Earth Not a Globe, pages 25 - 34, Rowbotham offers an explanation for why objects appear to disappear behind the horizon bottom first on a flat earth. However, it is not enough to merely posit a plausible sounding explanation. We must test it! To test it, we need numbers!
Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it:
1. Hypothesize! Based on Rowbotham's logic, find a way to predict how much of an object will appear to have sunk "behind" the horizon, based on various factors. (distance to the object, height of the observer, etc...). Start by assuming no refraction. Bonus points if you are able to develop an equation that also makes a reasonable attempt at approximating refraction.
2. Test! Compare your calculated values with a wide range of observed values. Make sure that you only use pictures/videos that you reliably know the distances for. Also, compare the values from your equation to the values that we would expect if the earth is round. Bonus points if you also take into account refraction for both a round and flat earth.
3. Analyze! Which set of calculated values matches up better with the observed values? What possible explanations are there for the differences between the calculated and observed values? Does your equation closely follow Rowbotham's logic? Are there any flaws/weakpoints in Rowbotham's logic?
* Feel free to do as little/much as you want, but the more the better. Good luck!
* If you have an alternative to Robotham's explanation, feel free to use that instead. However, please present the alternative explanation as clearly and precisely as possible before presenting your equation. Don't just link to a youtube video.
* Round earthers: let the flat earthers have a go at it before chiming in. Try to keep the snark to a minimum.
*, which hosted ENAG 2nd edition, seems to be down. All I can find is the first edition in pdf format.