Back again but this time not a question but an obvious observation.
I'm no scientist but by common sense and using physical proof i came with this though.
I haven't seen videos or topics about it, but it completly destroy the globe model, i'll try to explain without any illustration.
From what we've been told, earth spins at 1000 miles/h and rotate the sun at some higher speed but not important for the explanation.
So for any spinning objects the centrifuge force arround the edge is relative to the speed, so basically anything at this speed would be ejected, however the argument of having a gravity force that is stronger make us stay on the ground so that is why everything stays in place. Now the gravity force is equal anywhere on the globe. This would mean if i stand on the equator the centrifuge force would be at is max and if i stand on the north pole the force would be pretty much zero, this means there is no opposite force there.
so why do we feel the attraction to the earth the same in different locations?
Technically the gravity must be very strong for people at the equator to resist the centrifuge force, this mean at the north pole with no opposite force you would be smashed to the ground.
This is probably the most basic common sense, and scientifically make completly sense.
Told that to a non believer friend and he just froozed