I agree with you getreal for the most part then I must stop. You seem to air to the side of believing everything inside the box and dismissing the rest. Others seem to lean to the side of believing everything outside the box and dismissing the rest. I have always believed the truth is dead center of the two. Most seem to over look it, or so busy looking for something or at something, the truth is slipped right by them. Just like a magic show, distraction being a determinants number one weapon of choice.
Then of course you have those who are COMPLETELY inside or outside the box...either one of those people can and will go off the deep end to whatever side of the pool they are on. Both is equally as dangerous....
There is nothing wrong with being skeptical of EVERYTHING...even the God I believe in says be skeptical of Him. So this is the mind set I live by. I believe nothing that anyone is literally selling...all the alex jones in the world, or in a 180 all the governments and mainstream lovers in the world. I try and live in the middle, everything that is presented to me I take it one at a time. I keep it if the unbiased and unmolested evidence supports it, I dump it if that evidence squashes it. Just like in business, I have no love or bias for any of it, I just need the facts, and will deal with it accordingly.
Just two examples, the God I believe in, I analyzed the according facts of man (science etc), then analyzed the facts said God has given. I deemed mans explanations and alternatives flawed, without merit. This was not a quick decision, this involved studies of many years. Of course, there is a deal of faith to this exact example of course, I will never discount that. Though blind faith to MY eyes is only about 10-15 percent. This is last part is an opinion, not a hard fact.
Or move on to something of only facts. Lets use 911 or the intentions of the government. 9\11 to me was beyond easy once I started using my mind and not heart. During the original incident, I was mad as hell and wanted the world to pay, which is the emotion the government needed at the time. Even though in the back of my mind, I knew shit doesn't happen like I saw it how it was shown. Then once I came back to rational senses, it was very easy to figure out the story was bogus.
I will never know the exact motives or exactly how they were brought down, but I believe I am at least within 85 percent of the truth. The things I do know for sure, is the story is a lie, and the motive is a lie. That is all that is really important I suppose. Though not a structural engineer some of the things I specialize in is Metallurgy, fuel application and theory, fabrication and design along with a few other things that is pertinent to. I may not design the buildings, but a lot of the building blocks to those are things I have specific knowledge in. Either between the almost 8 years in college, or my own business geared towards it for a decade. I would say I have a right to have my opinion on the matter without being considered just a keyboard warrior.
(Just an interesting tid bit, I have exposed different metals and materials to almost 275,000psi and close to 20k f of temp and never "vaporized" anything. Liquefied, shattered, crushed, warped and many other weird things, never vaporized. Any report that uses a fantasy convenient term as an explanation of over 50 percent of its theory should be immediately questioned just on this merit alone, leaving alone the other 1000s of issues)
Or you say the government is usually on the up and up. Considering that only using facts you can realize the government is lying on the 9 11 issue, what else would they do and lie about?? They obviously have no shame or moral compass. Everything they do or say is not a lie, but I imagine it is somewhere over the 50 percent mark. You don't need to buy any self help books or alex jones horse shit to understand this.
Just follow the money, the info is free. Follow what corps are doing what, follow the "BIG 4" that are top share holders in almost everything company on the forbes 100s list. Follow the money trail of the people running the country, follow their decisions, and so forth so forth. It is not really a mystery what is happening or who is out for who....just watch the areas they don't expect conspiracy theorist to watch, just like watching the left hand when a magician is trying to get you to watch the right.
You will see the truth of whatever it is..... maybe there is a card up that sleeve, or maybe there is nothing. Stay neutral and open, then you will see the unbiased truth. It could be great or horrible...but it will at least be the truth