Especially the comets with 75 plus years between visits. I guess NASA has been around for a long time projecting the hologram onto the dome!
There's lots of moving ice up in the high sky that you see at night. It's easy to predict a so called comet every 75 years or so. Notice how it's not an exact prediction?
Let's be honest, they can tell you that an asteroid will hit Earth in 161 years and it will be the size of the USA. They can tell you that they've tracked it coming into the bell end belt and is moving towards the piss dribble murky whey, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc and guess what?....people would just believe it because they cannot disprove it and even if they stood up and shouted "poppycock", the boffins would scream " PROVE IT'S POPPYCOCK YOU LUNATIC TIN FOIL HAT WEARING IMBECILE." Or words to that effect.
It's hard to call out official bullshitters when mass opinion has been coaxed into their realm.