the OP asks how is it possible for the sun and the full moon to both be in the sky at the same time
firstly, it's not possible unless both are on opposite sides of the horizon, which is caused by refraction
secondly, the photo in question shows neither the sun OR the moon, pretty pointless photo
lastly, if you're still 'on the fence', stop trying to find tiny things that don't seem to fit and use ACTUAL evidence.. there's plenty solid, testable, visual, irrefutable evidence that supports the globe, and absolutely zero that supports the flat earth
this particular explanation has been made far more complicated than it needs to be.. the flat earth theory states the sun is ALWAYS ABOVE the clouds, yet we sometimes have sun showing on the underneath of clouds, that's called 'disproving a point' (with ease)
facts are facts, the earth has been proven with evidence to NOT be flat, but instead, A GLOBE!!
- ignoring evidence doesn't make it disappear
- not understanding what your eyes see doesn't make the facts any less factual