So here is the conclusion I have come to a very long time ago.
The Flat Earth society is less to do with the shape of the earth, and more to do with the rejection of all authority, in a very arm chair kind of way.
Things all Flat Earth people here have in common is
A) The distrust of authority
B) Always trying to find proof from the comfort of their homes.
*although this is more a trait with everyone here, so not just Flatties. And I am sure there are flatties doing real life stuff, but they are in turn, not here*
All arguments come from a stance that everyone is wrong, and they (and only they) can see through all the BS.
This very thread here started with
Noted zeteticist Eric Dubay in his book The Flat Earth Conspiracy talked at length about the dinosaur lie.
The problem for us roundies is that any Evidence from a source of a Authority is immediately a lie. And authority is anything from your brother who may be a paleontologist to The actual president of
America, Australia.
This means arguments can only be made using their own source of information, Which they may or may not believe depending on if it agrees with them or not.
For examples Johns use of Carl Sagans quotes to prove that science is a scam, but ignores all the stuff he says about how science is better than religion. So, only source information that they like.
Or the use of
Robert Schadewald's published paper "Worlds of their own" because it shows that early Jews believed the world to be flat, but forget the Irony that he only did it to show how silly creationism was, and ignore his life work in describing the flat earth (and other pseudoscience) as a scam.
So what are the Roundies to do, to convince the distrusting Flatties of anything?
We cant use evidence as proof, even their own.
Well I suppose we can only try and be nice to them and ask them questions pertaining to their own ideas.
Only if you lead people to their own conclusions can they really change.
Screw it, that sounds hard.
Continue the insults!