I'm curious where you think the sun is in this photo. Last time I checked Stellarium puts it halfway under the horizon.
This picture was taken at 8/8/2014 8:03PM at 30.0799° N, 95.4172° W

It's not possible to tell from the photo because of the clouds, trees, and cars in the way. Where do you think it is, and why?
Stellarium says the sun appeared a little less than 1° above the horizon at that time and location. Its apparent center is 0° 52' (see apparent Az/Alt in the screenshot below), but that would vary slightly with refraction. Without refraction it would be just below 0.5° above the horizon (geometric Az/Alt).

I took this picture when beginning FE research years ago, because it seemed impossible for the 'full' moon and the sun to both be so high above the horizon at the same time.
The moon was almost two days from full at that time. The
US Naval Observatory shows that it rose on that date at 6:19 CDT - almost two hours earlier - and wouldn't be full until 1:09 PM CDT on Aug 10. It was 93% illuminated on the 8th.
USNO also gives sunset time for Houston as 8:09 PM CDT on that date, about six minutes later. Their location for Houston is a little south and east of the given coordinates, so sunset at the specified location would be slightly later, but likely within the same minute.
...just another proof globe calculations do not always match reality.
They don't match the OPs
perception of reality, but appear quite consistent with his observations as described.