the tiny stationary white dots!
Those tiny white dots are hauling ass!
They are merely stationary blimps that function as geosynchronous satellites for the globe deception.
Triangulation from dish angles puts those " stationary blimps that function as geosynchronous satellites " at the right altitude to be in geosynchronous orbit.
A geostationary equatorial orbit (GEO) is a circular geosynchronous orbit in the plane of the Earth's equator with a radius of approximately 42,164 km (26,199 mi) (measured from the center of the Earth). A satellite in such an orbit is at an altitude of approximately 35,786 km (22,236 mi) above mean sea level.
So you are guessing that there are blimps at an altitude of 35,786 km! not much air there! Still any old bit of guesswork to stop the flat earthers from thinking.
I have noticed a few of your other posts and you seem to be dragging out all the old ideas that have been answered dozens of times.
You must have just graduated from the "Flat Earther Indoctrination Course 101"!
Maybe you should wait till you get through the third level before making serious posts.
See if this post means anything to you OK, here it is - your proof that satellite dishes are point at the same object. I am using towns at the 97° longitude to make this a 2D trigonometric problem:
You'll need to go and look at it.
Obviously you need to do more research into HAPS "High altitude platform station" blimps that reach 50Km. As someone that studied Aerospace Engineering nearly 10 years ago I will provide a little lesson of how things really work.
HAPS offer all the same data transmission capabilites of "satellites," are routinely positioned 20-50Km, AND have outrageous benefits:
- They are orders of magnitude cheaper
- They can be landed for repairs and upgrades
- rapidly deployable and replaceable without launch platforms
Now think about those practical benefits for a moment... You really think that Government agencies and corporations have been blowing $50-500 million a pop on 2,271 fragile, impractical, non-upgradable satellites? haha
Quite the opposite. For about $200K a HAPS blimp you can have 2,271 blimp "satelite" platforms deployed for only $454,200,000. Less then the price of a single staged $500 million shuttle launch! Think about the magnitude of that and the money laundry opportunities of such a scam.
BTW take a good look at these two articles and the conflicting stories. One claims that Google will use 180 satellites to provide free internet while the other claims they will use HAPS platforms. Very interesting isn't it?
"Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) supports the idea of the FCC authorizing resources for the study of broadband delivered from high-altitude platform stations (HAPS),
which are 20 to 50 kilometers above ground." (hmm satellite dishs aimed at 35km objects would work with this right? lol)