So i was reading in the Q&A section and came across a rather interesting answer in a thread about the main reason why FEers are FEers. (thread is from observer) As i said i read something rather curious:
2. Water level
3. it is flat because all water seeks the lowest form of energy. And in its lowest form, without any outside impetus, the surface of water is flat. Always has been. Always will be and nobody has, can, or will, ever show anything any different.
The first reason (number 2) doesn't give much explanation as to how this would explain anything, so i'm gonne ignore it.
The second reason (number 3) is, how shall i say it, strange. Whoever wrote this (originally) debunked his own argument, let me explain.
The first part ("
all water seeks the lowest form of energy") is correct, however not complete. The complete version: "Any type of matter (including water) seeks a state in which it has the lowest amount of energy IF this doesn't require a too high concentration of mass".
Now saying this alone is misleading people, as this is only one of the rules of thermodynamics. Another rule of thermodynamics is that: "Any type of matter seeks a state in which its mass has the lowest concentration IF this doesn't require too much energy."
(there are other laws of thermodynamics, but they're not important, google them if you want)
As everyone, hopefully, now understands these 2 laws will cause matter to seek a balanced state.
Now let's take this into practice for water. Let's first look at a water molecule:

A water molecule is, as chemest call it, polar. It has a slightly negative side (The side with oxygen) and a slightly positive side(s) (the one with the hydrogen atoms).
I hope everybody knows that positive charge and a negative charge attract each other. This causes H
2O to form, what chemists call, hydrogen bonds.

Now because of these bonds H
2O will have surface tension. Because of this one can observe the following phenomena:

I know, a bad image. What you can hopefully see is that the water level reaches higher than the edge of the glass. In other words there is more water in the glass then the volume of the glass. (For those who don't believe me, do it yourself. Take a glass fill it up and watch.)
Because of this there are certain insects that can walk on water. Also because of this principle water will spontaneously form little bubbles when brought into an apolar mixture.
This is only 1 of the many forces that are applied to water at any given time. Seeing how many people don't know these forces exists one can, falsely, believe that water will always be leveled.
So we conclude that water will not always be perfectly level across the globe (earth, couldn't resist srry).
the surface of water is flat. Always has been. Always will be and nobody has, can, or will, ever show anything any different"
srry one beautiful example of how people should be cautious with the words always and never.