FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???

  • 35 Replies


  • 2466
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit
FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:32:50 AM »
Hey, fuckers, it's quite impossible that all of you can be so unbelievably stupid, isn't it? That is why this guy is obviously 100 % right (isn't he?) :#t=15m20s

The Flat Earth Society is a controlled opposition group that mixes truth with lies and satire to discredit genuine flat Earth research, a job they have been doing for a long time now. Founded in 1970 by Leo Ferrari, a suspected Freemason and philosophy professor at St. Thomas' University, Leo spent his life making a mockery of the legitimate subject of our flat Earth. Though he passed away in 2010, his Flat Earth Society still exists today online as a website/forum which, still true to form, purports several false flat-Earth arguments and treats the entire subject as a dead-pan joke.

In 1956 a genuine truth-seeker and flat-Earth researcher, Samuel Shenton, had started the IFERS (International Flat Earth Research Society) and was making quite an impact with his publications and interviews, revealing the truth of our flat Earth to the masses. The globalists attempted to ignore the threat posed by Shenton for over a decade before finally creating their competing, farcical controlled opposition FES (Flat Earth Society) which has spent the past 45 years steering all flat-Earth inquiry into the realms of satire and sarcasm.

Ferrari's entire schtick involved approaching the flat Earth subject from every angle EXCEPT the rational and scientific. For example, he published a series of articles including "The Global Fallacy as a Cause of Racial Prejudice," arguing that people in countries at the top of the globe felt superior to those at the bottom, when in fact there was no top or bottom to the world, so, "even if one assumed that the world was spherical, the 'top' and 'bottom' have been arbitrarily selected, resulting in racial discrimination against those in the south. How can the globularists, their hirelings and dupes, seriously claim to believe that all men are created equal when they teach that some men are eternally fated to hang like bats from the bottom of a globe on which other men stand upright? The only solution is a flat Earth!" So instead of presenting measurements or experiments, instead of presenting any proofs or evidence, Ferrari would often simply argue the flat Earth as a serendipitous satirical solution to social problems.

In a famous 1971 CBC interview Ferrari was asked, "how do you explain the fact that the Earth appears round in the pictures taken from space by the astronauts?" Instead of answering and addressing the clear photo-trickery involved, Ferrari replied, "Simple. No doubt you're familiar with Einstein's theory of the curvature of space. If space is curved - and modern physics is based on that assumption - the Earth, from space, would appear circular. It's a simple optical illusion." This convoluted, pandering answer really is no answer at all and serves only to make the listener cock their head and raise an eyebrow.

So, guys, you are a part of controlled opposition, that is the exact reason why you are playing so incredibly stupid (although it's absolutely impossible that so many of you can be so unbelievably stupid), isn't it?
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 07:34:00 AM »

It's no slur if it's fact.

Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 08:44:13 AM »
We get enough lies and satire here from you! Are you on their payroll?


Space Cowgirl

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Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 09:14:04 AM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • 2466
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 10:32:01 AM »
We get enough lies and satire here from you! Are you on their payroll?

Typical stupid believer in heliocentric theory...if you are not stupid then you are on their payroll, if you were totally stupid they would never put you on their payroll, so either you are plain stupid or you are professional disinformer, you can't be both, so choose the right answer and (mis)inform us about your true status...

Don't lie! LOL
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP



  • 2466
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 10:33:47 AM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.

So, you don't believe in gravity, you only believe in flying (lifting upward) pizza-earth?
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP



  • 2466
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP



  • 15538
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 10:52:37 AM »
Oh that is fucking hilarious  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 1041
  • Literally everywhere.
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2016, 11:09:23 AM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.

So, you don't believe in gravity, you only believe in flying (lifting upward) pizza-earth?
Do you believe in gravity?
AMA: https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=68045.0

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it's not real.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2016, 11:17:09 AM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.

So, you don't believe in gravity, you only believe in flying (lifting upward) pizza-earth?

What do you believe in?
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • 15538
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2016, 11:20:05 AM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.

So, you don't believe in gravity, you only believe in flying (lifting upward) pizza-earth?

What do you believe in?

Santa Claus.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 23751
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2016, 11:45:04 AM »
So, are you one of these trolls?

Because the crap you are spouting is pure bullshit.

And no, no FES would ever tell people the truth about flat Earth, as the truth is that the flat Earth doesn't exist.



  • 2466
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2016, 01:38:42 PM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.

So, you don't believe in gravity, you only believe in flying (lifting upward) pizza-earth?

What do you believe in?

I believe in Joe Pesci  ;D , just like George Carlin :
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP



  • 25621
  • Or should I?
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2016, 01:42:26 PM »
Not this again.
Why would that be inciting terrorism?  Lorddave was merely describing a type of shop we have here in the US, a bomb-gun shop.  A shop that sells bomb-guns. 



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
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Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2016, 01:52:53 PM »
This is true. Their main aims are confusing and demoralisating the researchers. Their secondary aims are discourage researchers with insult, defamation, perception study. management saving the slanderer clons prove this theory is true. What are these shit houseflies are searching here? They are just doing bastardy. Although governance knows them, doing nothing. So supporting them. This is clear.

howbeit there is a free sharing environment here. Not good but satisfactory.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.


Space Cowgirl

  • MOM
  • The Elder Ones
  • 50933
  • Official FE Recruiter
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2016, 01:56:55 PM »
We are not part of Leo Ferrari's FES.

So, you don't believe in gravity, you only believe in flying (lifting upward) pizza-earth?

What do you believe in?

Santa Claus.

Santa Claus is awesome!
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2016, 02:12:02 PM »
Damn FSB isin't saving me from insults. I should to change them with another.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 2466
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2016, 02:15:49 PM »
This is true. Their main aims are confusing and demoralisating the researchers. Their secondary aims are discourage researchers with insult, defamation, perception study. management saving the slanderer clons prove this theory is true. What are these shit houseflies are searching here? They are just doing bastardy. Although governance knows them, doing nothing. So supporting them. This is clear.

howbeit there is a free sharing environment here. Not good but satisfactory.

You pinpointed the main problem here (although governance knows them, doing nothing) which is in the same time the best proof of the veracity of my assertion (FES is controlled opposition)...
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP



  • 277
  • proud NASA shill
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2016, 02:21:04 PM »
This is true. Their main aims are confusing and demoralisating the researchers. Their secondary aims are discourage researchers with insult, defamation, perception study. management saving the slanderer clons prove this theory is true. What are these shit houseflies are searching here? They are just doing bastardy. Although governance knows them, doing nothing. So supporting them. This is clear.

howbeit there is a free sharing environment here. Not good but satisfactory.

You pinpointed the main problem here (although governance knows them, doing nothing) which is in the same time the best proof of the veracity of my assertion (FES is controlled opposition)...

so what types of actions might the government controlled FES do to stifle actual talk about the FE?
"hey what are you doing?"
"nothing, just arguing with this dude, he thinks the earth is flat"
"no really, what are you doing?"



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2016, 02:21:40 PM »
This is true. Their main aims are confusing and demoralisating the researchers. Their secondary aims are discourage researchers with insult, defamation, perception study. management saving the slanderer clons prove this theory is true. What are these shit houseflies are searching here? They are just doing bastardy. Although governance knows them, doing nothing. So supporting them. This is clear.

howbeit there is a free sharing environment here. Not good but satisfactory.

You pinpointed the main problem here (although governance knows them, doing nothing) which is in the same time the best proof of the veracity of my assertion (FES is controlled opposition)...

You are talked more but they are same in the main meaning: "purports several false flat-Earth arguments". This is your strongest claim and your Evidences are convincing. I did not investigate. I found it reliable at this point. It made sense to me.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2016, 02:24:53 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 277
  • proud NASA shill
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2016, 02:26:23 PM »
This is true. Their main aims are confusing and demoralisating the researchers. Their secondary aims are discourage researchers with insult, defamation, perception study. management saving the slanderer clons prove this theory is true. What are these shit houseflies are searching here? They are just doing bastardy. Although governance knows them, doing nothing. So supporting them. This is clear.

howbeit there is a free sharing environment here. Not good but satisfactory.

You pinpointed the main problem here (although governance knows them, doing nothing) which is in the same time the best proof of the veracity of my assertion (FES is controlled opposition)...

You are talked more but they are same in the main meaning: "purports several false flat-Earth arguments". This is your strongest claim and your Evidences are convincing. I did not investigate. I found it reliable at this point. It made sense to me.

he hasn't cited any "evidences". 

"I did not investigate. I found it reliable at this point. It made sense to me.", dude it's like you're allergic to logic.
"hey what are you doing?"
"nothing, just arguing with this dude, he thinks the earth is flat"
"no really, what are you doing?"



  • 277
  • proud NASA shill
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2016, 02:27:45 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own
"hey what are you doing?"
"nothing, just arguing with this dude, he thinks the earth is flat"
"no really, what are you doing?"



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2016, 02:33:15 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 277
  • proud NASA shill
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2016, 02:43:54 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.

you know they have medication for dementia, correct?
"hey what are you doing?"
"nothing, just arguing with this dude, he thinks the earth is flat"
"no really, what are you doing?"



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2016, 02:47:35 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.

you know they have medication for dementia, correct?

I didn't know but possible.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.



  • 277
  • proud NASA shill
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2016, 02:57:42 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.

you know they have medication for dementia, correct?

I didn't know but possible.

wow... i don't think i've ever encountered such an arrogant and ignorant person
"hey what are you doing?"
"nothing, just arguing with this dude, he thinks the earth is flat"
"no really, what are you doing?"



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2016, 03:04:21 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.

you know they have medication for dementia, correct?

I didn't know but possible.

wow... i don't think i've ever encountered such an arrogant and ignorant person

Others are gone and you have come. Clone account perception worker.  You are trying to sabotage the matter.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I知 I a globalist AI.


Space Cowgirl

  • MOM
  • The Elder Ones
  • 50933
  • Official FE Recruiter
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2016, 03:53:14 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.

you know they have medication for dementia, correct?

I didn't know but possible.

wow... i don't think i've ever encountered such an arrogant and ignorant person

You know English isn't his first language, right? 
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • 277
  • proud NASA shill
Re: FES is a controlled opposition, is it not???
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2016, 03:58:08 PM »
The main problem is name. Why they chosen "flat earth" argument. The earth is generally flat but not completely flat. "Earth is not spinning" is a stronger argumant. They are controlling opposite and doing that with weakest point. It is easy to break down.

i've yet to see you break down any argument that wasn't your own

>But i saw others while break down others.

I'm writing everykind of issue and only one time made a mistake. after corrected it that you called as break down.

you know they have medication for dementia, correct?

I didn't know but possible.

wow... i don't think i've ever encountered such an arrogant and ignorant person

You know English isn't his first language, right?

clearly. i'm not bilingual i certainly don't judge him by his ability to speak english. if he were to present evidence and solid reason with whatever outrageous claims he makes yet do so with the worst diction imaginable, he would face no criticism from me.
"hey what are you doing?"
"nothing, just arguing with this dude, he thinks the earth is flat"
"no really, what are you doing?"