The bowl in picture #4 looks exactly the same size as the bowl in picture #2 - which in turn looks exactly the same size as the bowl in picture #1. Therefore, the bowl in pic #1 is the same exact size as the bowl in #4.
Show me a photo where the zoom would retain the size of the can, but (significantly) change the size of the bowl. I say significantly because the landmasses on the globe pics were significantly different, as anyone can see.
And no, I don't see any difference in surface area between the two cans. The angle just looks a hair different, though I wouldn't swear to it.
Here is a pictures of a person taken at different distances with different focal lengths.

Take a look at her nose and which pictures you can see the sun glasses in.
I am really having a tough time figuring out if you are trolling or resisting the evidence because it challenges your world view.
Think about it this way. It is neither evidence for or against the shape of the Earth. Do you really think the evil geniuses at NASA would not consider something widely known to be true when releasing photos of Earth? If we did not see apparent changes in size of landmasses taken by different cameras with different focal lengths at different distances it would indicate something fishy is going.
NASA did not makeup perspective and focal lengths making things appear different. It is just something that happens as the result of how our minds process information.
The only thing I suggest now is look up and study focal length. If you believe the information made available is provided by the conspiracy and professional and amateur photographers are in on it I guess that is one world view someone can have. Seems silly to me since it can be verified so easily if someone is not trying to preserve their world view.
Really seems those involved in the conspiracy are starting to outnumber those that are not.
Every space agency, Geodetic surveyors, governments, some airline and ship crews, communication companies, cartographers, amateur and professional astronomers, the majority of scientist involved in the vast field of earth science, some engineers, sat-tv installers, Ham radio operators, people at universities and colleges, people that have sailed their own boats across the ocean in the southern hemisphere, air traffic controllers, most who own their own plane and fly it places, programmers even for open source GPS applications and the people who use them and understand programming and math, and the list can go on.
Now we are to include photographers and cinematographers to the list.