Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)

  • 7 Replies


  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
This is a test whows is there a magnetic pole or not.

Compass goes crazy in the near places to North Pole.

But that effect doesn't work in anywhere in the south. If is there, where is it?
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2017, 11:58:58 PM »
Compasses don't go crazy near the GEOGRAPHIC south pole, because it is a fair distance away from the MAGNETIC south pole.  Same is true for the north poles, the big difference being that the magnetic north pole is on land, while the magnetic south pole is at sea.



  • 23771
Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2017, 01:25:43 AM »
Yes they do, at the magnetic south pole.

How about you go there and show us?

Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2017, 04:21:39 AM »
Compasses don't go crazy near the GEOGRAPHIC south pole, because it is a fair distance away from the MAGNETIC south pole.  Same is true for the north poles, the big difference being that the magnetic north pole is on land, while the magnetic south pole is at sea.

Yep, when observations do not support a spherical earth, just make up new excuses to save the spherical earth religious belief!



  • 1164
Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2017, 04:40:41 AM »
Compasses don't go crazy near the GEOGRAPHIC south pole, because it is a fair distance away from the MAGNETIC south pole.  Same is true for the north poles, the big difference being that the magnetic north pole is on land, while the magnetic south pole is at sea.

Yep, when observations do not support a spherical earth, just make up new excuses to save the spherical earth religious belief!

When flat earthers have no Idea of the model they are arguing against they just spout bullshit. Can you name any serious reference that claims that the compass points towards the geographic poles and not the magnetic ones?



  • 913
  • The Earth is not round, nor flat. It is a Donut...
Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2017, 04:58:56 AM »
Compasses don't go crazy near the GEOGRAPHIC south pole, because it is a fair distance away from the MAGNETIC south pole.  Same is true for the north poles, the big difference being that the magnetic north pole is on land, while the magnetic south pole is at sea.

Yep, when observations do not support a spherical earth, just make up new excuses to save the spherical earth religious belief!
What observation are you talking about? I have never seen any observations about people on magnetic south claiming that the compass didn't act like something similar on this video.

so please show us...
Never argue with an idiot...
First they will drag you down to their own level,
and then they beat you by experience...

Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2017, 10:21:08 AM »
Compasses don't go crazy near the GEOGRAPHIC south pole, because it is a fair distance away from the MAGNETIC south pole.  Same is true for the north poles, the big difference being that the magnetic north pole is on land, while the magnetic south pole is at sea.

Yep, when observations do not support a spherical earth, just make up new excuses to save the spherical earth religious belief!
What observation are you talking about? I have never seen any observations about people on magnetic south claiming that the compass didn't act like something similar on this video.

so please show us...
I think the observation in this case is the lack of "compass going crazy" videos from Antarctica, and the presence of "compass pointing in a certain direction" videos at the geographic south pole.  Some people appear to have taken this as evidence that there is no south magnetic pole around which a compass could go crazy, when the truth is more boring: the spot is rather inconveniently located.  Both north poles (geographic and magnetic) are conveniently (well, relatively) located on land, so we have videos from those spots.



  • 23771
Re: Compass doesn't go crazy near south pole but North (compass pole effect)
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2017, 11:53:06 AM »
Compasses don't go crazy near the GEOGRAPHIC south pole, because it is a fair distance away from the MAGNETIC south pole.  Same is true for the north poles, the big difference being that the magnetic north pole is on land, while the magnetic south pole is at sea.

Yep, when observations do not support a spherical earth, just make up new excuses to save the spherical earth religious belief!

When observations do not support a spherical earth and instead go against it we would discard a spherical Earth.

So far no observation has been provided that doesn't.

This is just more ignorance from Flat Earthers not understanding the reality they are trying to refute.

Flat Earth is the religious belief, not a round Earth.
A round Earth is a scientific conclusion based upon all available evidence.