I don't deny that every source has their own biases. I'm just surprised at how strong the bias is against Sanders from the liberal side of the MSM. I'm starting to wonder if they have more of a bias against him than Fox News does.
If he wins the primary then things are going to be interesting.
I still haven't figured this out yet either.... They are getting close to Trump levels. I really would like the find out. That stunt with Warren CNN pulled said it all, the disgraceful fucks.
I kinda liked Warren a bit for a Dem, but mainstream loves her so much I am sure she is just another stooge, I was completely over her with that stunt from CNN.
So what's up with Bernie? Is he going to change something or do something that goes against the liberal grain? Or is he not paying the Piper?
Its probably because the DNC doesn't see him as electable so they are trying to push him out without outright banning him.
Possibly. Although looking at the polls he's pretty electable.
My theory, there are professional politicians and the rank and file like us who aren't officially part of any party. We see Bernie and we think "independent caucausaing as a democrat? Whatever. But to the insiders it is not whatever. They have have well have elected someone like Trump. Bernie is not their party.
Lkay let me try this again while resistance the ambien.
The political parties are competing business. Sometimes one side wins. Ditto the other. Great. somebody at least one party can conctrol.
But. Okay, I've got a burgerking analogy.Let's say you're a customer that likes to eat at burger king. But it's a shitty party of towna and the bloods and the cripps hang out there. One day they decide to elected their buerger king. The bloods and the cripps each put fourth a candidate. But during the primary, the hambergler appears and runs a campaign based on free sausage mcmuffins for everyone. The kids that each there and vote love egg mcmuffins. So the hamburgler has their bote. So the hambergler hangs out with the crips. But he isn't a crip. But he runs as a crip.
Okay. look. Clearly I'm too stoned to compoete this political science analogy. YOu're just going to have to trust me on this. The breakfast menu at bk or the clown place is the only think they sell that doesn't take like fucking garbage. Seriously they're oinly places wher eyou take you rkids to runn and scream for 2 hours and while you eat their chicken mcnuggets and lie about it.