Genuine question

  • 71 Replies

Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Genuine question
« on: April 14, 2016, 06:43:51 PM »

  I have had a question regarding this theory that has weighed on me. Despite the field I work in, I am not closed mind and I truly appreciate outside the box thinking. I truly enjoy questioning the norm, what is fact and what is not (I also realize no matter what, "facts" are more of a mythological unicorn and not abundant as purported by many). So please know I ask this question with respect, and it is a genuine question.

  What is the theory on how such a conspiracy can be kept when a conspiracy involving 100s of people can barely be held for a decade?  This would surely involve at least a million people or more, involving many different cultures and nations. Requiring say, Russia, for example, to withhold their pride for the "greater good", which is extremely uncommon not to mention torturous of their culture.

   Also lets remove the government involvement. There are many private sector jobs that rely upon the globe model and support it. For example, my company, I have owned for 9 years, some of the items I manufacturer and design are aviation and aerospace items. Including, but not limited to liquid fuel turbo pumps, piston pumps, gyro components, some electronic shielding, along with many other components that are involved in the production of different machinery. I am paid by for profit private sectors, I have never once been issued payment from any government source. Where are my items going??? Who is really paying for them? Are these private sectors just dummy corps for the correct image? If so who is benefiting from this and what is the purpose?

   I have also been invited by long term clients to either visit or required to travel to certain locations for business if issues arrive. Also anytime there is a failure rather it one of my products liability or not (much much bureaucracy involved). I have first hand seen ground control centers for Eutelsat and Intelsat. I have got to observe the data feeds sent and returned, have even been able to witness maintenance adjustment procedure done on a mid orbit bird. I have also seen partially complete and fully completed satellites before delivery. How is this explained? What have I witnessed in the control rooms??? Was it a video game to look the part? Where are these birds going if the physics behind them are impossible??? Are they junked somewhere?? Just a giant waste to keep appearances? Granted I will say there are no pictures or anything of the such in the control areas, just data and position charts along with radar variances. However, this seems very elaborate  for something that only a very few people will see.  I would truly enjoy to hear the position and theory explaining this.

   I will say one thing though, and this has seemed odd to me. For the last 4 years the materials requested for anything aerospace wise has diminished to a very small portion.  The big 7 sat builders (which are government funded) dissolve any private sector builders by two ways. One make it impossible to launch with bureaucratic tape, or two, one of the big 7 buys that company and they vanish. Government explanation is so they can control what is up there, supposedly preventing junk from being launched, failing in orbit, causing cascade reactions, losing guidance before it can even reach a junk orbit ect ect. Also "lowering" insurance premiums (have yet to be seen, also it is almost impossible to get insurance as a private builder now, they either price you out of business or just deny completely). This action took place almost over night with no warning, no grandfather clause and really nothing at all to do about it. This has never set right with me.

   These are just a few of the questions I have had regarding your theory, without getting into the physics of things, I believe the question needs to be addressed about the dynamics and magnitude of the conspiracy itself. As I said before, this is asked with respect and a genuine search for the answer. Freedom of mind and thought is one of the highest of my priority.

I ask because I am interested.... seemingly "insane" theories such as these have two out comes. One they are just insane, or two, they are the truth. Sheeple are real, conspiracies are real and so are trolls. However, from the possibility of the second option, I never disregard a theory until it collapses in on itself.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • Planar Moderator
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2016, 07:31:18 AM »
I am sorry, but I did not read your whole wall of text.  I did skim over the first half, though.  Money and power and riches are a great motivator, would you not agree?



  • 1676
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2016, 09:50:53 AM »

  I have had a question regarding this theory that has weighed on me. Despite the field I work in, I am not closed mind and I truly appreciate outside the box thinking. I truly enjoy questioning the norm, what is fact and what is not (I also realize no matter what, "facts" are more of a mythological unicorn and not abundant as purported by many). So please know I ask this question with respect, and it is a genuine question.

  What is the theory on how such a conspiracy can be kept when a conspiracy involving 100s of people can barely be held for a decade?  This would surely involve at least a million people or more, involving many different cultures and nations. Requiring say, Russia, for example, to withhold their pride for the "greater good", which is extremely uncommon not to mention torturous of their culture.

   Also lets remove the government involvement. There are many private sector jobs that rely upon the globe model and support it. For example, my company, I have owned for 9 years, some of the items I manufacturer and design are aviation and aerospace items. Including, but not limited to liquid fuel turbo pumps, piston pumps, gyro components, some electronic shielding, along with many other components that are involved in the production of different machinery. I am paid by for profit private sectors, I have never once been issued payment from any government source. Where are my items going??? Who is really paying for them? Are these private sectors just dummy corps for the correct image? If so who is benefiting from this and what is the purpose?

   I have also been invited by long term clients to either visit or required to travel to certain locations for business if issues arrive. Also anytime there is a failure rather it one of my products liability or not (much much bureaucracy involved). I have first hand seen ground control centers for Eutelsat and Intelsat. I have got to observe the data feeds sent and returned, have even been able to witness maintenance adjustment procedure done on a mid orbit bird. I have also seen partially complete and fully completed satellites before delivery. How is this explained? What have I witnessed in the control rooms??? Was it a video game to look the part? Where are these birds going if the physics behind them are impossible??? Are they junked somewhere?? Just a giant waste to keep appearances? Granted I will say there are no pictures or anything of the such in the control areas, just data and position charts along with radar variances. However, this seems very elaborate  for something that only a very few people will see.  I would truly enjoy to hear the position and theory explaining this.

   I will say one thing though, and this has seemed odd to me. For the last 4 years the materials requested for anything aerospace wise has diminished to a very small portion.  The big 7 sat builders (which are government funded) dissolve any private sector builders by two ways. One make it impossible to launch with bureaucratic tape, or two, one of the big 7 buys that company and they vanish. Government explanation is so they can control what is up there, supposedly preventing junk from being launched, failing in orbit, causing cascade reactions, losing guidance before it can even reach a junk orbit ect ect. Also "lowering" insurance premiums (have yet to be seen, also it is almost impossible to get insurance as a private builder now, they either price you out of business or just deny completely). This action took place almost over night with no warning, no grandfather clause and really nothing at all to do about it. This has never set right with me.

   These are just a few of the questions I have had regarding your theory, without getting into the physics of things, I believe the question needs to be addressed about the dynamics and magnitude of the conspiracy itself. As I said before, this is asked with respect and a genuine search for the answer. Freedom of mind and thought is one of the highest of my priority.

I ask because I am interested.... seemingly "insane" theories such as these have two out comes. One they are just insane, or two, they are the truth. Sheeple are real, conspiracies are real and so are trolls. However, from the possibility of the second option, I never disregard a theory until it collapses in on itself.

I've heard may people say, "The moon landings can't be fake because so many people were involved, someone would have surely blown the whistle". To me, I don't see it that way. I believe it would be easy to fake. It wasn't like everyone worked in one giant room where someone could look over your shoulder at what you are doing, it was all compartmentalized from the outside contractors to the inside workers. Only a few chosen ones working for the government or NASA in top positions had to know the real truth. Take the Apollo astronauts for example, most everyone of them were FREEMASONS. Do you think it was simply a coincidence they chose these guys to be astronauts? I don't think so. If you know anything about the Freemasons, it is that they will swear to the death to keep a secret. So far they have succeeded. To me, one clue that gives them away is they won't swear on the Bible they walked on the moon. I personally don't see anything wrong with swearing on the Bible to tell the truth. To me, if a person refuses to swear on the Bible to tell the truth, he must be lying about something. What else would keep you from doing that and why would someone be so combative when someone simply asks you to do that? Our court system requires witnesses to swear on the Bible to tell the truth all the time, I've never heard of or seen a witness want to fight someone because they had to put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth. Do these guy look like American heroes to you or paid actors? Watch this video link below if you don't know what I mean.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

The rest of the people were only interested in is the money and could really care less what they were working on was used for or where it ended up. Anyone, in their right mind, that suspected something not just right risked their job and the jobs of many others and possible jail time or even death, was not going to blow any whistles because we all know that nothing good happens to whistle blowers. They did their jobs and kept their mouths shut. You may remember the famous quote from Schultz, who played the part of a German guard on the TV show Hogan's Heroes, "I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!". But he did and he chose to keep his mouth shut and go along with the flow and that is what they did.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell


Sir Richard

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 451
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2016, 10:48:50 AM »

  I have had a question regarding this theory that has weighed on me. Despite the field I work in, I am not closed mind and I truly appreciate outside the box thinking. I truly enjoy questioning the norm, what is fact and what is not (I also realize no matter what, "facts" are more of a mythological unicorn and not abundant as purported by many). So please know I ask this question with respect, and it is a genuine question.

  What is the theory on how such a conspiracy can be kept when a conspiracy involving 100s of people can barely be held for a decade?  This would surely involve at least a million people or more, involving many different cultures and nations. Requiring say, Russia, for example, to withhold their pride for the "greater good", which is extremely uncommon not to mention torturous of their culture.

   Also lets remove the government involvement. There are many private sector jobs that rely upon the globe model and support it. For example, my company, I have owned for 9 years, some of the items I manufacturer and design are aviation and aerospace items. Including, but not limited to liquid fuel turbo pumps, piston pumps, gyro components, some electronic shielding, along with many other components that are involved in the production of different machinery. I am paid by for profit private sectors, I have never once been issued payment from any government source. Where are my items going??? Who is really paying for them? Are these private sectors just dummy corps for the correct image? If so who is benefiting from this and what is the purpose?

   I have also been invited by long term clients to either visit or required to travel to certain locations for business if issues arrive. Also anytime there is a failure rather it one of my products liability or not (much much bureaucracy involved). I have first hand seen ground control centers for Eutelsat and Intelsat. I have got to observe the data feeds sent and returned, have even been able to witness maintenance adjustment procedure done on a mid orbit bird. I have also seen partially complete and fully completed satellites before delivery. How is this explained? What have I witnessed in the control rooms??? Was it a video game to look the part? Where are these birds going if the physics behind them are impossible??? Are they junked somewhere?? Just a giant waste to keep appearances? Granted I will say there are no pictures or anything of the such in the control areas, just data and position charts along with radar variances. However, this seems very elaborate  for something that only a very few people will see.  I would truly enjoy to hear the position and theory explaining this.

   I will say one thing though, and this has seemed odd to me. For the last 4 years the materials requested for anything aerospace wise has diminished to a very small portion.  The big 7 sat builders (which are government funded) dissolve any private sector builders by two ways. One make it impossible to launch with bureaucratic tape, or two, one of the big 7 buys that company and they vanish. Government explanation is so they can control what is up there, supposedly preventing junk from being launched, failing in orbit, causing cascade reactions, losing guidance before it can even reach a junk orbit ect ect. Also "lowering" insurance premiums (have yet to be seen, also it is almost impossible to get insurance as a private builder now, they either price you out of business or just deny completely). This action took place almost over night with no warning, no grandfather clause and really nothing at all to do about it. This has never set right with me.

   These are just a few of the questions I have had regarding your theory, without getting into the physics of things, I believe the question needs to be addressed about the dynamics and magnitude of the conspiracy itself. As I said before, this is asked with respect and a genuine search for the answer. Freedom of mind and thought is one of the highest of my priority.

I ask because I am interested.... seemingly "insane" theories such as these have two out comes. One they are just insane, or two, they are the truth. Sheeple are real, conspiracies are real and so are trolls. However, from the possibility of the second option, I never disregard a theory until it collapses in on itself.
One only has to consider MI6 to see a benevolent conspiracy that held for over 90 years through multiple of Her/His
Majesties government.
Conspiracies are not necessarily evil. I think the intent of this one is good, but be aware that the road to perdition is paved with such.
We may think of this as a Conspiracy of Dunces? What are they hiding? They are hiding the nature of the universe.
Why? For our own good. And what bad end are we protected from? From falling of the edge and from unauthorized tampering, through satellite and probe launches, with the delicate balance in the celestial Sphere as it interacts with the Terrestrial plane and the Aether. What else is Nasa, Roscomos, ESA and CSA doing? They are launching satellites into the aether. They are attempting to harness the energy of the sun. They are attempting to breach the firmament. All of this is most dangerous.
"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"  J Stalin

"It is not the people that vote that count it is the people that count the votes" J Stalin


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2016, 12:49:03 PM »
Thank you for attempting to answer this question. There was another forum I posted this on and was called a shill with no attempted answer ha ha. Then called a hypocrite because I supposedly was not looking for the truth. I attempted to explain do to my profession I have to be low key about going outside the normal train of thought, otherwise will be blacklisted into bankruptcy.

Anyways, it is a good point about a conspiracy does not always have to be bad. As for power and greed....which is the typical motivator for the government. I don't see that being a viable option here. If they want money they can just take it. Then when things start to come out, they just blow up a wing of a government building and say all evidence was in there.

Then what about stuff people such as myself has seen and done? I am not a mason, I believe Yahweh, Yashuhua and the Bible the ultimate truth. The stuff I have seen and field I have been apart of, if it is a conspiracy it's a very fine one.

I also agree with people keeping their mouth shut to go with the flow...I see if all the time. There are many people whom question things in my industry and many other ones similar. Yet will say nothing because being blacklisted is a very real threat. I suppose I am no different at this point, however if everything lines up I will. I just need to answer alot of questions first.

Also, I have never agreed we landed on the moon...the equations are pseudo math, has no validation in the real world. I know most of their specifications, none of it sits right with me.

Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir

Re: Genuine question
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2016, 12:50:12 PM »
A satellite brings me TV.  Definite.


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2016, 04:12:29 PM »
"Satalites bring me TV. Definite"

Despite my claims, questions, and info prior in the thread. I have to say you cannot say definite fact. It is mathematically plausible that it is all ground based transmission. Mathematically probable....not so much.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir

Re: Genuine question
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2016, 01:18:31 AM »
"Satalites bring me TV. Definite"

Despite my claims, questions, and info prior in the thread. I have to say you cannot say definite fact. It is mathematically plausible that it is all ground based transmission. Mathematically probable....not so much.
Mathematically, it's a satellite.  Fact.


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2016, 02:47:13 AM »
"Mathematically, it's a satellite.  Fact."

I feel you missed the point of my reply. Of course it is natural of me to want to agree with you on the "fact" part. A few of the private birds up there "should" have some parts of mine. As well as a few of the rockets that got them there, "should" have my fuel supply/control parts in them. This is the main reason I posted the original question here.

However, the point of my reply to you was to be careful of locking things in a "fact" box. There could always be "another" explanation no matter how much of a mathematical longshot it is. Sure most of the time it is what it is, but that one time it isn't..... You might miss it
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Sir Richard

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 451
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2016, 06:12:03 AM »
"Satalites bring me TV. Definite"

Despite my claims, questions, and info prior in the thread. I have to say you cannot say definite fact. It is mathematically plausible that it is all ground based transmission. Mathematically probable....not so much.
Mathematically, it's a satellite.  Fact.
Flat Earth Theory allows for both stationary and orbiting satellites. The existence of either is a fact and neither proves nor disproves the Flat Earth Theory.
"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"  J Stalin

"It is not the people that vote that count it is the people that count the votes" J Stalin

Re: Genuine question
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2016, 10:52:23 AM »
"Satalites bring me TV. Definite"

Despite my claims, questions, and info prior in the thread. I have to say you cannot say definite fact. It is mathematically plausible that it is all ground based transmission. Mathematically probable....not so much.
Mathematically, it's a satellite.  Fact.
Flat Earth Theory allows for both stationary and orbiting satellites. The existence of either is a fact and neither proves nor disproves the Flat Earth Theory.
The angles of dishes for reception are only possible on a round earth.



  • 3752
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2016, 01:32:54 PM »

  I have had a question regarding this theory that has weighed on me. Despite the field I work in, I am not closed mind and I truly appreciate outside the box thinking. I truly enjoy questioning the norm, what is fact and what is not (I also realize no matter what, "facts" are more of a mythological unicorn and not abundant as purported by many). So please know I ask this question with respect, and it is a genuine question.

  What is the theory on how such a conspiracy can be kept when a conspiracy involving 100s of people can barely be held for a decade?  This would surely involve at least a million people or more, involving many different cultures and nations. Requiring say, Russia, for example, to withhold their pride for the "greater good", which is extremely uncommon not to mention torturous of their culture.

   Also lets remove the government involvement. There are many private sector jobs that rely upon the globe model and support it. For example, my company, I have owned for 9 years, some of the items I manufacturer and design are aviation and aerospace items. Including, but not limited to liquid fuel turbo pumps, piston pumps, gyro components, some electronic shielding, along with many other components that are involved in the production of different machinery. I am paid by for profit private sectors, I have never once been issued payment from any government source. Where are my items going??? Who is really paying for them? Are these private sectors just dummy corps for the correct image? If so who is benefiting from this and what is the purpose?

   I have also been invited by long term clients to either visit or required to travel to certain locations for business if issues arrive. Also anytime there is a failure rather it one of my products liability or not (much much bureaucracy involved). I have first hand seen ground control centers for Eutelsat and Intelsat. I have got to observe the data feeds sent and returned, have even been able to witness maintenance adjustment procedure done on a mid orbit bird. I have also seen partially complete and fully completed satellites before delivery. How is this explained? What have I witnessed in the control rooms??? Was it a video game to look the part? Where are these birds going if the physics behind them are impossible??? Are they junked somewhere?? Just a giant waste to keep appearances? Granted I will say there are no pictures or anything of the such in the control areas, just data and position charts along with radar variances. However, this seems very elaborate  for something that only a very few people will see.  I would truly enjoy to hear the position and theory explaining this.

   I will say one thing though, and this has seemed odd to me. For the last 4 years the materials requested for anything aerospace wise has diminished to a very small portion.  The big 7 sat builders (which are government funded) dissolve any private sector builders by two ways. One make it impossible to launch with bureaucratic tape, or two, one of the big 7 buys that company and they vanish. Government explanation is so they can control what is up there, supposedly preventing junk from being launched, failing in orbit, causing cascade reactions, losing guidance before it can even reach a junk orbit ect ect. Also "lowering" insurance premiums (have yet to be seen, also it is almost impossible to get insurance as a private builder now, they either price you out of business or just deny completely). This action took place almost over night with no warning, no grandfather clause and really nothing at all to do about it. This has never set right with me.

   These are just a few of the questions I have had regarding your theory, without getting into the physics of things, I believe the question needs to be addressed about the dynamics and magnitude of the conspiracy itself. As I said before, this is asked with respect and a genuine search for the answer. Freedom of mind and thought is one of the highest of my priority.

I ask because I am interested.... seemingly "insane" theories such as these have two out comes. One they are just insane, or two, they are the truth. Sheeple are real, conspiracies are real and so are trolls. However, from the possibility of the second option, I never disregard a theory until it collapses in on itself.

I've heard may people say, "The moon landings can't be fake because so many people were involved, someone would have surely blown the whistle". To me, I don't see it that way. I believe it would be easy to fake. It wasn't like everyone worked in one giant room where someone could look over your shoulder at what you are doing, it was all compartmentalized from the outside contractors to the inside workers. Only a few chosen ones working for the government or NASA in top positions had to know the real truth. Take the Apollo astronauts for example, most everyone of them were FREEMASONS. Do you think it was simply a coincidence they chose these guys to be astronauts? I don't think so. If you know anything about the Freemasons, it is that they will swear to the death to keep a secret. So far they have succeeded. To me, one clue that gives them away is they won't swear on the Bible they walked on the moon. I personally don't see anything wrong with swearing on the Bible to tell the truth. To me, if a person refuses to swear on the Bible to tell the truth, he must be lying about something. What else would keep you from doing that and why would someone be so combative when someone simply asks you to do that? Our court system requires witnesses to swear on the Bible to tell the truth all the time, I've never heard of or seen a witness want to fight someone because they had to put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth. Do these guy look like American heroes to you or paid actors? Watch this video link below if you don't know what I mean.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

The rest of the people were only interested in is the money and could really care less what they were working on was used for or where it ended up. Anyone, in their right mind, that suspected something not just right risked their job and the jobs of many others and possible jail time or even death, was not going to blow any whistles because we all know that nothing good happens to whistle blowers. They did their jobs and kept their mouths shut. You may remember the famous quote from Schultz, who played the part of a German guard on the TV show Hogan's Heroes, "I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!". But he did and he chose to keep his mouth shut and go along with the flow and that is what they did.

They look to me like people that have dealt with Sibrel before, know him for the stalker he is, know that he will call them a liar whether they swear on the bible or not and know it is far easier to try to have nothing to do with him.  Incidentally, some astronauts DID swear on the bible when he asked but he doesn't show you those, does he?

As for the compartmentalization argument, if only a few were in the know then the rest would be building equipment capable of getting to the Moon and back, so why not use it?  And the argument fails anyway.  You'd have to have many people involved in building the sets, filming and editing the videos, faking the photos, faking the telemetry, etc.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 01:35:22 PM by frenat »


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2016, 03:01:32 PM »
"Satalites bring me TV. Definite"

Despite my claims, questions, and info prior in the thread. I have to say you cannot say definite fact. It is mathematically plausible that it is all ground based transmission. Mathematically probable....not so much.
Mathematically, it's a satellite.  Fact.
Flat Earth Theory allows for both stationary and orbiting satellites. The existence of either is a fact and neither proves nor disproves the Flat Earth Theory.

Oh this is satellites are allowed in flat earth theory?? Every theorist I have come across say satellites are just a lie. So if they are possible in this theory, then that would explain where my parts have went and what I have seen.

So with that said, how do they maintain "orbit" on a flat model or not come crashing down. I know how much fuel they take with them, and without the slingshot and gravitational orbit effect, it would be a matter of a day before they were crashing through the atmosphere out of fuel. They only make adjustments at a max of every six months and it is in a matter of seconds, some only need it once every couple years, it depends on how high their orbit is and the style of orbit.

This is a new bit of info on this theory to me. What do they oribit? How are they kept in position in both orbit and altitude ?
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • Planar Moderator
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2016, 04:15:54 PM »
Even round Earther's can attest to the disinformation that you are spreading by claiming that satellites are only there due to the slingshot effect.  Is this the best that NASA has to send here?


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2016, 05:37:20 PM »
Even round Earther's can attest to the disinformation that you are spreading by claiming that satellites are only there due to the slingshot effect.  Is this the best that NASA has to send here?

Really??? I apologize I was trying to minimize length of a post by using the term slingshot. Didn't figure I would need to describe how they use the the curvature and gravity to position the satalite. Number one it is boring me rambling, number two, figured who would care.

As usual I ask a genuine question and get called a shill, or now I am NASA spy or whatever the hell y'all think. This is rediculous, you saying the mainstream populous does this, I am sorry it is beyond worse in the alternative society so it seems.

I was attempting to find a logical site that I could offer some assistance to. The cool thing with this theory is its pretty easy to prove, which many theories do not have this luxury. I still have I think 6 high altitude sound ballons (135,000 feet) that I was using to test a line of site altimeter. Also alot of cool gear to send up with them. Was willing to donate or do some tests to look at earth from that altitude, see position of sun and Moon ect.

However seems facts is not the purpose of this place, just nonsense, name calling, accusations ect.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • Planar Moderator
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2016, 05:50:12 PM »
You made the claim that the slingshot effect keeps satellites in the sky.  I called bullsh*t on you, and now you are mad.  Perhaps you should learn a little bit about your own theory before you try preaching it to others?  It would probably help your credibility. 


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2016, 06:06:34 PM »
You made the claim that the slingshot effect keeps satellites in the sky.  I called bullsh*t on you, and now you are mad.  Perhaps you should learn a little bit about your own theory before you try preaching it to others?  It would probably help your credibility. 

Once again I explained why I used such slang. I try to over explain things I leave a "wall of text" that isn't wanted. I under explain and use slang, yet that is ridiculed. I am fully aware of how launching companies achieve all the different orbiting patterns. That was an important point for me to know when I was given specs for electronic shielding .

I am also not mad about that, it is irritating in this theory you ask any questions and you are a shill or working for NASA. This is returned instead of answers or questions.

This is also directed towards someone whom was wanting to help prove the theory. I am in the position to help and can provide tools to help if anyone is actually serious. Yet all I get is just nonsense, it's ridiculous, just circular talk and accusations. Yet this is what the "mainstream" does. Talk about pot calling the kettle black.
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Son of Orospu

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Re: Genuine question
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2016, 06:14:15 PM »
By "over explain," do you mean that you use big words that you don't understand in order to make yourself feel smart?


Luke 22:35-38

  • 3608
  • The earth is a globe, DUH! prove its not
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2016, 06:28:58 PM »
By "over explain," do you mean that you use big words that you don't understand in order to make yourself feel smart...

...That anyone can look up in a dictionary and see for themselves what the word means?
The Bible doesn't support a flat earth.

Scripture, facts, science, stats, and logic is how I argue.


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2016, 06:50:53 PM »
By "over explain," do you mean that you use big words that you don't understand in order to make yourself feel smart?

Ok??? I looked over my original question as well as the follow up replies. I see nothing in the content of the "words" that seem unusual in a typical conversation. If any of these confused you I apologize. I may have gotten a bit long winded on the first post with an attempt to explain my question, a little about myself, and the fact I ask with respect and an open mind.

However, yet another post where there is no answers or substance .  Just generalized name calling with 0 substance. I imagine you would have been one of the raving spectators in a witch burning?

You can live in your own ignorance if you would like, free will is a gift we have been granted. However, I do hold against you the stigma your type gives people whom are intelligently and without bias searching for the truth. Your type gives the mainstream easy ammo to be used against us for our disqualification without even looking at the content. You parrot out things you have heard from a brothers mothers sisters double removed 92 year old aunts fabel. Or a YouTube video that is spouting the same type content. Then when faced with something a little more solid, instead of listening. Truly researching, educating yourself with the correct math skills and other attributes needed to dissect what mainstream and competent alternative researchers are working on. You resort to name calling, rediculous accusations and act like a 4 year old whom had their Lincoln log house kicked over.

These types of mentalities, actions and demeanors are more damaging to alternative ideology than anything the mainstream could do. As a matter of fact they don't have to do anything, they just show the idiots among us, that speaks louder than words.

My whole point, have your views, act the way you want, just don't mention you speak for any ideology or movement. They would be better off without it.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 06:53:54 PM by Babyhighspeed »
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Sir Richard

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 451
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2016, 05:40:21 AM »
"Satalites bring me TV. Definite"

Despite my claims, questions, and info prior in the thread. I have to say you cannot say definite fact. It is mathematically plausible that it is all ground based transmission. Mathematically probable....not so much.
Mathematically, it's a satellite.  Fact.
Flat Earth Theory allows for both stationary and orbiting satellites. The existence of either is a fact and neither proves nor disproves the Flat Earth Theory.

Oh this is satellites are allowed in flat earth theory?? Every theorist I have come across say satellites are just a lie. So if they are possible in this theory, then that would explain where my parts have went and what I have seen.

So with that said, how do they maintain "orbit" on a flat model or not come crashing down. I know how much fuel they take with them, and without the slingshot and gravitational orbit effect, it would be a matter of a day before they were crashing through the atmosphere out of fuel. They only make adjustments at a max of every six months and it is in a matter of seconds, some only need it once every couple years, it depends on how high their orbit is and the style of orbit.

This is a new bit of info on this theory to me. What do they oribit? How are they kept in position in both orbit and altitude ?
Well my Dear Fellow I feel like I am standing next to a human demolition hammer which is knocking out questions with a rapidly that almost defies comprehension. I am also very glad to see that you have learned a bit more about the flat earth theory- which is no more monolithic than that of the helio-centrists whose arguments about the size (or lack there of) of the bounded universe are endless and akin to two scholastics arguing about the wingspan of angels, but I digress.

I will keep this at a high level for you, please understand, or else I would be here, all of this this early Spring Sunday afternoon ,which I am now spending look over the expanse of my Garden here in Cornwall- perhaps the loveliest part of God's Green Earth.

First their is the matter of the Terrestrial Plane and the bounded surface. The Terrestrial plane is a bounded non Euclidian surface.  If you are versed in math, and even if you are not, one may think of it in the same manner that hello-centrists think about Einstein's model of Space (which I disagree with) ...not I said SPACE not SPACETIME (Which are two differing things).  Although the scale is much smaller (for the Terrestrial Plane) that Einsteins Space of the Universe, we can simply say this- if we increase the boundary constant large enough, we can create a non- euclidian surface (just like Einsteins very large Space but with a smaller boundary constant), given a finite size (the  Terrestrial Plane) and we have a surface such that if I move in the direction X, and only x from spot X/Y I will eventually arrive in the place X/Y from whence I started.

Second to this there is the Celestial Sphere which is above the Terrestrial plane. The common link, if you will is the Aether which increases in density geometrically from its altitude from the Terrestrial Plane. In fact the density is so much greater that we refer to aether on the Terrestrial Plane as Quintessence.  None the less it exists in the Celestial Sphere, as described by Einstein, and serves as the mechanism that keeps the celestial objects such as the Sun, Luna and the planets (that move about the Sphere) from crashing to the Earth. In addition as the Aether increases in density it increases it's rotation motion. So it might be helpful, although not accurate, to think of Aether as the fluid that the moving objects of the Celestial Sphere float in. In addition the aether is moving in a circular manner moving said objects, or affecting their movement.

The Celestial Sphere, however, is a Euclidian Surface, and thus we have a Euclidian Surface (spherical in shape, or semi-spherical, above a bounded non Euclidian Surface

Now were I to launch into the Celestial Sphere an object, with a low enough velocity such that it did not reach the rotation currents of the Aether, but at a high enough velocity where by the aether was dense enough to hold it in place I would have a stationary object, in the aether, but not affected by the rotational motion of such. Thus we see stationary satellites that "hover" in the same place above the Terrestrial plane.
If I were to do the same as above, but at a high enough velocity such that said object reached the rotational Currents of the aether, I would then have an object that was supported by the aether and also moved by its rotational motion. Thus we have moving satellites. The speed and path are dependent on the distance of said object from the Terrestrial plane, the density of the aether in which it rests and the rotational speed of the aether varies directly with the altitude above the Terrestrial  Plane.

Furthermore when I trace the movement of a body in the Euclidian Space of the Celestial Sphere on the surface of a bounded non Euclidian Surface (the Terrestrial plane) I see the "sometimes strange"  paths of motion.

Technically you are correct, the Flat Earth does not allow for orbiting bodies, so I stand corrected in my choice of words, but in the main my view is correct. We can move man made objects into the aether/Celestial Sphere and have them assume rotation motion in the celestial sphere and trace their paths in the non Euclidian Bounded surface. Conversely we can also put objects, low enough, into the aether whereby the are impinged on none at all and are thus stationary.

If I were to trace the move
"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"  J Stalin

"It is not the people that vote that count it is the people that count the votes" J Stalin


Bom Tishop

  • 11197
  • Official friend boy of the FES!!
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2016, 06:51:15 AM »
Sir Richard....I applaud you and thoroughly thank you for your reply. An actual answer instead of ridiculous accusations or name calling, refreshing.

Soo. From what I understand of your description, you are saying there is some sort of friction in the vacuum of space? This friction is what "holds" the satalites, and I would imagine this same friction is what holds the sun, Moon ect in their circular path? This act of "friction" is the aether?

I am aware of how Einstein felt about that word, and even when he did speak about it, the aether did not have this type of function. So there are some changes in the physics model in this theory?

Oh, and using the process of elimination, I would imagine in this model "gravity" would be caused by the movement of said aether, instead of a relationship to mass.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 06:57:34 AM by Babyhighspeed »
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir


Sir Richard

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 451
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2016, 09:11:31 AM »
Sir Richard....I applaud you and thoroughly thank you for your reply. An actual answer instead of ridiculous accusations or name calling, refreshing.

Soo. From what I understand of your description, you are saying there is some sort of friction in the vacuum of space? This friction is what "holds" the satalites, and I would imagine this same friction is what holds the sun, Moon ect in their circular path? This act of "friction" is the aether?

I am aware of how Einstein felt about that word, and even when he did speak about it, the aether did not have this type of function. So there are some changes in the physics model in this theory?

Oh, and using the process of elimination, I would imagine in this model "gravity" would be caused by the movement of said aether, instead of a relationship to mass.
It is aether as described by Newton, one can think of it as friction caused by matter, but also as a force imposed by aether that is correct.
With regards to gravity that is a speculative black hole that is nothing more than obfuscated Majik.
Rather the natural downward motion or attraction of objects is th effect of Universal Acceleration.
"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"  J Stalin

"It is not the people that vote that count it is the people that count the votes" J Stalin



  • 1676
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2016, 10:15:26 AM »

  I have had a question regarding this theory that has weighed on me. Despite the field I work in, I am not closed mind and I truly appreciate outside the box thinking. I truly enjoy questioning the norm, what is fact and what is not (I also realize no matter what, "facts" are more of a mythological unicorn and not abundant as purported by many). So please know I ask this question with respect, and it is a genuine question.

  What is the theory on how such a conspiracy can be kept when a conspiracy involving 100s of people can barely be held for a decade?  This would surely involve at least a million people or more, involving many different cultures and nations. Requiring say, Russia, for example, to withhold their pride for the "greater good", which is extremely uncommon not to mention torturous of their culture.

   Also lets remove the government involvement. There are many private sector jobs that rely upon the globe model and support it. For example, my company, I have owned for 9 years, some of the items I manufacturer and design are aviation and aerospace items. Including, but not limited to liquid fuel turbo pumps, piston pumps, gyro components, some electronic shielding, along with many other components that are involved in the production of different machinery. I am paid by for profit private sectors, I have never once been issued payment from any government source. Where are my items going??? Who is really paying for them? Are these private sectors just dummy corps for the correct image? If so who is benefiting from this and what is the purpose?

   I have also been invited by long term clients to either visit or required to travel to certain locations for business if issues arrive. Also anytime there is a failure rather it one of my products liability or not (much much bureaucracy involved). I have first hand seen ground control centers for Eutelsat and Intelsat. I have got to observe the data feeds sent and returned, have even been able to witness maintenance adjustment procedure done on a mid orbit bird. I have also seen partially complete and fully completed satellites before delivery. How is this explained? What have I witnessed in the control rooms??? Was it a video game to look the part? Where are these birds going if the physics behind them are impossible??? Are they junked somewhere?? Just a giant waste to keep appearances? Granted I will say there are no pictures or anything of the such in the control areas, just data and position charts along with radar variances. However, this seems very elaborate  for something that only a very few people will see.  I would truly enjoy to hear the position and theory explaining this.

   I will say one thing though, and this has seemed odd to me. For the last 4 years the materials requested for anything aerospace wise has diminished to a very small portion.  The big 7 sat builders (which are government funded) dissolve any private sector builders by two ways. One make it impossible to launch with bureaucratic tape, or two, one of the big 7 buys that company and they vanish. Government explanation is so they can control what is up there, supposedly preventing junk from being launched, failing in orbit, causing cascade reactions, losing guidance before it can even reach a junk orbit ect ect. Also "lowering" insurance premiums (have yet to be seen, also it is almost impossible to get insurance as a private builder now, they either price you out of business or just deny completely). This action took place almost over night with no warning, no grandfather clause and really nothing at all to do about it. This has never set right with me.

   These are just a few of the questions I have had regarding your theory, without getting into the physics of things, I believe the question needs to be addressed about the dynamics and magnitude of the conspiracy itself. As I said before, this is asked with respect and a genuine search for the answer. Freedom of mind and thought is one of the highest of my priority.

I ask because I am interested.... seemingly "insane" theories such as these have two out comes. One they are just insane, or two, they are the truth. Sheeple are real, conspiracies are real and so are trolls. However, from the possibility of the second option, I never disregard a theory until it collapses in on itself.

I've heard may people say, "The moon landings can't be fake because so many people were involved, someone would have surely blown the whistle". To me, I don't see it that way. I believe it would be easy to fake. It wasn't like everyone worked in one giant room where someone could look over your shoulder at what you are doing, it was all compartmentalized from the outside contractors to the inside workers. Only a few chosen ones working for the government or NASA in top positions had to know the real truth. Take the Apollo astronauts for example, most everyone of them were FREEMASONS. Do you think it was simply a coincidence they chose these guys to be astronauts? I don't think so. If you know anything about the Freemasons, it is that they will swear to the death to keep a secret. So far they have succeeded. To me, one clue that gives them away is they won't swear on the Bible they walked on the moon. I personally don't see anything wrong with swearing on the Bible to tell the truth. To me, if a person refuses to swear on the Bible to tell the truth, he must be lying about something. What else would keep you from doing that and why would someone be so combative when someone simply asks you to do that? Our court system requires witnesses to swear on the Bible to tell the truth all the time, I've never heard of or seen a witness want to fight someone because they had to put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth. Do these guy look like American heroes to you or paid actors? Watch this video link below if you don't know what I mean.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

The rest of the people were only interested in is the money and could really care less what they were working on was used for or where it ended up. Anyone, in their right mind, that suspected something not just right risked their job and the jobs of many others and possible jail time or even death, was not going to blow any whistles because we all know that nothing good happens to whistle blowers. They did their jobs and kept their mouths shut. You may remember the famous quote from Schultz, who played the part of a German guard on the TV show Hogan's Heroes, "I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!". But he did and he chose to keep his mouth shut and go along with the flow and that is what they did.

They look to me like people that have dealt with Sibrel before, know him for the stalker he is, know that he will call them a liar whether they swear on the bible or not and know it is far easier to try to have nothing to do with him.  Incidentally, some astronauts DID swear on the bible when he asked but he doesn't show you those, does he?

I'm sure they realize that there are those that don't believe they walked on the moon and Sibrel was using a tactic to see if they would go against there indoctrination. If I went to the moon and I'm sure you would too, have no problem swearing on the Bible or taking a polygraph test or doing anything necessary to prove once in for all I did walk on the moon. Why would you not want to? I would be proud to do it.

As for the compartmentalization argument, if only a few were in the know then the rest would be building equipment capable of getting to the Moon and back, so why not use it?  And the argument fails anyway.  You'd have to have many people involved in building the sets, filming and editing the videos, faking the photos, faking the telemetry, etc.

Yes, those building the hardware certainly felt like they were designing and building hardware that was going to the moon. I have in fact designed hardware that I was told was going in satellites and probably for the ISS too. Once it was approved and shipped I had no clue where it went after it left the facility. If could have gone in a satellite, in the ocean, on a shelf or be on a high altitude platform, (HAP), of some sort. I had no proof of anything.

You mention many people involved in building sets for filming and pictures etc. Everything they did they had simulators that they used for testing. I believe they used the IBM 360 for simulating the the entire flight to the moon and back. The computers were programmed to run different scenarios and feed the information to the main control center at Huston. The people reading the information had no way of knowing if what they were watching was a simulation or the real thing. Even the people making the visual sets were probably told it was for simulation only or it was going to be used in a movie. The point is this. Everyone involved was looking at it as if we were at war with the USSR. It was a very patriotic time and everyone involved had no reason to doubt anything they were doing or being told. They felt like they were helping the war effort in their own special way. Hell, Nixon himself probably believed we went to the moon. I think what most people can't get in there head is how powerful the U.S. government really is. Most of my entire working career has been designing equipment that was used for our government. I can't go into detail, let's just say it wasn't for the postal service. I know personally, not all, but a lot they can do or get it done. If people in high places or have a lot of money wants something done, trust me, it will happen.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell


Round and Proud

  • 801
  • Speculative fiction writer
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2016, 07:48:37 AM »
You mention many people involved in building sets for filming and pictures etc. Everything they did they had simulators that they used for testing. I believe they used the IBM 360 for simulating the the entire flight to the moon and back. The computers were programmed to run different scenarios and feed the information to the main control center at Huston. The people reading the information had no way of knowing if what they were watching was a simulation or the real thing.

Except  for the fact the radio frequencies were and are not classified and known to millions of Ham Radio Operators around the world.

That is a problem for the anti-NASA/Space Program crowd.  Transmissions at the distances involved have a specific RT time. It is a simple matter of timing the RT of the signal, to get distance. Now add that Ham Radio Operators are a close knit group that live to share information, can combine their timings, matched from their location and use that information to precisely locate the Sat in orbit or on and around the Moon or Mars, or other probes in the Solar System.

So compartmentalized or not, several million Ham Operators would be required to be in the "secret."
Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime...



  • 1676
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2016, 09:24:04 AM »
You mention many people involved in building sets for filming and pictures etc. Everything they did they had simulators that they used for testing. I believe they used the IBM 360 for simulating the the entire flight to the moon and back. The computers were programmed to run different scenarios and feed the information to the main control center at Huston. The people reading the information had no way of knowing if what they were watching was a simulation or the real thing.

Except  for the fact the radio frequencies were and are not classified and known to millions of Ham Radio Operators around the world.

That is a problem for the anti-NASA/Space Program crowd.  Transmissions at the distances involved have a specific RT time. It is a simple matter of timing the RT of the signal, to get distance. Now add that Ham Radio Operators are a close knit group that live to share information, can combine their timings, matched from their location and use that information to precisely locate the Sat in orbit or on and around the Moon or Mars, or other probes in the Solar System.

So compartmentalized or not, several million Ham Operators would be required to be in the "secret."

So, you are saying that because Ham Radio Operators heard the astronauts talking is proof we went to the moon and you have ruled out satellites could not have been used or radio waves bounced off the moon? I prefer to think the later was used.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell



  • 846
  • Defender of NASA
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2016, 11:51:50 AM »
You mention many people involved in building sets for filming and pictures etc. Everything they did they had simulators that they used for testing. I believe they used the IBM 360 for simulating the the entire flight to the moon and back. The computers were programmed to run different scenarios and feed the information to the main control center at Huston. The people reading the information had no way of knowing if what they were watching was a simulation or the real thing.

Except  for the fact the radio frequencies were and are not classified and known to millions of Ham Radio Operators around the world.

That is a problem for the anti-NASA/Space Program crowd.  Transmissions at the distances involved have a specific RT time. It is a simple matter of timing the RT of the signal, to get distance. Now add that Ham Radio Operators are a close knit group that live to share information, can combine their timings, matched from their location and use that information to precisely locate the Sat in orbit or on and around the Moon or Mars, or other probes in the Solar System.

So compartmentalized or not, several million Ham Operators would be required to be in the "secret."

So, you are saying that because Ham Radio Operators heard the astronauts talking is proof we went to the moon and you have ruled out satellites could not have been used or radio waves bounced off the moon? I prefer to think the later was used.

Did you not read what he said?  There's no way ham radio operators could be fooled by just bouncing radio waves off the moon, because they share observations and work together to determine the satellite's location. 
Aerospace Engineering Student
NASA Enthusiast
Round Earth Advocate
More qualified to speak for NASA than you are to speak against them


Round and Proud

  • 801
  • Speculative fiction writer
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2016, 01:59:41 PM »
You mention many people involved in building sets for filming and pictures etc. Everything they did they had simulators that they used for testing. I believe they used the IBM 360 for simulating the the entire flight to the moon and back. The computers were programmed to run different scenarios and feed the information to the main control center at Huston. The people reading the information had no way of knowing if what they were watching was a simulation or the real thing.

Except  for the fact the radio frequencies were and are not classified and known to millions of Ham Radio Operators around the world.

That is a problem for the anti-NASA/Space Program crowd.  Transmissions at the distances involved have a specific RT time. It is a simple matter of timing the RT of the signal, to get distance. Now add that Ham Radio Operators are a close knit group that live to share information, can combine their timings, matched from their location and use that information to precisely locate the Sat in orbit or on and around the Moon or Mars, or other probes in the Solar System.

So compartmentalized or not, several million Ham Operators would be required to be in the "secret."

So, you are saying that because Ham Radio Operators heard the astronauts talking is proof we went to the moon and you have ruled out satellites could not have been used or radio waves bounced off the moon? I prefer to think the later was used.

Reading comprehension is not your wheelhouse. 

The measurements are precise  and by triangulation, the exact source can be pinpointed. Knowing the wattage of  radio source makes it even more exact.

I prefer to think the later was used.

Well who didn't already know that? ANYTHING that interferes with your fantasy, results in your eyes closed tight, your fingers in your ears and you screaming LA LA LA LA LA LA.
Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime...



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2016, 10:05:30 PM »
So, you are saying that because Ham Radio Operators heard the astronauts talking is proof we went to the moon and you have ruled out satellites could not have been used or radio waves bounced off the moon? I prefer to think the later was used.

Yes, but last I heard Flat Earthers vehemently denied the possibility of satellites!

Have you finally "seen the light" and accept that we have the ISS, GPS and TV satellites.



  • 1676
Re: Genuine question
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2016, 09:00:17 AM »
You guys act like satellites are the only way to communicate. We where communicating long before satellites were thought of. I have my doubts it is all because I have seen many thing that leads me to believe that way. Maybe I'm wrong and you are right, but I'm not going to rule out that there are many other ways to do something.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell