This has to be among the stupidest arguments ever. The whole objection to the three globes photo is "they didn't SAY they zoomed, so I'll assume they DIDN't zoom, which therefore makes this fake". For the FE True Believers in the room (if there really is such a thing): THIS level of "argument" is why we round earth folks think you flat earth folks are all just trolls. You have to know that deserted does in fact understand how zoom lenses work, but is playing dumb for the sake of continuing to reject the explanation. I don't think deserted is actually that dumb; nothing in their vocabulary, grammar, or sentence structure would lead me to such a conclusion.
No, that's not my point. None of you seem to get it. I never once said that I
believed the three globe pic was the result of simple change in distance. In fact, I've argued numerous times that's it's NOT the result of distance, based upon the fact that when someone moves away from an object, that object appears smaller. The further one moves away, the smaller the object will appear. That's how things work in the real world. When a car passes me and continues down the road, the further away it travels, the smaller it will appear. After a while, it'll be so far away that it'll be barely visible. Again, the further away something gets, the smaller it will appear. That's a fact. The same holds true if I'm looking through a camera. The car gets smaller and smaller until it's hardly visible. And not just the car, but the writing on the bumper sticker gets smaller too. Everything attached to the car appears smaller the further away it gets. Agreed? This is simple common sense. And this is precisely why I maintain that the three globe pic was NOT the result of changing the distance. It was accomplished, as everyone has argued, by zoom. Again, I never once said it was caused by changing distance. Not once.
Now let's not forget, this all started when Origamyscienceguy posted a photo of earth from space. Woody posted the three-globe picture in an attempt to explain away the disproportionate size of the landmasses. The picture was accompanied by an explanation that the picture was the result of simple change in distance - a claim almost everyone has violently rejected. I agree with all of you. The three globe pic was not the result of a simple change in distance, but was the result of camera zoom. Again, I agree. By near unanimous vote, the description of the three-globe picture is a lie. In other words, Woody tried to explain away a fraudulent photo of earth from space with a fraudulent picture of three globes; and since then, everyone has called me a complete idiot for not buying it.