So tell me how we are being accelerated at 1g as we are stood on the ground?
When you put a mass on a spring scale, there is a force (call it whatever you want) that pushes the mass downwards.
That push downwards is the 1g acceleration that you can't seem to grasp.
I grasp a force on any object placed into atmosphere but I'm not talking about that force. I want to know what your 1g force is when you are standing on the ground.
You already harp on about the g-force of accelerating away from the ground or falling to the ground but I want to know what the force is that is pushing?pulling? you into the ground at the 1g you mention.
Tell me how this is working.
We have absolutely no idea Scepti, any honest poster will admit this.
My best explanation is gravity feels like an accelerating reference frame.
I brought a scale in to use on my elevator, it measures a much higher weight as the lift takes off but once it is moving at a set speed the weight is constant. As we would predict.
If we accelerate up at 9.8m/s2 then our weight doubles.
Therefore 9.8m/s2 seems like a reference point.
I have absolutely no idea what causes gravity, I've tried reading GR and much prefer Newtons answer as to the cause of gravity.
Which is no answer at all.
Imagine your lift being virtually wall to wall in terms of miniscule gaps all around it and only held up by the cable with the only exit door being at the very bottom.
Assuming your exit door was super strong and that cable snapped at the top, you know that the elevator would drop fast then slower and slower as it compresses that air inside that shaft.
Ok, now the reason for this is because the air cannot escape fast enough due to there being no way to exhaust the pressure by compression of the lift mass and those inside of it.
However, what is also inside of it, is air pressure and because that lift has dropped, its ceiling forces down that air inside as it dropped down, which compresses that air.
That air hits the floor and bounces back like a wave. A slosh effect which grips the people in that lift and pushes them up.
Do you agree with this and if not, why not.
You see, to figure this out, it also figures out why gravity is crap and also the g-forces not being what we are told they are.
There's a reason why our faces become distorted under so called g-force but the g-force is actually ac-force, or atmospheric compressionforce.