The whole premise of a FE is that Nasa and every country with a space program is in a conspiracy and lying to the world for 58 years. All of the flights to space are fake. And that most humans are incapable of recognizing we have been fooled. Also that there are no satellites and/or pictures of earth, from orbit.
Does this sound reasonable?
Facts: There are over 90,000 flights per day. Many thousands in jets that can easily fly up to 35,000ft, in 20 minutes and cruise at over 500mph... With this technology am I to believe we have never flown up to 70,000ft and above, and taken a picture?
In the 1930's, several balloon flights have reached 60,000-72,000ft. Over 100,000ft in the 50's. And the famous Baumgartner space jump in 2012 of 127,000ft.
Winged aircraft have flown over 120,000ft since the 50's, Over 340,000ft in the 60's.
Rockets have been launched since the 50's too. In just 2014 there were 90 rockets launched into orbit. 81 in 2013. Many thousands of people witnessed ALL of the Saturn, Apollo and Shuttle launches. There is no doubt that humans have the capability to fly into orbit, manned or unmanned, and take a picture. So that is why there are thousands of pictures of the earth from space. Many had to be "photo shopped" or pieced together, because you can't get the whole earth in 1 normal lens shot until you get thousands of miles away from the earth. This does not make them fake. Many flights have gone over 20,000 miles from earth. Think about it...before you claim shenanigans. Watch a Shuttle rocket launch. See the power of this human invention. See the witnesses. Use logic to admit this beast can get to over 20,000 miles high in less than 2 hours. And probably has no problem traveling at 18,000 miles per hour, for days.
Is there not one FE'er in all of history to send up a balloon, shoot up a rocket, take a picture? How believable is a FE theory, without one valid picture from space.
When there are thousands showing a globe, from a very logical source.
Don't tell me that I have to believe on faith. FE's are a small minority, so to me, faith without logic or proof, is a cult.