As long as there are 'muricans and retards (that's like saying there are dead people and people that do not live ), there will be people that believe in flat earth.
There are two sorts of believers.
1 He/she that holds a genuine conviction based on the hard questions and examination of all that is involved.
2 simply follow what the majority says and focus on other things that you feel are far more important in life.
The majority of ''globe believers'' are in the second category.....but the moment science explains the earth is actually a peer, they will believe it too, because they have more important stuff to think about.Round, peer, pyramid, them it isn't important to know, they simply accept what smart men/women have to tell about the subject. Just like the churchleaders used to do on a religious level.
Ironically flat and concave earthers are almost 100% first category believers........does that make them right ?
Of course not, but at least they truly care for something really important !!!!
I'd rather have a conversation with someone who cares but has this really weird ideas, than someone who doesn't care at all....or care about something so one dimensional as luxery, money and other shallow fullfillments.