First of all, the description underneath the photo of the three globes says this: "Three photos of the same globe from different distances. North America seems a different size in each image because you can see more of the globe as you get further away."
Nothing about zooming the camera, much less Dolly Zooming. It states quite clearly that the three different images were the result of actually moving away from the globe. This means that whoever took the three pictures stepped back further each time he snapped the photograph. Now, had he actually moved back each time, the globe would have appeared smaller because he was further away. That's what naturally happens, and this would have been easily seen in the photos.
There is no possible way to produce those three different images of "the same globe" by just moving away from the globe itself. Again, the globe remains the exact same size, but the PICTURES ON THE GLOBE change? Sorry, that's not how it works. And you can take all of your zooming tricks with you. The description simply states that the person moved farther away from the globe each time he took the next picture...
Woody, the picture of the three globes was nothing more than this: Someone made three different globes with three different sized land masses on them. Then they took three pictures from the same exact distance. Ultimately, this was done as an attempt to excuse NASA's screwed up, disproportionate, CGI photos of "Earth from Space". That's all.
I pose the same question to you folks that I do to Evolutionists: If it's true, why the fraud?