of the ones you selected. There could be plenty of others with even worse results.
For example, Mormonism with Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith produces 635 million results, but there are only 14.8 million Mormons.
That is a ratio of 0.023.
Applying that much lower ratio to your FEers gives a mere 12.3 million.
It would also mean you can't say if FE or NASA has more, as they could have different ratios.