I believe in whatever the evidence points towards.
The evidence does not point to anything about paleontology being able to give his honest content without forged results. More than that, it gives us contradictory, wild tales. I'd imagine the Bible is more accurate in its predictions overall than the study of paleontology.
The whole profession was birthed in lies. Think if you told your wife that the first thing you said to her was a lie? And since then it has been one forgery after another, one lie after another; and it still hasn't stopped today.
Would you ever expect her to believe you again? And then if you spent years and years lying again about the same thing?
How can anybody be expected to trust paleontology, the deadbeat husband of knowledge?
Do I believe in Dinosaurs? I don't tend to believe in things until they have been shown to me and done is in a true way, a justifiable way, a consistent way, and an accurate way. It has done none of these things time and again and time again.
On the other hand, we have bushels of evidence in Dinofaux being a largely made up enterprise.
I'm not saying that believing in Dinosaurs makes you likened to a a wife in an abusive relationship. The facts are saying that. The honeymoon is over, and you just don't want to admit the truth. If you choose to continue to live in your dream world of dragons, I'll support that decision and you. But we are all worried about you guys.
Please. We don't like to see you put yourself in an abusive knowledge relationship with paleontology. He's a bad guy.
Wonderful John, finally you have nailed your colours to the mast. Granted the colours look as though they have run and they lack any vibrancy but colours none the less.
Because your answer is so response dense let’s just deal with your opening swatch.
I believe in whatever the evidence points towards.I totally agree with this statement, but completely disagree with your next swatch.
The whole profession was birthed in liesWhat we could do as you so rightly said, is examine the evidence.
It’s likely the fist dinosaur fossil was discovered in antiquity and as you mentioned earlier probably gave rise to various legends of giants and behemoths. This is understandable as back in biblical times knowledge of the world at large was scant to say the least. It was only when we had developed an understanding of sciences like anatomy that we were able to make any sense of such mysterious discoveries.
If we jump forward from biblical times to England in the 1800s as it could be argued the the science which is palaeontology came into being and the man responsible, Richard Owen. Owen was the most famous comparative anatomists of his time apart from being by all accounts a pretty nasty character. None the less he had a great deal of anatomical knowledge and it was he who in 1842 first used the term Dinosauria In a report he published in 1842.
Owen, Richard. "Report on British fossil reptiles. Part II," in: Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Plymouth, July 1841, pp. 66-204. Owen used his skills as a comparative anatomist and deduced that the many bones he examined came from extinct species of large animals. Here is an extract from the Royal Society of London from that time:-
https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/abs/10.1098/rspl.1887.0117That is a historical fact. I fail to see where the lie is John. I have presented my historical facts that can all be ratified. If you truly believe in your opening swatch then how can you say the science of palaeontology was birthed from a lie?
Over to you John. Facts only please.