Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2017, 06:24:11 AM »
Trump is the last trump for Americans.

If America can't convert itself to true from wrongs, this time America is going to the garbage.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jackblack (Until 01.29.2025)
Bulma (Until 2030)
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I’m I a globalist AI.


Bom Tishop

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2017, 06:55:49 AM »
I am always perplexed when I see people complaining about people complaining.

They complain about one political party and say others are being babies complaining about another political party.

Politics are a hot topic that are capable of getting emotional responses from people.  So people respond emotionally.

If you think it is just one side I can recall politicians on both sides making disparaging remarks about a POTUS that was not in their party.

One example I can think of is Republicans claiming Bill Clinton was not a fit commander and chief when he was sending soldiers in harms way.  Then those same politicians claiming anyone making basically the same statement about Bush were undermining the security of the US.

Complaining is people's right with free speech...I am not just talking about complaining. Republicans complained about Obama when he took his first term. It is what it is...It subsided for the most part as time went on, not to mention the news wouldn't cover it either.

About the only thing the news covered was the birth certificate thing, which they did in a tongue and cheek manner, as well as when Obama care was in the house trying to be passed.  Though all they really said was " replublicans didn't like it but Obama was working to pass it"...This is fine....It's acceptable coverage.

Not to mention no riots or anything of the such...And you have to imagine there were some racist people not happy about a black man being president.

However, look at what is happening now...Every news agency except fox and brietbart does everything they can to demonize and make fun of trump. Rather it be true or not...Even idiot pieces, like an entire article from a professional news organization talking about his hair, what each individual celebrity thinks, etc etc etc...

Every single day...Even when he does something right, he will be demonized for it somehow...He could literally cure cancer and still be Satan to all people...They couldn't even contain themselves through the inauguration...Even the Clintons came, that had to be hard, as well as how chill Obama was and welcoming.

They respected their country by the peaceful balance of power...Something the news agencies and all these libtards would not respect even though they claim to love America and be American.

I am completely leaving out all the "protesters" though I would say gangs is a better description, riots etc that has been going on constantly....I mean just in D.C. yesterday, they had 1000s of people running through the streets smashing and burning things...

Show some fucking respect...Fucking losers...

So I don't care if people complain....That is our right. However, what is happening now between all combined is not mere complaining....It is a goal to divide, that is not OK.

From their actions, I am starting to wonder if these Dems/libs are even American, because signs are beginning to show that they might have an entirely different mentality and Allegiance
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir

Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2017, 07:27:27 AM »
Protests are the only voice that the People have. In the time I come from, people die for their sake. To shout from the rooftops that this is wrong, to make sure no one forgets what it is that you think.
Authority should not be accepted for authority's sake. Those in power are those that sought power. It is not a trait to be admired.

There are people afraid that they will be forgotten. There are people afraid that they will be ignored, and that they will be acceptable losses. For those people, all that they can do is to be loud enough to be heard. If you have never been in a situation where you did not need to shout from the rooftops, then you are lucky.
Tyrants win by silencing dissent. Wise rulers listen to dissent. The voice of the People is the only true, good power.

Respect is earned, it is not a gift. If power will not listen to voices, then it will listen to violence. It is the case where I come from and, I imagine, universally.

The difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is publicity.



  • 1144
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2017, 11:37:34 AM »
I am always perplexed when I see people complaining about people complaining.

They complain about one political party and say others are being babies complaining about another political party.

Politics are a hot topic that are capable of getting emotional responses from people.  So people respond emotionally.

If you think it is just one side I can recall politicians on both sides making disparaging remarks about a POTUS that was not in their party.

One example I can think of is Republicans claiming Bill Clinton was not a fit commander and chief when he was sending soldiers in harms way.  Then those same politicians claiming anyone making basically the same statement about Bush were undermining the security of the US.

Complaining is people's right with free speech...I am not just talking about complaining. Republicans complained about Obama when he took his first term. It is what it is...It subsided for the most part as time went on, not to mention the news wouldn't cover it either.

About the only thing the news covered was the birth certificate thing, which they did in a tongue and cheek manner, as well as when Obama care was in the house trying to be passed.  Though all they really said was " replublicans didn't like it but Obama was working to pass it"...This is fine....It's acceptable coverage.

Not to mention no riots or anything of the such...And you have to imagine there were some racist people not happy about a black man being president.

However, look at what is happening now...Every news agency except fox and brietbart does everything they can to demonize and make fun of trump. Rather it be true or not...Even idiot pieces, like an entire article from a professional news organization talking about his hair, what each individual celebrity thinks, etc etc etc...

Every single day...Even when he does something right, he will be demonized for it somehow...He could literally cure cancer and still be Satan to all people...They couldn't even contain themselves through the inauguration...Even the Clintons came, that had to be hard, as well as how chill Obama was and welcoming.

They respected their country by the peaceful balance of power...Something the news agencies and all these libtards would not respect even though they claim to love America and be American.

I am completely leaving out all the "protesters" though I would say gangs is a better description, riots etc that has been going on constantly....I mean just in D.C. yesterday, they had 1000s of people running through the streets smashing and burning things...

Show some fucking respect...Fucking losers...

So I don't care if people complain....That is our right. However, what is happening now between all combined is not mere complaining....It is a goal to divide, that is not OK.

From their actions, I am starting to wonder if these Dems/libs are even American, because signs are beginning to show that they might have an entirely different mentality and Allegiance

Why not start paying attention why it might be the case news coverage tends to be negative towards Trump.  As matter of fact I would not be surprised if he has more negative coverage than any other political figure if we give it a ratio since he entered the political arena.

Lets see:

We have he saying he would cover the legal fees if anyone assaults anyone protesting him at one of his rallies.

He refused to answer questions from CNN because they released a story that he did not like.

He has be sued over 3,500 times for failing to pay people.  People like you with small businesses or workers.  I can make a guess as to why the small businesses and workers is they have the least chance of paying the cost to challenge him in court.

His charity gave money to the Florida Attorney General when she was trying to decide if to further pursue the Trump University fraud case.

He is one of the least charitable billionaires in the world.

Used funds from his charity to pay private legal fees.

He made the claim of giving around a million to a veterans organization.  When someone started looking into it to find out which one none claimed to receive any money from him.  It was after the fact was revealed he gave some money to one.

 He has not distanced himself from his companies and the interest they will have when he is POTUS.  Every review has stated that what he has done is not enough to insure he will not be acting in his self interest to make more money.

His company refused renting to people based on race.

He attempted to intimidate tenants by cutting off heat and hot water, refusing to make repairs.

There is more stuff like that.  He has a lot of negative press because he does a lot of things that led to those stories.

The list I provided are things that are known to be true. 


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2017, 11:54:46 AM »
You're just going to have to get used to the complaining, the same way we've had to get used to the complaining about Obama over the past 8yrs.  All those people who were convinced Obama was the Kenyan antichrist!

Do you follow him on Twitter? A lot of what you call making fun of him is based on his dumb ass tweets. He needs to get the fuck off Twitter!  Seriously, he comes off like a pissed off high school kid sometimes.

Also, of course Breitbart and Fox News aren't going to be critical of him. Fox is rarely critical of a Republican, and Breitbart will be Trump's propaganda arm. 
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2017, 12:55:44 PM »
Say what you will about Betsy Devos but the fact is that we have not had a single bear attack in any school since Trump took office.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
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  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2017, 01:01:33 PM »

Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2017, 01:38:59 PM »
Putin will make life great again!

Turkey will be invaded and most of it would be Greek again!

There might be a war between USA and China!



  • 894
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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2017, 01:46:25 PM »
I am always perplexed when I see people complaining about people complaining.

They complain about one political party and say others are being babies complaining about another political party.

Politics are a hot topic that are capable of getting emotional responses from people.  So people respond emotionally.

If you think it is just one side I can recall politicians on both sides making disparaging remarks about a POTUS that was not in their party.

One example I can think of is Republicans claiming Bill Clinton was not a fit commander and chief when he was sending soldiers in harms way.  Then those same politicians claiming anyone making basically the same statement about Bush were undermining the security of the US.

Complaining is people's right with free speech...I am not just talking about complaining. Republicans complained about Obama when he took his first term. It is what it is...It subsided for the most part as time went on, not to mention the news wouldn't cover it either.

About the only thing the news covered was the birth certificate thing, which they did in a tongue and cheek manner, as well as when Obama care was in the house trying to be passed.  Though all they really said was " replublicans didn't like it but Obama was working to pass it"...This is fine....It's acceptable coverage.

Not to mention no riots or anything of the such...And you have to imagine there were some racist people not happy about a black man being president.

However, look at what is happening now...Every news agency except fox and brietbart does everything they can to demonize and make fun of trump. Rather it be true or not...Even idiot pieces, like an entire article from a professional news organization talking about his hair, what each individual celebrity thinks, etc etc etc...

Every single day...Even when he does something right, he will be demonized for it somehow...He could literally cure cancer and still be Satan to all people...They couldn't even contain themselves through the inauguration...Even the Clintons came, that had to be hard, as well as how chill Obama was and welcoming.

They respected their country by the peaceful balance of power...Something the news agencies and all these libtards would not respect even though they claim to love America and be American.

I am completely leaving out all the "protesters" though I would say gangs is a better description, riots etc that has been going on constantly....I mean just in D.C. yesterday, they had 1000s of people running through the streets smashing and burning things...

Show some fucking respect...Fucking losers...

So I don't care if people complain....That is our right. However, what is happening now between all combined is not mere complaining....It is a goal to divide, that is not OK.

From their actions, I am starting to wonder if these Dems/libs are even American, because signs are beginning to show that they might have an entirely different mentality and Allegiance

Why not start paying attention why it might be the case news coverage tends to be negative towards Trump.  As matter of fact I would not be surprised if he has more negative coverage than any other political figure if we give it a ratio since he entered the political arena.

Lets see:

We have he saying he would cover the legal fees if anyone assaults anyone protesting him at one of his rallies.
(Citation needed)

He refused to answer questions from CNN because they released a story that he did not like.
(Citation needed) Remember; this is the leftist fake media that openly lie and spread leftist propaganda. Often coined the "Clinton News Network"

He has be sued over 3,500 times for failing to pay people.  People like you with small businesses or workers.  I can make a guess as to why the small businesses and workers is they have the least chance of paying the cost to challenge him in court.
Lets add some body to your claim; Trump's was the victor is at least 851 and the loser in 38 of these lawsuits. In about 600 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs' claims against Trump, either due to lack of evidence or lack of blame. In hundreds more, cases ended with the available public record unclear about the resolution, these probably came to a stalemate and were closed. 1600 of the suits were files by trumps casinos against gamblers who have accrued gambling debts with accounts at Trumps casinos. Most of the suits are civil cases against trumps businesses, not against him personally.

His charity gave money to the Florida Attorney General when she was trying to decide if to further pursue the Trump University fraud case.
(Citation needed)

He is one of the least charitable billionaires in the world.
A lot of trumps donations come is the forms of free hotel stays, meals and rounds of golf. So he isn't a big charitable person. so what.

Used funds from his charity to pay private legal fees.
(citation needed)

He made the claim of giving around a million to a veterans organization.  When someone started looking into it to find out which one none claimed to receive any money from him.  It was after the fact was revealed he gave some money to one.

"Allen Weisselberg, the C.F.O. of the Trump Organization and treasurer of the foundation did not say how much or provide documentation as proof. “We want to keep his donations quiet. He doesn’t want other charities to see it. Then it becomes like a feeding frenzy.”

He has not distanced himself from his companies and the interest they will have when he is POTUS.  Every review has stated that what he has done is not enough to insure he will not be acting in his self interest to make more money.

Legally he is not even required to distance himself from any of his businesses

His company refused renting to people based on race.
(Citation needed)

He attempted to intimidate tenants by cutting off heat and hot water, refusing to make repairs.
(Citation needed)

There is more stuff like that.  He has a lot of negative press because he does a lot of things that led to those stories.
(Citation needed)

The list I provided are things that are known to be true. I like to think to be true based on what leftist media and propaganda spew out every single day.
(Citation needed)



  • 1144
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2017, 03:56:06 PM »
I am always perplexed when I see people complaining about people complaining.

They complain about one political party and say others are being babies complaining about another political party.

Politics are a hot topic that are capable of getting emotional responses from people.  So people respond emotionally.

If you think it is just one side I can recall politicians on both sides making disparaging remarks about a POTUS that was not in their party.

One example I can think of is Republicans claiming Bill Clinton was not a fit commander and chief when he was sending soldiers in harms way.  Then those same politicians claiming anyone making basically the same statement about Bush were undermining the security of the US.

Complaining is people's right with free speech...I am not just talking about complaining. Republicans complained about Obama when he took his first term. It is what it is...It subsided for the most part as time went on, not to mention the news wouldn't cover it either.

About the only thing the news covered was the birth certificate thing, which they did in a tongue and cheek manner, as well as when Obama care was in the house trying to be passed.  Though all they really said was " replublicans didn't like it but Obama was working to pass it"...This is fine....It's acceptable coverage.

Not to mention no riots or anything of the such...And you have to imagine there were some racist people not happy about a black man being president.

However, look at what is happening now...Every news agency except fox and brietbart does everything they can to demonize and make fun of trump. Rather it be true or not...Even idiot pieces, like an entire article from a professional news organization talking about his hair, what each individual celebrity thinks, etc etc etc...

Every single day...Even when he does something right, he will be demonized for it somehow...He could literally cure cancer and still be Satan to all people...They couldn't even contain themselves through the inauguration...Even the Clintons came, that had to be hard, as well as how chill Obama was and welcoming.

They respected their country by the peaceful balance of power...Something the news agencies and all these libtards would not respect even though they claim to love America and be American.

I am completely leaving out all the "protesters" though I would say gangs is a better description, riots etc that has been going on constantly....I mean just in D.C. yesterday, they had 1000s of people running through the streets smashing and burning things...

Show some fucking respect...Fucking losers...

So I don't care if people complain....That is our right. However, what is happening now between all combined is not mere complaining....It is a goal to divide, that is not OK.

From their actions, I am starting to wonder if these Dems/libs are even American, because signs are beginning to show that they might have an entirely different mentality and Allegiance

Why not start paying attention why it might be the case news coverage tends to be negative towards Trump.  As matter of fact I would not be surprised if he has more negative coverage than any other political figure if we give it a ratio since he entered the political arena.

Lets see:

We have he saying he would cover the legal fees if anyone assaults anyone protesting him at one of his rallies.
(Citation needed)

He refused to answer questions from CNN because they released a story that he did not like.
(Citation needed) Remember; this is the leftist fake media that openly lie and spread leftist propaganda. Often coined the "Clinton News Network"

He has be sued over 3,500 times for failing to pay people.  People like you with small businesses or workers.  I can make a guess as to why the small businesses and workers is they have the least chance of paying the cost to challenge him in court.
Lets add some body to your claim; Trump's was the victor is at least 851 and the loser in 38 of these lawsuits. In about 600 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs' claims against Trump, either due to lack of evidence or lack of blame. In hundreds more, cases ended with the available public record unclear about the resolution, these probably came to a stalemate and were closed. 1600 of the suits were files by trumps casinos against gamblers who have accrued gambling debts with accounts at Trumps casinos. Most of the suits are civil cases against trumps businesses, not against him personally.

His charity gave money to the Florida Attorney General when she was trying to decide if to further pursue the Trump University fraud case.
(Citation needed)

He is one of the least charitable billionaires in the world.
A lot of trumps donations come is the forms of free hotel stays, meals and rounds of golf. So he isn't a big charitable person. so what.

Used funds from his charity to pay private legal fees.
(citation needed)

He made the claim of giving around a million to a veterans organization.  When someone started looking into it to find out which one none claimed to receive any money from him.  It was after the fact was revealed he gave some money to one.

"Allen Weisselberg, the C.F.O. of the Trump Organization and treasurer of the foundation did not say how much or provide documentation as proof. “We want to keep his donations quiet. He doesn’t want other charities to see it. Then it becomes like a feeding frenzy.”

He has not distanced himself from his companies and the interest they will have when he is POTUS.  Every review has stated that what he has done is not enough to insure he will not be acting in his self interest to make more money.

Legally he is not even required to distance himself from any of his businesses

His company refused renting to people based on race.
(Citation needed)

He attempted to intimidate tenants by cutting off heat and hot water, refusing to make repairs.
(Citation needed)

There is more stuff like that.  He has a lot of negative press because he does a lot of things that led to those stories.
(Citation needed)

The list I provided are things that are known to be true. I like to think to be true based on what leftist media and propaganda spew out every single day.
(Citation needed)

Him stating he would pay the legal fees for people who assault people and talking about how protesters should be assualted:

I selected that video because it is a compilation of the times he said to attack protesters. It is an obvious anti-Trump video, but he said those things at his rallies.

For his charity stuff they waited to after the election to admit at least they did stuff that maybe against the law.  They did not deny it.  It is released and up for review. So far they are agreeing around $250k was spent improperly on the stuff I listed.

Him intimidating tenants is known and a went to trial.  He even made a counter suit for $150 million against the people. Which he has done often to people seeking legal action against him.  These were also people his lawyers and I am sure he knew would not be able to afford to pay that amount.  So it could again be seen as an attempt to intimidate them. 

He has been taken to court over 3,500 times for not paying people. It is public record. These people were employees of his companies or small business owners.

Pay attention to government reports of his conflict of interest and how the steps he took does not help insure there will not be.  His steps basically amount to his sons will not talk business with him.  He still stands to directly profit from the decisions he makes as POTUS.

I can go on, but I intentionally mostly listed things he did prior to anyone ever thinking he was going to run for president.  Some of the stuff I listed is from the 80's and early 90's and the media reported on it then also with no political agenda. 

Unless you think he was being targeted before entering the political arena the stories are not politically motivated.

The man has a history of doing stuff like that.

Interesting note he has been the first POTUS to place people in the audience to applaud him at press conferences.  That is why when he mentioned news agencies like CNN release fake news there was applause.

Do you really think the press is making all this stuff up or does Trump got a good understanding of human nature?

« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 04:02:25 PM by Woody »


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2017, 04:02:03 PM »
I live in Florida, the Pam Bondi thing happened It was all over the news here for awhile.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2017, 01:29:20 AM »

If America can't convert itself to true from wrongs, this time America is going to the garbage.




  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • 17037
  • Djinn
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2017, 03:51:41 AM »
Here's a preview to the awesomeness the next four years are going to bring us.

I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.

Yesterday Trump holds a press conference.  He randomly jump from self congratulation to criticism of the old guard and then to inauguration photo.  He acknowledged the disparity, and after a long moment of introspection said, "Look I know it's been a rough campaign and many of you don't have faith in my ability to govern.  But I'm here to tell you to please just give me a chance.  I know I've said some inexcusable things during the campaign but people grow.  For the past 12 weeks I've been absorbing the economic data of this country.  So many American are in so much poverty it breaks my heart to see it.  That's why I've dismissed most of my cabinet picks and I'm going to put together a new team with a new plan that puts the average American first even if it costs the billionaire class some of the wealth and at my next inauguration I think you're really going to be surprised.

No.  I'm just fucking with you.

What he did do was publicly call the media the biggest liars on the planet.  That it was a lie.  That his crowds were better.  The rain was out.  We large groups of people that looked like identical chairs from a distance.  Trump then vowed to "hold the press accountable" (I can only speculate what that means).

So there you go.  4 more years of this.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget



  • 1144
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2017, 04:57:08 AM »
Here's a preview to the awesomeness the next four years are going to bring us.

I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.

Yes it looks like Trump did not have many supporters show up, but that is only because of the white ground makes the areas without people standing on them stand out more.

That white ground was not as white when Obama was inaugurated. 

Stupid lying media.

Actually very concerning to me we have a POTUS that is denying easy to prove things and stuff that is in videos and photos calling them lies.

If the media should ever be supported and go aggressively go after a President Trump is the guy.  They should point out his lies, conflicts of interest, his attempts to discredit the press, his past behavior every day.



  • 1947
  • What do you, value?
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2017, 05:11:39 AM »
He isn't going to ban furry porn is he?

Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2017, 09:16:28 AM »
I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.
I guess we know who has the most employed voters.


Bom Tishop

  • 11198
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2017, 10:04:21 AM »
I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.
I guess we know who has the most employed voters.

I actually had a few things to say....But this made me laugh out loud....

Though this is tongue and cheek, there is a sad amount of truth to it as well.

There was white areas preventing people to stand, as well as white structures in the back giving it a different look. However, why would anyone expect to have something as big as Obama's first inauguration? He was the first black president, that was a big deal. Numbers seem to show it was on par with Obama's second inauguration though. 

Plus not to mention, he stirred up the "silent majority"...They are called that for a reason, they have shit to do the next day, it was on a Friday...They had to work and couldn't afford to take the next day off.

I am sure there are there are many people that are successful that voted for Obama, however, sadly there are many more that are not and the government is their "employeer" so of course they have time to go. Mitt Romney had it right even though he lost the election because of it....He forgot one thing though, most American liberals don't like the truth anymore. They prefer their echo chamber, nicely secure away from reality.

The rare liberals that actually fight for truth, they are pushed out of the "circle".....In Trump's words....

Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



  • 828
  • I don't exist.
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2017, 10:21:04 AM »
He isn't going to ban furry porn is he?

God will keep him in the rigt track.
Furry porn will continue legal.
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.



  • 1144
Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2017, 11:04:44 AM »
I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.
I guess we know who has the most employed voters.

I actually had a few things to say....But this made me laugh out loud....

Though this is tongue and cheek, there is a sad amount of truth to it as well.

There was white areas preventing people to stand, as well as white structures in the back giving it a different look. However, why would anyone expect to have something as big as Obama's first inauguration? He was the first black president, that was a big deal. Numbers seem to show it was on par with Obama's second inauguration though. 

Plus not to mention, he stirred up the "silent majority"...They are called that for a reason, they have shit to do the next day, it was on a Friday...They had to work and couldn't afford to take the next day off.

I am sure there are there are many people that are successful that voted for Obama, however, sadly there are many more that are not and the government is their "employeer" so of course they have time to go. Mitt Romney had it right even though he lost the election because of it....He forgot one thing though, most American liberals don't like the truth anymore. They prefer their echo chamber, nicely secure away from reality.

The rare liberals that actually fight for truth, they are pushed out of the "circle".....In Trump's words....


It is not free to go.

People need to travel there and find a place to stay.  Something it seems people on welfare and/or unemployment would likely be able to afford.

A family of 4 would get at most $900 a month a single person $200 while on welfare.

Some one receiving unemployment in Hawaii the number one state in % of weekly wage you would get is around $1,100 a month.  That is for an income of $25k a year.  In the lowest paying state state they would get $541 a month.

These people are not traveling across the country to go to an inauguration.   

Every one that estimates crowds normally suggest it was around 800-900K people in attendance on par with other Presidents except Obama.

The concerning thing to me is the denial and not just accepting that the number of people were the same as Bush and Clinton had. He seems to continue to deny stuff and dismiss it because he does not like what he is hearing.  Sound familiar?

Also are you really buying the whole white ground stands out more thing?  So those pictures showed for comparison have about the same number of people in them?


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2017, 03:25:45 PM »
I think the whole crowd size thing is ridiculous, I don't know why they even care.

anyway, since it's a thing this is hilarious

In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," host Chuck Todd pressed Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway about why the White House on Saturday had sent Spicer to the briefing podium for the first time to claim that "this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period."
"You're saying it's a falsehood. And they're giving -- Sean Spicer, our press secretary -- gave alternative facts," she said.

Todd responded: "Alternative facts aren't facts, they are falsehoods."
Conway then tried to pivot to policy points. But later in the interview, Todd pressed Conway again on why the White House sent Spicer out to make false claims about crowd size, asking: "What was the motive to have this ridiculous litigation of crowd size?"
"Your job is not to call things ridiculous that are said by our press secretary and our president. That's not your job," Conway said.
Todd followed up: "Can you please answer the question? Why did he do this? You have not answered it -- it's only one question."
Conway said: "I'll answer it this way: Think about what you just said to your viewers. That's why we feel compelled to go out and clear the air and put alternative facts out there."
Trump himself directed Spicer to go to the White House briefing room to talk about the inauguration crowd size, Conway told CNN's Athena Jones on Sunday.

Alternative facts! This is brilliant.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.


Rama Set

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2017, 03:28:28 PM »
It's fucking scary too.
Aether is the  characteristic of action or inaction of charged  & noncharged particals.



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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2017, 03:48:27 PM »
The size of the crowd isn't the real issue.  The problem is in how he responded to it.  Any other politician would have acknowledged it and either shrugged it off or countered by arguing that the size of the crowd isn't a good representation of his popular support for whatever reason.  Because it's an issue that doesn't matter. 

What Trump did instead was:

Shut down the Department of the Interior's twitter accounts.
Accused the press of being the most dishonest people in America.
Use up half a speech regarding our Intelligence services flail wildly at this story.
Issue vague threats to the press.

This last one is particularly unsettling.  A free press is a critical check on a government's power.  If a government can succeed in subverting this check then we're headed into some very rough waters.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
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Space Cowgirl

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #52 on: January 22, 2017, 03:57:35 PM »
Yeah, I agree that his reactions are terrible. I can't believe he still thinks he's in a popularity contest. My ratings! THE BEST EVER.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #53 on: January 22, 2017, 05:06:21 PM »
I think the whole crowd size thing is ridiculous, I don't know why they even care.
I can sum it up in 2 words: Trump's ego.

“If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.” -- Zaphod Beeblebrox, Galactic President
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Bom Tishop

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2017, 05:24:42 PM »
It is not free to go.

People need to travel there and find a place to stay.  Something it seems people on welfare and/or unemployment would likely be able to afford.

A family of 4 would get at most $900 a month a single person $200 while on welfare.

Some one receiving unemployment in Hawaii the number one state in % of weekly wage you would get is around $1,100 a month.  That is for an income of $25k a year.  In the lowest paying state state they would get $541 a month.

These people are not traveling across the country to go to an inauguration.   

Every one that estimates crowds normally suggest it was around 800-900K people in attendance on par with other Presidents except Obama.

The concerning thing to me is the denial and not just accepting that the number of people were the same as Bush and Clinton had. He seems to continue to deny stuff and dismiss it because he does not like what he is hearing.  Sound familiar?

Also are you really buying the whole white ground stands out more thing?  So those pictures showed for comparison have about the same number of people in them?

Obviously I don't buy the white grounds story...

There was white areas preventing people to stand, as well as white structures in the back giving it a different look. However, why would anyone expect to have something as big as Obama's first inauguration? He was the first black president, that was a big deal. Numbers seem to show it was on par with Obama's second inauguration though. 

I have no idea how you would come to the conclusion I buy into the "alternative facts" lol...That is pretty funny I must say.

As for the rest.... I surely was not talking about just unemployment benefits....That is just a small piece of the pie, need to look at welfare, housing assistance, food stamps, children allowance, vehicle allowance, free school, Free healthcare, free phones etc etc. 

Not to mention still get a tax return..And work cash jobs on the side.

However, this can go for an entirely different tangent...So I am shutting my mouth on this subject inside this thread.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 05:42:45 PM by Babyhighspeed »
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Rama Set

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2017, 06:02:47 AM »
I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.
I guess we know who has the most employed voters.

I actually had a few things to say....But this made me laugh out loud....

Though this is tongue and cheek, there is a sad amount of truth to it as well.

There was white areas preventing people to stand, as well as white structures in the back giving it a different look. However, why would anyone expect to have something as big as Obama's first inauguration? He was the first black president, that was a big deal. Numbers seem to show it was on par with Obama's second inauguration though. 

Plus not to mention, he stirred up the "silent majority"...They are called that for a reason, they have shit to do the next day, it was on a Friday...They had to work and couldn't afford to take the next day off.

I am sure there are there are many people that are successful that voted for Obama, however, sadly there are many more that are not and the government is their "employeer" so of course they have time to go. Mitt Romney had it right even though he lost the election because of it....He forgot one thing though, most American liberals don't like the truth anymore. They prefer their echo chamber, nicely secure away from reality.

The rare liberals that actually fight for truth, they are pushed out of the "circle".....In Trump's words....


It is sad that this is even a story.  Sad that the media brought it up, and much, much sadder that the administration felt the need to get up there lie about the story, then defend the lie with absurd rationale.  I sincerely hope this petty defensive behaviour does not rear it's head when there are issues of substance at stake.
Aether is the  characteristic of action or inaction of charged  & noncharged particals.



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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2017, 06:30:23 AM »
I'll sum it up.  During the inauguration a member of the government tweeted this photo:

The image on the left is Trumps inauguration at 11am.  The image on the right is Obama's inauguration at 11am. Note the stark disparity in crowds sizes.
I guess we know who has the most employed voters.

I actually had a few things to say....But this made me laugh out loud....

Though this is tongue and cheek, there is a sad amount of truth to it as well.

There was white areas preventing people to stand, as well as white structures in the back giving it a different look. However, why would anyone expect to have something as big as Obama's first inauguration? He was the first black president, that was a big deal. Numbers seem to show it was on par with Obama's second inauguration though. 

Plus not to mention, he stirred up the "silent majority"...They are called that for a reason, they have shit to do the next day, it was on a Friday...They had to work and couldn't afford to take the next day off.

I am sure there are there are many people that are successful that voted for Obama, however, sadly there are many more that are not and the government is their "employeer" so of course they have time to go. Mitt Romney had it right even though he lost the election because of it....He forgot one thing though, most American liberals don't like the truth anymore. They prefer their echo chamber, nicely secure away from reality.

The rare liberals that actually fight for truth, they are pushed out of the "circle".....In Trump's words....


It is sad that this is even a story.  Sad that the media brought it up, and much, much sadder that the administration felt the need to get up there lie about the story, then defend the lie with absurd rationale.  I sincerely hope this petty defensive behaviour does not rear it's head when there are issues of substance at stake.
What I think is sad is that we need to start questioning the integrity of this administration literally on it's first full day in office.  If they're going to try to lie about something so obvious and stupid as this, then what else are they going to try to lie about later on?

Then again, it isn't as if Trump hadn't been called out on bald faced lies throughout his whole campaign.  Maybe people will finally start to care now that he's in office.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 06:32:14 AM by markjo »
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2017, 09:36:52 AM »
I don't think most of his fans care at all about the lies, I don't know if they ever will. My mom was telling me some of her Facebook friends are using bible passages to prove that Trump is chosen by God to be the president. It's all very bizarre.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2017, 09:42:45 AM »
I don't think most of his fans care at all about the lies, I don't know if they ever will. My mom was telling me some of her Facebook friends are using bible passages to prove that Trump is chosen by God to be the president. It's all very bizarre.
I'm not super familiar with particular bible passages and such, but doesn't Revelations say something about the antichrist having wide support from all the people, a wolf in sheep's clothing if you will?
markjo, what force can not pass through a solid or liquid?
Magnetism for one and electric is the other.



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Re: Good morning America. Wake up and smell the Trump pump
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2017, 09:46:24 AM »
I don't think most of his fans care at all about the lies, I don't know if they ever will. My mom was telling me some of her Facebook friends are using bible passages to prove that Trump is chosen by God to be the president. It's all very bizarre.

Generally people are guilty of that behavior around the world.  Just willing to ignore some bad things about someone and dismiss them. It happens in politics and relationships.

I am willing to see what will happen.  Trump has made two statements I agree with.  One being the US should scale back on interfering with other countries around the world and pharmaceutical companies need to negotiate with the government when pricing their drugs.

My main concerns is Trump making statements supporting violence against people who disagree with him and denying stuff as being true that is easily verifiable.