Sceptimatic could you answer a question about denpressure for me? You still haven't answered it. Why can we measure anot exponential drop-off of air pressure as we increase altitude. Basic physics will tell you that, in an enclosed space, absent any other force, gas particles will achieve equilibrium pressure throughout the container. In reality, we can plainly see that some force is pushing a greater concentration of air particles toward the earth's surface. Would you care to explain this? Is there some flaw with my reasoning or the principles I have addressed?
It's not as if I haven't explained but I'll give it another shot.
First of all I'll deal with your container and when I do, please understand what I'm trying to tell you.
In your pressurised container - yes, there is as near equilibrium of pressure when you consider a sphere shaped container to save argument.
If I was to put you inside that container and then start to pressurise it, you are going to be crushed to pulp in short order because the sphere already contained around 14.7 psi before pressurisation commenced, due to the atmosphere external to it becoming part of it.
On the flattish Earth with the dome, we have half of that sphere. We essentially have the widest area at the bottom and a build up that moves inwards as the dome forms, until it reached the top, where the matter is the most expanded and taking up the lesser space.
Now we get into vibration by energy, as you know as well as I know that matter is always vibrating in many trillions of frequencies all over the Earth.
Anyway, imagine the Earth as flattish with the dome and picture an empty snow globe. Fill it with as many different dense grains as you can find. Sand, salt, talcum powder or whatever until you fill the snow globe.
Now get an electric orbital sander (without the sanding sheet) and turn it upside down and hold your snow globe on it for a while and watch the particles take their form in a sandwich of different densities.
The densest will be at the bottom and the less dense or largest will be sat at the top.
The reason is because the more there is of something the smaller they become and the more densely packed they become, meaning anything pushed into them by action/energy, will be crushed/squeezed up.
That's what's happening to us except we are a massive dense unit and we always use energy to PUSH into the atmospheric squeeze until we have no more energy to do that. Basically we stop growing.
The thing is, the atmosphere is trying to crush us but we fight back against it by pushing it away with our dense mass.
I've made a story here
but I find that explaining stuff like this will eventually light the bulb and I'm willing to keep explaining for anyone willing to take the time to grasp instead of spending their time simply waiting to ridicule. Not that you are yet - but you get my gist.