3 ways to fake Zero-G

  • 19 Replies


  • 156
3 ways to fake Zero-G
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:23:57 AM »

I suspect the guys in the ISS using one of these three technologies to fake zero G conditions:

1) Diamagnetism : every body containing water is magnetic : it is very light but it's there. So using a very high power magnet, one can levitate living things like frogs and strawberries, and even humans. Faraday was the first to propose such technology back in the day.

2) static electricity : you remember the old times of CRT screens? they would attract tiny specks of dust and even light papers. This is supposition number 2 : we are attracted to the ground on the same principle. Atmosphere has difference of potential the higher you get, and it is a good indication that something like that could exist.

3) sound : sound can be used ot levitate anything. Of course we would hear it might you say. well there is two answers to that. First it is possible to remove the sound totally by processing an out-of-phase signal of the sound thus removing only the sound you don't want (for example in audio you can remove the center of the stereo field by just mixing the left and the right (but with the right out of phase). The other answer would be that the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it and microphones can't process it.

do you know any more ways to fake zero G ?


« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 05:26:26 AM by 1on0ne »
live fearlessly, love endlessly


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2016, 05:46:10 AM »
CGI is very realistic and there is a whole industry based around it.  It is also relatively cheap. 



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2016, 05:50:23 AM »
Simply CGI, blue screen/green screen and harnesses.
Depending on the shot required they simply hang upside down or are laid horizontally inside an upturned shipping type container, obviously done out to resemble what they tell us is a space station.
Add in a little bit of supposed zero-g plane flights and the job is done.
You can clearly see the harnesses on some.
You can also see how they're hanging.
The space enthusiasts will never admit to this stuff, obviously but all you have to do is ask yourself a question. Why are the so called astronauts BOBBING up and down during so called space talks with the public?
If they are in zero gravity or micro gravity then they have no need whatsoever of bobbing up and down.
They also do not all need to sit cross legged and arms folded if they were in that so called real environment.
Go and hang from a harness in all positions and see how you use your body to try and gain some comfort.
It's pretty blatant.

So there's some thing's to ponder.
The women with permed hair and all with red faces tells you a lot.
Hang upside down with permed hair and you gain a red face and the image that your hair is simply stuck up.

Just a bunch of childrens presenters doing fantasy space for children and gullible to all hell adults that should know better once they realise just a few of the shenanigans.
The problem is, mass opinion can trump small pockets of opinion if the people that do it have access to the right tools, such as TV media, magazines, news papers and also an army of so called "scientists" to thickly and naively spread the  hog wash.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 05:56:51 AM by sceptimatic »



  • 25621
  • Or should I?
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2016, 06:03:57 AM »
Why would that be inciting terrorism?  Lorddave was merely describing a type of shop we have here in the US, a bomb-gun shop.  A shop that sells bomb-guns. 



  • 156
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2016, 07:29:24 AM »
i didn't put zero-G airplanes because they are of short duration, and it doesn't match some longer time periods of filming

as well i didn't put harnesses, because it might works in some cases but in some, it doesn't (turn the back, or 360° rotation)

so these two aren't really used as much i think. Plus if you have technology that can cancel "gravity" then why bother with harnesses? i think they could put it there so people go nuts with this kind of "proof", but when you look deeper into it, harnesses are not viable, so i think "they" put this up so we think and propagate that they use harnesses, but then ridiculed it with a deeper research on zero-G videos.
live fearlessly, love endlessly



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2016, 07:42:18 AM »
i didn't put zero-G airplanes because they are of short duration, and it doesn't match some longer time periods of filming

as well i didn't put harnesses, because it might works in some cases but in some, it doesn't (turn the back, or 360° rotation)

so these two aren't really used as much i think. Plus if you have technology that can cancel "gravity" then why bother with harnesses? i think they could put it there so people go nuts with this kind of "proof", but when you look deeper into it, harnesses are not viable, so i think "they" put this up so we think and propagate that they use harnesses, but then ridiculed it with a deeper research on zero-G videos.
For what they do for our benefit, harnesses are certainly viable in just about all ways.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2016, 09:20:53 AM »
Never seen a human in zero gravity. Where would zero gravity exist?

It's no slur if it's fact.

Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2016, 09:23:39 AM »
Never seen a human in zero gravity. Where would zero gravity exist?

Gravity does not exist, so zero g does not exist.

The appearance of weightlessness is performed in front of green screens and blue screens.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2016, 09:33:28 AM »
Never seen a human in zero gravity. Where would zero gravity exist?

Gravity does not exist, so zero g does not exist.

The appearance of weightlessness is performed in front of green screens and blue screens.

Maybe to the uneducated such as yourself.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 3381
  • Well rounded character
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2016, 09:43:46 AM »
The problem is that different materials experience different forces from all these methods. A magnetic field strong enough to levitate a human would send anything metal flying, and simply destroy all digital equipment (such as cameras) inside it. For the static electricity, if that were true once again anything metal would simply stick to the ground and we wouldn't be able to lift it. Secondly such a system would discharge all of it's energy in moments, which would electrocute everything in the world in a spectacular flash and kill all humans. For sound - again what is enough to levitate humans is either not enough to levitate materials denser than humans, or will throw away stuff that is less dense than a human.
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!

Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2016, 10:15:53 AM »
The best way to simulate zero-g is to visit the ISS.Then you don't have to use blue screens, coupled with CGI for floating droplets and whatever else they want to show you is floating, no need for harnesses,  electro magnets, electricity,  no need to fake all the insides of the craft when you float through all the different chambers, you can take the whole sequence of ten minutes or over an hour in one take, you can answer live questions from earth as you float about, you can slowly watch the view to the curved earth below, wow, what fun this is!



  • 23751
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2016, 12:45:36 AM »

I suspect the guys in the ISS using one of these three technologies to fake zero G conditions:
I don't. I suspect that would be so horribly hard to fake using that, if not entirely impossible.

1) Diamagnetism : every body containing water is magnetic : it is very light but it's there. So using a very high power magnet, one can levitate living things like frogs and strawberries, and even humans. Faraday was the first to propose such technology back in the day.
Yet the metal objects they use would interact with the magnet in completely different ways.
In fact, just 2 different objects with water would act in a different way.
They would need to set the magnetic field strength such that the force produced by the diamagnetic material just cancels out the force of gravity.
Too little water, you fall and instead it would just be low gravity. Too much, you go flying to the top.
And that applies to the individual things that make up an object.
So no, that wont work.

2) static electricity : you remember the old times of CRT screens? they would attract tiny specks of dust and even light papers. This is supposition number 2 : we are attracted to the ground on the same principle. Atmosphere has difference of potential the higher you get, and it is a good indication that something like that could exist.
No. We are not attracted to the ground based upon static electricity. If that were the case why do we accelerate at the same rate? Why doesn't a capacitor (or charged plates) tilt to or from Earth?

Electrostatic fields do not offer stable levitation.
If you move slightly out of just the right spot, you either fall or fly towards whatever is keeping you up.

3) sound : sound can be used ot levitate anything. Of course we would hear it might you say. well there is two answers to that. First it is possible to remove the sound totally by processing an out-of-phase signal of the sound thus removing only the sound you don't want (for example in audio you can remove the center of the stereo field by just mixing the left and the right (but with the right out of phase). The other answer would be that the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it and microphones can't process it.
This would act like wind. After all, that is basically what sound is, pulses of wind, moving back and forth (at least in air).
Also, it requires generating a standing wave where the object is trapped in a node.
So they wouldn't be able to move around.

All of these would be much much much harder to pull off than to just go to space.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2016, 12:46:57 AM »

I suspect the guys in the ISS using one of these three technologies to fake zero G conditions:

1) Diamagnetism : every body containing water is magnetic : it is very light but it's there. So using a very high power magnet, one can levitate living things like frogs and strawberries, and even humans. Faraday was the first to propose such technology back in the day.
Sounds interesting. Care to show a video or some good documentation of a human being levitated with a very high power magnet.

Quote from: 1on0ne
2) static electricity : you remember the old times of CRT screens? they would attract tiny specks of dust and even light papers. This is supposition number 2 : we are attracted to the ground on the same principle. Atmosphere has difference of potential the higher you get, and it is a good indication that something like that could exist.
Now, this should be real interesting! What charge would be needed on the human body to generate a force of 800 Newton?
And then, what static voltage would need to be on that body?

I assume that you will offer to be the "human guinea-pig" to test this one out? Mind you, you might end up as 0onZero after that little test.
 ???  Can I watch?  ???

Quote from: 1on0ne
3) sound : sound can be used ot levitate anything. Of course we would hear it might you say. well there is two answers to that. First it is possible to remove the sound totally by processing an out-of-phase signal of the sound thus removing only the sound you don't want (for example in audio you can remove the center of the stereo field by just mixing the left and the right (but with the right out of phase). The other answer would be that the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it and microphones can't process it.
Some evidence of this on living humans would be good.
Your suggesting that "the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it" will not work. If it is low too hear, you can certainly feel it and if the intensity is high enough to levitate you, it's goodbye Mr Chips again - after being smashed into pulp.

Quote from: 1on0ne
do you know any more ways to fake zero G ?

So, please show some exciting videos of these ideas on human sized test subjects, we really wouldn't like to lose 1onOne that way.
I am reminded of
Quote from: Walter Scott
    Oh, what a tangled web we weave
    When first we practise to deceive!
Not that I am accusing you or anyone else of attempting "to deceive", but the Flat Earth demands such a "tangled web" of imaginative explanations.
I'll stick with the "simple things".



  • 15538
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2016, 06:59:44 AM »
CGI is very realistic and there is a whole industry based around it.  It is also relatively cheap.

Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 15538
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2016, 07:20:09 AM »

I suspect the guys in the ISS using one of these three technologies to fake zero G conditions:

1) Diamagnetism : every body containing water is magnetic : it is very light but it's there. So using a very high power magnet, one can levitate living things like frogs and strawberries, and even humans. Faraday was the first to propose such technology back in the day.

2) static electricity : you remember the old times of CRT screens? they would attract tiny specks of dust and even light papers. This is supposition number 2 : we are attracted to the ground on the same principle. Atmosphere has difference of potential the higher you get, and it is a good indication that something like that could exist.

3) sound : sound can be used ot levitate anything. Of course we would hear it might you say. well there is two answers to that. First it is possible to remove the sound totally by processing an out-of-phase signal of the sound thus removing only the sound you don't want (for example in audio you can remove the center of the stereo field by just mixing the left and the right (but with the right out of phase). The other answer would be that the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it and microphones can't process it.

do you know any more ways to fake zero G ?



All of these ways are ridiculous, sorry.

Diamagnetism? Well, the good news for you is that scientists HAVE managed to levitate frogs diamagnetically, using solenoids. The bad news is that it required 16 teslas for one frog. Just for a comparison, the LHC magnet is 8 teslas. The world record is about 45 teslas. It's not entirely impossible, but magnets are nowhere NEAR powerful enough yet, just imagine how hard it would be to simulate what you're saying.

Static electricity? Huh?

SOUND? You do realize that the "sound" required to levitate a person would be equivalent to massive explosions happening beneath it over and over again, right? It's a nice way to kill the person and destroy everything around it though.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 156
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2016, 09:33:20 AM »

I suspect the guys in the ISS using one of these three technologies to fake zero G conditions:

1) Diamagnetism : every body containing water is magnetic : it is very light but it's there. So using a very high power magnet, one can levitate living things like frogs and strawberries, and even humans. Faraday was the first to propose such technology back in the day.

2) static electricity : you remember the old times of CRT screens? they would attract tiny specks of dust and even light papers. This is supposition number 2 : we are attracted to the ground on the same principle. Atmosphere has difference of potential the higher you get, and it is a good indication that something like that could exist.

3) sound : sound can be used ot levitate anything. Of course we would hear it might you say. well there is two answers to that. First it is possible to remove the sound totally by processing an out-of-phase signal of the sound thus removing only the sound you don't want (for example in audio you can remove the center of the stereo field by just mixing the left and the right (but with the right out of phase). The other answer would be that the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it and microphones can't process it.

do you know any more ways to fake zero G ?



All of these ways are ridiculous, sorry.

Diamagnetism? Well, the good news for you is that scientists HAVE managed to levitate frogs diamagnetically, using solenoids. The bad news is that it required 16 teslas for one frog. Just for a comparison, the LHC magnet is 8 teslas. The world record is about 45 teslas. It's not entirely impossible, but magnets are nowhere NEAR powerful enough yet, just imagine how hard it would be to simulate what you're saying.

Static electricity? Huh?

SOUND? You do realize that the "sound" required to levitate a person would be equivalent to massive explosions happening beneath it over and over again, right? It's a nice way to kill the person and destroy everything around it though.

Levitation Breakthroughs! bio-gravitics, hutchison effect, vibro-acoustics,

Unifying Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity & Dielectricity as ONE THING ONLY

How Powering with Atmospheric Electricity Works

sorry to not answer and explain but these videos will open your eyes as they did for me

is it not possible for the supposed hip harnesses to be iron rings that support the body with a not so powerful magnet under?

« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 09:36:30 AM by 1on0ne »
live fearlessly, love endlessly



  • 15538
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2016, 09:55:13 AM »

I suspect the guys in the ISS using one of these three technologies to fake zero G conditions:

1) Diamagnetism : every body containing water is magnetic : it is very light but it's there. So using a very high power magnet, one can levitate living things like frogs and strawberries, and even humans. Faraday was the first to propose such technology back in the day.

2) static electricity : you remember the old times of CRT screens? they would attract tiny specks of dust and even light papers. This is supposition number 2 : we are attracted to the ground on the same principle. Atmosphere has difference of potential the higher you get, and it is a good indication that something like that could exist.

3) sound : sound can be used ot levitate anything. Of course we would hear it might you say. well there is two answers to that. First it is possible to remove the sound totally by processing an out-of-phase signal of the sound thus removing only the sound you don't want (for example in audio you can remove the center of the stereo field by just mixing the left and the right (but with the right out of phase). The other answer would be that the sound frequency is so low that human can't hear it and microphones can't process it.

do you know any more ways to fake zero G ?



All of these ways are ridiculous, sorry.

Diamagnetism? Well, the good news for you is that scientists HAVE managed to levitate frogs diamagnetically, using solenoids. The bad news is that it required 16 teslas for one frog. Just for a comparison, the LHC magnet is 8 teslas. The world record is about 45 teslas. It's not entirely impossible, but magnets are nowhere NEAR powerful enough yet, just imagine how hard it would be to simulate what you're saying.

Static electricity? Huh?

SOUND? You do realize that the "sound" required to levitate a person would be equivalent to massive explosions happening beneath it over and over again, right? It's a nice way to kill the person and destroy everything around it though.

Levitation Breakthroughs! bio-gravitics, hutchison effect, vibro-acoustics,

Unifying Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity & Dielectricity as ONE THING ONLY

How Powering with Atmospheric Electricity Works

sorry to not answer and explain but these videos will open your eyes as they did for me

is it not possible for the supposed hip harnesses to be iron rings that support the body with a not so powerful magnet under?


Those videos are unscientific drivel, you shouldn't fall for them.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 23751
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2016, 01:15:33 PM »
sorry to not answer and explain but these videos will open your eyes as they did for me

is it not possible for the supposed hip harnesses to be iron rings that support the body with a not so powerful magnet under?


So you just accept the pseudoscience in those videos while rejecting reality?

This makes me think that you aren't interested in the truth and instead just want to be right about people lying to you.

Did you notice the inherent instability in the static electricity one?
The object needed to be in orbit to keep staying up, and wasn't even very stable.



  • 156
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2016, 02:54:17 AM »
sorry to not answer and explain but these videos will open your eyes as they did for me

is it not possible for the supposed hip harnesses to be iron rings that support the body with a not so powerful magnet under?


So you just accept the pseudoscience in those videos while rejecting reality?

This makes me think that you aren't interested in the truth and instead just want to be right about people lying to you.

Did you notice the inherent instability in the static electricity one?
The object needed to be in orbit to keep staying up, and wasn't even very stable.

well that's beginnings of technology , and every start can be hazardeous, that doesn't mean a team of high-end physicist didn't find a way to stabilize the whole process. Rejecting the whole technology because the beginnings are not 100% perfect is taking things a bit lightly
live fearlessly, love endlessly



  • 23751
Re: 3 ways to fake Zero-G
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2016, 03:07:54 AM »
sorry to not answer and explain but these videos will open your eyes as they did for me

is it not possible for the supposed hip harnesses to be iron rings that support the body with a not so powerful magnet under?


No. It isn't the beginning of them. It is fundamental flaws in trying to levitate a wide variety of objects with it.

You need a force which is proportional to mass, regardless of any other attribute.

So you just accept the pseudoscience in those videos while rejecting reality?

This makes me think that you aren't interested in the truth and instead just want to be right about people lying to you.

Did you notice the inherent instability in the static electricity one?
The object needed to be in orbit to keep staying up, and wasn't even very stable.

well that's beginnings of technology , and every start can be hazardeous, that doesn't mean a team of high-end physicist didn't find a way to stabilize the whole process. Rejecting the whole technology because the beginnings are not 100% perfect is taking things a bit lightly