There’s now been two pilots with their take on things. I’d like to hear from FE how they are false, or in error.
Preferably from some flat-earth international airline pilots. Wolfie6020 tried to find some . . . . crickets!
I don't want to derail the topic but i know 'your' next step the moment 'flatearth pilots' would come forward.
Really? If you didn't want to de-rail this topic you could and should have made your own thread on that very topic.
I'm sure you would get plenty of support from
disputeone (if he's not banned),
Heiwa and others.
It's one side of 9/11 that I haven't looked into much.
We have seen it before you know...,
Hundreds of airline pilots claiming 9/11 couldn't possibly carried out by some amature muslim fanatics.
But what is to say that they were really "
amateur muslim fanatics".
They could easily have been been trained pilots who'd done conversion courses on simulators in their country of origin.
And all they needed in USA was familiarity with local conditions - just guessin' mind you.
It seems that the media, scientific community simply ignores the 9/11 truth pilots.
Ignores or have they considered the evidence and dismissed it? - just guessin' mind you.
Do you really think that any flatearth pilot would make a difference ? You would simply move the goalpost, just what happened with 9/11 truth pilots.
And i am sure that all other pilots know what happens when you come forward as a whistleblower about earth's shape !!
They have a great reference with 9/11 truth pilots and 9/11 engineers.
International pilots know for a fact that:
the flights between Johannesburg, South Africa, and both Perth and Sydney, Australia, and between Sydney, Australia, and Santiago, Chile would be quite outside the range of the aircraft used.
In addition other routes would different distances on any flat-earth map.
Then there's the final massive problem - there simply is no accurate flat earth map! The site has six, I think, flat earth maps with at least three distinctly different and that's excluding JRowe's "Dual Earth" model.
Dutchy, the idea of the flat-earth being taken seriously by other than conspiracy theorist flat-earthers is nothing short of laughable!
You are simply wasting your time and have to pay a steep price eventually apart from the ridicule and expulsion in your field of expertise.
Posting quite unfounded guesses is what you flat-earthers are so expert at.
I guess you'll have to be because there is so little supporting you claims that you are forced to pretend all contrary is faked and "part of this grand conspiracy" started by NASA 2500 years so.
Most globearth posters are surprisingly simplistic in understanding the real world and how it works the moment someone goes against a popular opinion.
You don't seem to have any idea of how the physical world, including the shape and motions of the earth, works.
How the political system works is a completely different and totally unrelated question.
But if you want to create a thread on 9/11 go for it and I'm sure you'll get a good response from here.