As the title says, what would constitute proof (for you) that the other side is correct?
For me, you would have to photograph "the edge" or put me on a ship that travels the circumference of Antarctica, and it takes many times longer than the globe suggests. There may be other tests, also, but these are what I thought of
Or some whistleblower bringing proof of conspiracy.
How about you?
Some sound
evidence for a Flat Earth that at present cannot explain numerous things I see and hear everyday,
like the stars at night - sorry about that (but there is the clockwise rotation of the stars around the South Celestial Pole)!
I could give ten bits of "evidence" that I see with my own eyes:- While the horizon looks flat ( it does, simply because the earth is huge!) to me the look of the sky and the way the clouds move over the horizon look like a Globe.
- On a clear day looking out to sea the sky-horizon interface is a sharp line (it is only about 5 km away!). On a flat earth it would have to fade into the distance with no distinct boundary.
- The sun appears to rise from behind the horizon and appears to set behind the horizon.
- The sun stays the same size as it arcs up and over the sky - actually it sometimes seems a bit little larger at sunrise and sunset.
- The sun always appears to be a disk, though sometimes a bit distorted at sunrise and sunset.
- The sun always rises due east and sets due west on each equinox - here, and I am told it happens all over the earth.
- Likewise the moon appears to rise from behind the horizon and appears to set behind the horizon.
- The moon stays the essentially[1] same size as it arcs up and over the sky - it sometimes seems a bit bigger at moonrise and moonset.
- The moon always appears to show the same face wherever it is in the sky. (And from wherever we observe it - though we have to travel for this observation).
- The full moon always appears to be a circle, though sometimes a bit distorted at moonrise and moonset.
Actually this list could be extended to the accuracy of prediction of sun and moon, rise and set times, variations apparent size of the moon, etc, etc.
These do not categorically PROVE that the earth is a Globe, but they do provide very strong visual evidence.
And none of this is direct evidence of a
rotating earth, but I believe it is strong evidence of a
Globe with a distant (that is far further than the earths size) sun and moon.
I have posted what I think is ONE proof in
Measurements of the Earth Prove it cannot be Flat.
To convince me, I would at least these things explained, without the need for farcical hypotheses, complete coincidence and unrealistic ideas or perspective and then evidence that the earth really is flat!
But every day little things crop up that only have a logical explanation with the Heliocentric Globe. One just recently, the day is getting very slightly longer. Yes, it can now be easily measured.
Explanation, the tidal forces from the moon are gradually slowing the earth (reducing angular momentum) and adding angular monemtum to the moon increasing its distance from the earth and (paradoxically at first glance) slowing down its velocity.
But, little things like this crop up all the time.
[1] "I say essentially" because the size of the moon does vary slightly overnight as it is a little closer when overhead, and varies over the cycle quite considerably due to the ellipticity of its orbit. The apparent size of the sun varies a little over the year due to the ellipticity of its orbit too.